chap 25

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Hunter pov

I love Celeste, I used to love looking at her, admired her. Now, it's hard for me to even walk by her. She came by earlier today which shocked me I don't know why nor did I ask.

She looked bomb too, anyway I gave her the gift I bought her. It wasn't intentional either, I was just with my mom and she was shopping, then I saw some stuff that reminded me of Celeste.

I first was going to get her sweatshirts and sweaters but then I remembered I didn't want her to be dependant on sweaters. I really wanted her to show her arms. So I picked out some stuff for her.

Anyway, i looked at her at my house and seeing her broke my heart to just imagine her being with someone else. Someone who makes her smile in a way that i cant ever.

I wanted to cry but I blinked back the tears. I know she's pissed at me because she sighed and forced a smile.

I don't think I'll ever really tell her how I feel and that's what kills me.
Celeste pov

I woke up this morning pretty early. Ryan called and woke me up this Saturday we're going somewhere and it's also Hunter's birthday, I wanted to give him something before his party and before I leave with Ryan.

I go to the shower and come back out. I get downstairs and eat some Lucky Charms then I went back up stairs. I put on the shirt Hunter got me the black and white crop tee with his Jersey number on it. I put on black knee cut skinnies black and white high top converse and I wore a black Beanie.

It was still early and I didn't wanna go to school yet. I got outside and stood outside feeling the nice cool morning air. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it, soon I could see Hunter smiling, I felt warm and happy enjoying the moment.

"Hey you look crazy smiling outside alone with your eyes closed like that." Someone called out to me

I quickly opened my eyes and before me stood Ryan.

"Hey, " I said "what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to say goodmorning to the most sexiest the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," he said walking close to me.

I smiled and he embraced me in a hug I hugged back and felt butterflies in my stomach and I felt extremely gittery as my heart beat rapid.

"Also, " he said still holding my waist and our faces close "I wanted to walk you to school " he said

"Really? " I asked

"Yeah, " he said "it's pretty early your school is a little away, by the time we get there you'll be just in time " he said

I laughed "Yeah sure I'll just go get my bookbag " I said.

I walked inside and got my bag and phone. I walked back downstairs , no one has ever walked me anywhere before except for Hunter walking me home.

We stared and he was talking and telling jokes, i laughed and stuff. Then as we approached the school i heard a motorcycle, i turned but it wasnt Hunter. Ryan kept talking saying this really long joke, then I thought of last night thinking of Hunter's laugh and that made me laugh aloud, Ryan laughed too I guess his joke was over.

"That was so funny, I'll use it at school " I said even though I wasnt paying attention

"Yeah " he said

We crossed the street and got to the school. I looked over in the lot and saw hunter's bike. My heart nearly hopped out my chest and I began to speed walk.

I was to the front door ready to run into the school when I was bring pulled back. I was being hit right into Ryan's chest.

"You weren't gonna say goodbye?" He said with that cocky smile of his.

"Oh, yeah, I was" I said smiling myself.

You know it's weird, when I'm with Ryan I feel all gittery and I have butteflies and the world goes so fast along with my heart. And as soon as I'M with Hunter, I feel different, a good different. Like the world is slower i feel safe and I feel warm with him. I don't know which is better. I do know I like Ryan a lot though, and I'm beginning to fancy Hunter which is really weird.

We hug goodbye then he Let's me go

"Don't forget about this Saturday " he Said.

"I won't " I say walking inside

I enter and look around for Hunter. I don't see him anywhere but I saw his bike outside.

I stand in the middle of the hallway my eyes scouring all over, then all of a sudden a crowd of girls are circling me.

"I knew they wouldn't last" one girl says

"Pcht! I don't see why he would even date her. She's ugly anyway " another says behind Me

"He only wanted sex, don't think he loves you. Like he says! You're pathetic! " someone else says pushing me

"Hunter told me this morning that he was so over her. You're not invited to his party either. Also don't bother buying him anything.he doesn't need something you got out the trash " This girl who used to be in middle school with me said

"Are you supposed to be emo? Wearing all black like that " some girl said snatching my Beanie

"Give it back!" I said trying not to cry

"Look at all those bracelets...hiding something? " someone else said

"Leave me alone guys, " I said by voice cracking "I didn't do anything."

"Let me see that" a blonde said

She tried grabbing my arm but I resisted

"Stop it! " I cried out.

"What do you sluts think you're doing? Why are picking on her? You mad because Hunter likes her and not any of you? There's a clear reason as to why. I mean look at you, hot headed horny sluts who are always in his face. Look, all I see in this circle is plastic! She's different. You guys won't ever be in Hunter's range. He's way too good for any of you. " Cheyenne said stepping next to me.

Surprising because I've never spoken to her in my life. I thought she hated me because she was always looking at me.

"So how about you let her go I'll bring forced to make you let go" she said to the girl holding my arm

She let go slowly and made a face. "Got something you need to say? I'M right here toots say it." Cheyenne said stepping towards her

The girl didn't say anything but step back, "exactly, now if I ever see any of you bothering this girl. I'll make a personal visit to your house. We can discuss exactly why you were in her face. Now scurry on you rats" she said.

They all left, Cheyenne put her arm on my shoulder and smiled then left.

I looked ahead and saw Hunter. He put his hand out in front of the girl who took my Beanie. His eyes were cold and his face stone hard and she immediately handed it to him.

He strutted my way and I couldn't help but feel happiness. "This is yours I suppose " he said

"Yeah " I said and took it from him and put it on.

"Come on" he said giving me his hand.

I took it and we walked outside. We stood there in silence then I saw him scan my clothes.

"So, " he said "you liked the stuff?"

"Yeah, they're nice, thanks " I said smiling

"Yeah " he said blankly

I nodded and my smile faded..

"You coming to my party Saturday? " he asked

"I didn't know I was invited. " I said looking at the floor

"Course you are " he said

"Then, I'll stop by" I said looking up at him.

He nodded then I realized something that nearly made me want to jump off the balcony.

"What?" He asked looking at me confused

I put my hand up and rubbed my finger on his bottom lip. I looked at my finger and there I knew what I saw wasnt fake.

It was red lipstick. I Scoffed and shook my head.

"Amazing. " I said

"Look," he began but I cut him off

"Who was it? " I asked

"That doesn't matter" he said

"Hunter who? " I asked..

"It doesn't matter Celeste, it was a one time thing " he said

"Then just tell me!"

"Heather." He said defeatedly

"Wowww! Heather?! Really of all people you're gonna screw Heather! " I called out

"I'M not gonna screw her! It was just a kiss" he said back

"No Hunter. I know you and I know Heather, " I said "you make out now and later you have sex with her. Just like you do with everyone else" I yelled

"That's not true, " he said stern yet calm

"Yes it is! " I said

"No it's not. "

"Let's see, " I said "there's Brittany, that girl who was on the volleyball team but she was kicked off for SLEEPING WITH YOU! there's also kaylie, Alexis, Martha, Margarita . The list goes on Hunter but I can't continue it because it's disgusting. " I said

"You're still wrong." He said

"No I'M not. I listed a bunch of girls who you've made out with then brought home. Now Heathers next. You're a pig. " I said turning away

He pulled me back and stood in front of the door "you're wrong, " he said "I've made out with you several times. Have we ever had sex? No! So you're wrong. I don't sleep with girls I makes out with, I sleep with girls who I don't care much about and who are jumping down my pants . I don't care for any of those girls, I do care about you. I haven't slept with you nor am I planning to. I'd never do that to you, I don't want to hurt you anymore okay." he said

"Too late. You hurt me the second your lips made contact with heather's. You know Hunter you know well I'd find out! Why do it, you knew it'd have an effect on me." I said tears building up

"Why do you even care?! " he said raising his voice

"Because Hunter, I LIKE YOU OKAY! DAMN IT! " I yelled out unwillingly

"I LIKE YOU TOO, BUT YOU HURT ME FIRST AND I COULDN'T STAND IT. " he yelled tears also building up in his eyes.

"What?" I asked shocked

"Yes, I like you, scratch that. I love you, I'M crazy for you okay, Ive been in love with you for the longest Celeste. I want to be with you, wanna grow old with you , i wanna have a freaking family with you man but, I know I ruined things before but I wanted to make everything right. That night of the dinner, I was thinking of you so I got up the next day and was going to apologize. I never apologize to anyone, but it's an exception for you. When I got there you were being held by some guy, and you were happy. I can never make you happy and it hurt to see someone else do something that can never do to the woman I love so I left. That's why I've been down this week. My heart was ripped out my chest by someone who I would never expect. To top it all off I saw you walking with him this morning. Again you were laughing, and you looked at peace. It hurt so much Celeste and I wanted to help myself ease the pain I didn't think it would mean anything to you that I kissed Heather since you already have a boyfriend. Someone already has your heart, so I did it. Look I don't expect you to be all cool with this but understand how I feel celeste. I'M not okay, you're in love with someone else. It's alright though because I'm coping. So dont worry, I'M fine and I won't sleep with Heather. Wouldn't dream of it." He said with a few tears down his face.

He wiped my damp cheeks and kissed my forehead. "See you Saturday " he said and walked back inside.

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