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     Tech laid on his back under the ship. The engine problems were beginning to become a much bigger problem as time went on. Now that they were finally able to land, Tech decided that it would be perfect to work on it before the others got back, aside from his little helper.

He smiled to himself as Omega asked yet again if he needed anything. She was always so willing to help him which was more than he could say for his brothers. At least Wrecker and Echo attempted to be useful unlike Hunter or Crosshair.

"Omega, could you hand me the screw next to Gonky?" Tech called out. He didn't have to wait long before Omega's head appeared.

"Here you go, Tech," she said with a smile, handing him the piece of metal.

"Thank you, this should be it for now," Tech said as he quickly tightened the screw and crawled out from under the Marauder.

"Tech, can we go out to the market later?" Omega asked as she followed the technician into the ship and into the cockpit. "I've saved up some credits and wanna see if there's anything, maybe more paint for my trooper doll."

Tech couldn't say no to her. Not when she looked at him with those big brown eyes of hers. He understood why Hunter gave her almost anything she asked for which was rarely ever as she was mostly concerned for everyone else before herself.

"Of course, Omega. Let me do something real quick. Why don't you go get your credits and I'll meet you outside."

Omega nodded, bouncing away to the gunners mound excitedly.

Tech entered the cockpit and picked up his datapad. He quickly scrolled through the list of jobs that Cid wanted them to take. He promised Hunter that he would look through the list to see which ones were closest to them while they were off planet. He finally settled on a spice pickup which paid an amount that would last them about a week before needing to go out again. He carefully set the datapad back in his chair before walking out to find the youngest member.

"Omega, are you-" Tech stopped abruptly as Omega ran right into him. She was rambling about something he couldn't quite understand, but he could tell she was panicked. "Omega, I need you to talk slower please."

"There's people outside. Bad people. They're armed and-" Omega jumped as the door to the ship began to spark and within a few seconds it flew open, revealing three angry looking Lasats.

Tech shoved Omega behind him as he reached for his blaster, but he wasn't quick enough as one of them lunged for him, grabbing his arms and pinning them behind his back.

"Not so fast, clone," the gruffer one spat as Tech struggled against the iron grip. "We've got some unfinished business to settle." Tech looked worriedly at Omega as she was handcuffed and brought into the cockpit with him.

Tech was roughly thrown into a chair as his arms were now cuffed behind him. He sent a glare to the leader of the small gang from under his goggles.

"I know you don't remember us, clone, but we remember your group. After all, you did steal from us. And you know what happened then?" The Lasat growled in Tech's face, drawing a line down his own face with his claw over a long scar.

"Seeing as how we haven't actually met, I wouldn't know," Tech said back, earning him a hit to the head with a blaster.

"Don't play smart with me! You see, when your clone gang stole from us, my boss wasn't so happy. He decided to give me a nice little parting gift."

Tech gulped as he had a feeling of where the conversation was going now. The Lasat stood back, reaching into his pocket and taking out a lighter, letting the orange flame flicker.

"I think it's time I return the favor."

"No! Leave him alone!" Omega shouted, trying to pry off the fingers of the other Lasat holding her.

"Stay out of this, Omega!" Tech snapped, almost forgetting that she was there watching the whole thing play out.

"Oh, how sweet." The one with a missing ear standing behind Tech said as he moved down to Omega's eye level. "Don't worry, kid. We haven't forgotten about you." He looked at Tech with an evil grin. "What do you think, clone? Give 'er to the Imperials or Zygerrians?"

Omega bit her lip. They wouldn't really do that...would they?

"Deal with her later, idiot. This guy is the one who hacked us!" The oldest Lasat returned his attention back to Tech; the heat from the flame came close enough to Tech's face for him to feel it, making him press his back as far as it would go into the chair.

"Not so tough without your friends, are ya?" The Lasat taunted as he grabbed Tech's chin, turning it to the side. Tech clenched his teeth and tried not to make any sounds as an excruciating burning sensation erupted on one side of his face. He could start to smell the burning flesh as the lighter trailed down his face slowly. He closed his eyes, wishing he couldn't hear Omega.

"Tech!" Omega could feel her heart racing as she watched her brother being hurt. She trembled, not knowing what to do. Usually she'd turn to Tech for the answers, but that was out of the question now.

"Take the kid outside. She'll sell for something. As soon as I end this clone we'll be on our way." Omega heard one of the bad guys say to the one holding her. The fear she was feeling before suddenly turned to anger. He wouldn't kill Tech as long as she was there. With the little courage she had, Omega sunk her teeth into the arm of the Lasat, causing him to howl in pain, releasing her. She charged at the big Lasat who was harming Tech, knocking him to the ground as he wasn't expecting the small force.

Tech's eyes widened as the chaos broke loose. The left side of his face stung like nothing he'd felt before, but for some reason that was the last thing he was thinking about. He used all of his energy to pull his hands from above the chairs top so he could move a bit more freely. From there he skillfully picked the lock to his cuffs from behind his back. Once free of the binds, he picked up his blaster aiming it at the two sidemen, sending a blaster bolt through each of them without a second thought. He quickly turned back towards the leader who also met his face with a blaster.

"Put down your blaster, clone, or I won't hesitate to kill her." Tech stared at Omega who was trapped under the weight of the Lasat's boot.

"Not a chance," Tech said, holding him in a cold stare. The Lasat grinned, as he pressed down, making Omega gasp in pain from the pressure.

Tech felt intense hatred for him, more than he had already. With no other choice, he dropped his blaster.

"That's right. That's the problem with you clones," the intruder chuckled darkly, "You care too much. You'd never take the opportunity to do what needs to be done. You hesitate to-"

The sound of a blaster shot echoed through the cockpit.

"I never hesitate," a low snake-like voice hissed.

Tech watched as the life in the Lasat's eyes quickly drained. Tech reached out, pulling Omega away before the large creature fell to the ground with a thud.

"Are you alright, Omega?" Tech turned his attention to the young girl as he unlocked her handcuffs.

Omega nodded, still looking at the Lasat.

A series of footsteps came from behind the two.

"Tech! What's going on?!" Hunter shouted as he entered the cockpit, completely shocked to see three dead bodies on the ground. "You wanna explain this?" Hunter knelt down next to him, not seeing that side of his face before. His eyes widened, now concerned.

"Are you both okay? What happened?" Hunter questioned.

"Long story short, it was some people we left unhappy with a job we pulled a while back. I'm assuming they recognized our ship and decided to make it worth their time to seek revenge," Tech explained tiredly. The pain had gotten to the point where it was the only thing he could focus on.

"Hunter, he needs immediate medical attention," Omega said, helping Tech to his feet.

Hunter snapped out of his shock. "Right. Echo, can you bring a med kit over? Wrecker, come help Tech to the back!"

"Hunter, I am perfectly capable of walking on my own." Tech swatted away the hands of Wrecker.

"Come on, Tech. Let me help you," Wrecker complained as he tried to guide him.

Hunter looked back down at Omega who hadn't taken her eyes off Tech. "Hey, kid. Are you sure you're alright?" He gently picked her up, stepping over the bodies. He would have Crosshair drag them out in a few minutes.

"Yeah, I was just...scared. I thought—they were going to kill him."

Hunter placed her in a different seat, just outside of the cockpit. It was at times like these where he longed for a normal life. They hadn't had a week where something bad didn't happen.

"You and Tech were both very brave. I'm sorry we didn't come sooner."

"It's okay." Omega understood that it was their life. She knew what she was in for when she snuck back to the batch. "I wish I could have done more for Tech," Omega whispered.

"You did a lot for me, Omega. I couldn't have asked more from you," Tech said softly as he walked over. Omega held her hand up to her mouth as she saw his nasty scar.

"I'm sorry," Omega cried as she leaned into Tech's chest. Tech let her get her tears out. It was all too much for a child and from what he learned from reading on parenting holoarticles sometimes it was best to let the child spill all their emotions.

"How you feelin, Tech?" Hunter asked as Echo, Wrecker and Crosshair came over.

"It hurts but that is to be expected. My only hope is that it doesn't scar too badly."

"Hey, on the plus side, we can be twins!" Wrecker laughed, patting Tech on the shoulder.

"I don't think that's a positive, Wrecker," Tech argued.

"At least you'll actually have a scar now. Looks like you actually fought in a war," Crosshair commented with a smirk.

"Excuse me?" Tech raised a brow, " Just because I was careful and didn't bare as many injuries as you, doesn't mean that..." 

"Alright, Tech, you need to rest. I don't want you working on anything for the next few days." Hunter gave him a look that he had been giving him since they were cadets.

"Of course, Hunter." Tech rolled his eyes.


Sorry for not updating. I had exams on Thursday and three more this week. Pardon any typos on this one ✌HAPPY BAD BATCH SUNDAY!!

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