Chapter twenty two

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Jennie and I haven't said a word to each other since five days, and now it was the weekend. She stopped appearing at the lunch table after two days of me still sitting by Rosé. If she thought I was going to forget about her actions just overnight, she was mistaken.

Jungkook took me back home almost everyday this week and I also had lunch with him because Miranda was busy with her banking work. It almost seems like things were going back to exactly how they were before Jennie came in my life.

Things with Jungkook are better, so much better than they have been. We have been spending a lot of time together. Jisoo and Rosé have things going smoothly for them, and I am not sure what's going on between Jungkook and Tzuyu, but he tells me that I shouldn't be worried about it, so for once, I am not.

"We have plans for this weekend, don't we?" Jisoo asks, painting my toes with bright red colour while I stuff ice cream in my mouth.

"What plans?" I ask.

"We all are going to the White Rock Lake." She grins at me widely and I groan.

"But I want to stay in."

"We always stay in! Also, Rosé is bringing a few of her friends along. It's going to be fun." She tries to make me smile but I just role my eyes.

"Alright then! Are we going to take a trail or are we bicycling?" I ask.

"On foot." She says and I nod.

It's noon and jisoo stayed over last night, so now she's trying to do girly things to me, like applying nail paint on my toes.

"At what time are we leaving?" I ask, standing up from the couch to go change into more decent clothes.

"Half an hour. Guys will be here soon." She tells me and I drag her upstairs to pick out an outfit for me.

I lie down on my bed while Jisoo looks through my wardrobe and then picks out two outfits. One is a floral print dress, and while that seems more fitting, I go for the navy blue dungaree she picked out.

"I'll be downstairs, alright?" She asks, and I nod.

She's already in short and a fitting black top. Her light make up is done, so I am the only one who needs to get ready. I pull on the dungaree after getting out of my jeans that I put on this morning. It takes me two minutes to adjust the thin straps of the dungaree across my shoulder, and then I look into the mirror. A smile takes over my features - it suits me. I put a thin line of liner on my eyelids before putting a hat on my head.

I didn't realise that I took half an hour because by the time I get down, everyone is gathered in the living room. Tell me again, why does everyone always ends up at my place somehow?

There are about two new and one unwelcome face in the crowd. Those two new faces belong to Rosé's friends. Sehun and kai. While Kai seems more Jimin's type, if you know what I mean, sehun is what I can only describe in one word - cute.

The unwelcome face belongs to Yeri who's practically sitting in Jennie's lap. Jungkook and Tzuyu seem to be in a deep conversation, they are holding hands so I try not to stare. Jisoo, Rosé, Kai and sehun are all in a conversation of their own.

But, Jimin is the first one who looks up at me. His mouth falls open before a smirk takes over his features, "Damn." He says and I frown at him.

His voice snaps everyone to look at me and I wave awkwardly, trying not to fidget under everyone's stare. The doorbell rings and jisoo goes to open it. But when the person enters the living room, I kind of lose it.

Holy fucking shit.

"Tell me this is a fucking joke." I say out aloud, causing him to laugh.

"Yup, you haven't changed a bit in this one year." He smirks, causing his fucking dimples to show up.

He walks towards me and as soon as he's in the touching distance, I wrap my arms around him, "Holy shit." I whisper in his chest, which vibrates as he laughs.

"Hey babe." He winks, causing me to flush red as we part.

"Taehyung." I manage to smile at him without hyperventilating.

Well, we broke up because of Jungkook, but that doesn't change the fact that he's incredibly good looking and that I am a teenager girl who likes hot guys. .

He has dark hair, but the perfect jawline and defined cheekbones... Damn! I am even jealous of his fucking eyelashes because boys don't deserve beautiful eyelashes. And his brown eyes and boxy smile.

"You're staring." He whispers, an arrogant smirk on his features and I hit him.

"Yes, I was trying to see if you have developed any good looking features since you went off to college." I say, and jisoo snickers.

"Don't let her fool you. She missed you." She tells him and I roll my eyes.

"Oh trust me, she wrote me emails after I went away." He tells her and I gasp.

"Tse, I am going to kick your ass."

He chuckles and puts his arm around my shoulder before turning to everyone, "So, when we were dating, you had two friends limited to these two dorks." He points towards Jungkook and jisoo who just glare at him. "When did you become social?"

"She didn't, we kind of adopted her." Jimin pipes in and I flip him off.

Tae chuckles, "That's Jimin for you." I say.

"Alright, go on." He encourages me to introduce everyone.

"That's Rosé, jisoo's girlfriend." I point out and Tae looks him up and down.

So, Tae and jisoo had this brother-sister kind of bonding so I kind of get the look on his face. "Did you warn her about your baseball bat?" He turns to me and I grin.

"You haven't forgotten a thing, buddy." I pat his shoulder. "Those will be Sehun and Kai, her friends. By the way, hey guys." I smile at them and they both nod at us.

"That's Tzuyu, Jungkook's girlfriend." I say and Tae squeezes my shoulder before pulling me closer to himself.

See, the thing is, I never confessed in front of him. But when he said we couldn't work out because of Jungkook, I didn't stop him from trying to walk away either. He was a good friend even before we dated, but then he went to college and we lost contact.

"And the last would be Kim and Yeri." I say without looking at either of them but I know Jennie is glaring at me, which is like her new hobby.

"Jennie?" Tae says and Jennie gives out a tight lipped smile when I glance at her, "Never thought I'll see you in this house, man!"

I look up at him, "You know her?"

"I was in basket ball team, remember?" He points out and I nod, finally understanding.

He wasn't as popular as Jennie, but the reason Tae and I were introduced to each other was because of Jungkook, since all of them were in the team.

"Are we going or not?" Jennie asks, annoyance dripping her tone.

"I thought you weren't going to come until next weekend when you are taking a trip with Dad and everyone else." I tell Tae as everyone moves out of the house and he sticks by my side while I lock the front door after putting on my sneakers.

"Yeah, I haven't been home in a long time, and I didn't have much lectures next week, so Dad demanded my ass home." He shrugs and I nod.

Everyone is standing outside my house, deciding on who is going in whose car. I stand between Jisoo and Tae, my eyes following Yeri.

"Not to be rude or anything, but why are you wearing this type of dress?" I ask, pointing out her floral print mini dress. My eyes meets hers and she's glaring at me. Honestly, I thought she was done with Jennie this week earlier, but apparently not.

"You jealous?" She smirks.

"Please, have you looked at her?" Tae interrupts, his eyes roaming around my body and I stand on my toes, putting my hand over his eyes and he laughs.

When I am sure he won't check me out like that anymore, I remove my hand and he gives me a cheeky grin.

I turn to Yeri, "We are going to lake side, and it's windy. So.." I point to her dress, "Unless you want to flash.." I look at her face and immediately realise that I just hit bull's eye. "Alright then." I look away from her.

Tzuyu chuckles and gives me an approving nod and I smile back at her. I am trying to keep the things to the lowest level of awkward these days, and it has been working so far.

"So, we obviously won't fit in one car." Sehun starts and everyone agrees.

"Four of us can take my car." Rosé says, pointing to her friends and girlfriend.

"I'll be taking my car." Jungkook says and then Jennie speaks up.

"Me too."

"Alright then, who are the two of you going with?" Jimin asks Tae and I.

I look up at him and he shrugs at me, leaving the choice on me. I don't want to be trapped with Tzuyu and Jungkook, but they will be much better than Jennie and Yeri.

"You guys are three already." I tell Jimin, "We'll go with kookie."

Jungkook smiles at me but I hear Jennie snort before she turns towards her car, Yeri and Jimin behind them. It's a twenty minutes ride from our houses to the lake. Tae and I slide into the backseat, while Tzuyu takes the front passenger seat by Jungkook. She's wearing shorts with a crop top, and she honestly looks pretty.

Tae and Jungkook talk throughout the whole ride about basket ball but then Tzuyu groans, "How will the two of you like if Lisa and I continuously talked about make up and girly shit?" She asks.

I laugh, "Sooo, Tzuyu. Mac or Lakme?" I ask and she turns around to give me a grin.

"You don't even apply makeup." Jungkook points out, talking to me and I shrug.

"Doesn't mean I can't talk about it. It definitely makes girls look pretty." I stick my tongue out at him, making him shake his hear.

Tzuyu's eyes meet at me, she's looking at me, "So, what's been going on between Jennie and you?" She asks.

Well, if I was drinking water, I definitely would have spit it out at her question. But, since I am not, I just give her a confused look.

"What are you talking about?" I ask and from the corner of my eye, I see Tae smirking at me.

"Please, Lisa. Everyone at the table knows some shit is up, because you are giving her the silent treatment and then she stops coming to lunch. Something's definitely up." She says, an amused smile on her face that actually manages to taunt me.

I shake my head, "she's an asshole, that's all." I shrug.

"Oh, it feels like everything is right again in the world." Jungkook remarks sarcastically just as we reach.

Everyone parks their cars and we start walking the trail towards the lake, not a lot of people are there, which is a little shocking because it's the weekend. But I can see kids with their parents, and a mother playing with her kid. The sight immediately makes me smile and realise that I never had that. But I don't want to spoil my mood today, so I distract myself.

"So sehun and Kai, tell us about yourselves." I say, as I trail behind them, Tae by my side.

Tzuyu and Jungkook are the ones walking in the front, holding hands, so I have managed my distance from them. Jennie, Jimin and Yeri are behind us, while Jisoo and Rosé are besides me.

"I am gay." Kai says.

"Really? The make up didn't give it away." Rosé teases her friend which makes me laugh.

"I didn't ask about your sexual preference Kai, I asked something about you. Hobbies, and shit like that?" I ask.

He turns around to give me a smile, "I like you. Anyway, I am obsessed with make up, and want to be a make up artist someday."

"Oh, if you ever get popular in that field and meet Rihanna, get me a bra signed from her." Tzuyu says from the front.

"Babe." Jungkook groans, making me smile a little.

They are good together, even if the dork fails to realise it. Tae bumps his shoulder with mine and gives me a reassuring smile which I return with my own small one.

It takes us about an hour walk to reach the lake even after parking the cars so near to the quickest way we knew. But, I didn't mind much because this was definitely for fun.

When we reached the lake, after a lot of whining from Yeri and Jimin, and obviously, me. Jungkook walked with through half of it, us singing out songs aloud of boybands like Five Seconds of Summer and One Direction. Somewhere between that, Tzuyu kind of disowned her boyfriend which made me laugh a lot.

"Heyyy guysss! Can we go to the creek point?" I ask everyone when we are like only twenty minutes away from it. Jimin groan like a baby while Yeri just glares at me so I glare right back at her, "I didn't ask you to wear the heels now, did I?"

"I didn't sign up for this shit, alright? I just came to hang out with her." She points to Jennie who's looking between the two of us.

"Then you two hang out here. Is anyone joining me to the creek?" I ask and Tae, Jungkook, jisoo and Jimin immediately agree.

"Babe, come on, it will be fun." Jungkook tells Tzuyu, tugging on her hand and she just pouts at me.

"Give me a piggy and I'll reconsider." She tells him.

He groans but settles down in front of her nonetheless, "Hop on." He says.

"Whipped. That's what he is." Jimin says from behind me. Ouch. Okay. I turn to him and he smiles at me, "You want a piggy?" He grins at me and I flick his forehead.

"Well, since everyone is obviously going, we might as well go." Sehun tells Kai and Rosé who nod.

The only one left behind are Jennie and Yeri, but I don't wait for them to follow. If they want to stay here and make out, they can. I want to go to the creek.

I am walking alone, taking in the greenery around me when an arm wraps around my waist, making me yelp in surprise. The warmth of the body behind me immediately tells me who it is but I jerk away from her touch, almost like it burned me.

Jennie is staring at me when I turn around, so in return, I offer her a glare, "There was a bicyclist who went just by your side, almost hitting you." She explains and when I look down the trail, indeed a cycle is going down.

If she hadn't done what she did, I would have ended up in the lake on my right, which would have been a lot of trouble because swimming in the lake is banned, which means no one can enter it due to the obvious safety reasons.

I look up at her, and nod. I mutter a quick thank you before walking along the trail again.

"What the hell is your problem?" I hear Jennie behind me and I roll my eyes.

Why are guys dumb enough to ask that question after doing a mistake? Never thought Jennie would fit the category.

"You have been giving me the silent treatment for a week now. Come on!" She says, obviously frustrated but I start walking faster until I reach the others.

Tae immediately hooks me by his side and I smile at him. I am glad that things aren't awkward between us. He's still this amazing person he always has been.

When we reach the creek, I immediately take in the surroundings and smile to myself. The water is falling down from a height and so much greenery is there around the lake, which only makes me smile wider. I feel someone's gaze on me and I turn to see Jennie looking at me.

A small smile is there on her face as she watches me and for a second, I realise that I am still smiling. But when I remember that I am supposed to be mad at her, I look away.

"She's jealous, you know?" Tae whispers in my ear and I give him an incredulous look.

"Do I need to lend you blind man glasses?" I can't help but laugh.

"Please. The sexual tension between the two of you is killing me, Lisa." He says and everyone starts settling down.

I sit by a rock and my eyes wander off to Jungkook who by my unfortunate luck is kissing Tzuyu. I immediately look away as it makes a very similar pain appear in my chest. Then I look at Jennie, and see her looking right at me while Yeri is trying to kiss her cheek.

"You want me to prove it to you?" Tae asks and I look at him with a frown.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, let's countdown shall we?" He smirks scooting closer to me and that's when I realise what he's about to do.

"Don't do this, Tae. You are just acting on an assumption here." I tell him as he scoots even closer, his lips coming loom over mine.

"Just countdown with me, shorty." He says, calling me with that hell annoying name that only him and Namjoon use, "Ten." He says.

So I just play along, "Nine."

"Eight." He smirks and with each countdown, his face comes closer to mine.

"Seven." I breathe.

"Six." His eyes move to the corner where I hear some shuffling.


"Four." His lips brush against mine.

This is the last thing I thought I'll be doing today. Kissing my ex boyfriend but he started it, and he's so losing it. There's no way in hell that Jennie is jealous.

"Three." He winks at me, our eyes still wide open.

"Two." I barely whisper.

"Lisa...." I hear Jennie's voice.




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