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Cold. That's what he felt. Since stepping foot on that sickening frigid planet, he couldn't shake the numbness away. The memories of the day worked its way into his dreams. Any warmth was quickly overtaken by the tragic events he endured, making for a lousy sleep. Crosshair slowly sat himself up, rubbing his tired eyes that still burned from the vivid glare of the ship's explosion, which he unfortunately caught through the lens of his sniper rifle.

"You survived."

Crosshair heard that voice before. He immediately stiffened, refusing to show any sign of weakness as the scientist walked over.

"What did you do to me?" he gritted out.

"Nothing that caused you any harm," the woman replied with a simple tone.

That wasn't a good enough answer. "I won't ask again," Crosshair growled, gripping the sides of the table. "What did you do to me?"

"All will be revealed shortly." The woman scanned him over, giving an affirming nod before checking her datapad. "Hm, maybe shortly was an understatement. You have been requested by Dr.Hemlock."


"Follow me."

Crosshair watched as the woman moved away. As far as he could tell, he was in a lab. Nothing good ever came from labs. The worst part was, he had no recollection of arriving. The sniper hated not knowing. Perhaps he picked that up from Tech.


"It's Crosshair," he snapped.

The woman looked slightly taken aback at the sudden change in tone, but quickly gathered herself. "Of course, Crosshair. Please, follow me."

As much as he already resented the woman; the whole facility for that matter, he tentatively stood up. His legs wobbled as he planted his feet. His whole body felt heavy. It was an unpleasant feeling. Crosshair forced himself to walk, ignoring the aching pain. The scientist, satisfied with his cooperation, exited the room. They didn't travel far, only to another room just down the grey corridors. Sitting at a desk—similar to a certain admiral he once knew— was a man, dressed in dark shades with a grim expression.

"Dr.Hemlock," the female greeted. "CT—Crosshair, as you requested."

The man gave a curt nod. "Thank you, Emerie. That will be all."

As soon as she left, Hemlock directed his attention back to Crosshair. So this was the clone, different from all the others.

"Crosshair, is it? Please, sit." He gestured to one of the cushioned chairs in front of his desk.

"I'll stand."

The sniper's stubbornness was clear. No matter, he could work with it.

"Suit yourself." He sat up straighter, leaning forward as if about to receive a secret. "Now, tell me, Crosshair, what squad were you a part of during the war?"

Crosshair hesitated. Every mention of his brothers became a reminder of how he wished he would have joined them back on the platform. At the time he was furious. Furious that Hunter had placed some kid over him. They left him without a choice. The Empire was where he thought he wanted to be. He would grow with them; become powerful. That turned out to be a lie. The Empire didn't care about him. They too had left him. For thirty rotations, he had stayed on that piece of metal; withering away in his own sorrow, making excuses to why they hadn't come for him sooner. When they finally did arrive, he was met with frowns and dirty looks. He wasn't a survivor in their eyes, he was merely a clone who got lucky.

"Clone Force 99. They're gone though," he stated. Just like he had told Mayday. It wasn't a complete lie. He knew the intention of the question at hand, but what was the point? The Empire wanted them dead anyways. Why bring them back into the picture?

"Clone Force 99," Dr.Hemlock repeated to himself. "Yes, that does seem to match up."

"Match up?" The clone cursed himself for being intrigued.

Hemlock folded his hands, meeting the sniper's eyes. "A military class shuttle—modified Omicron to be exact— was seen fleeing the atmosphere during one of our patrols. After some digging, my sources claim the ship belongs to no other than Clone Force 99."

"That's...not possible," Crosshair began. "They died on Kamino." How could they have been so careless? He thought Hunter was doing everything to keep them off the Empire's radar.

"You appear to have been mistaken. They are indeed alive, which brings me to my next question." The doctor rose from his seat, setting a cold hard stare on the man standing in front of him. "The young girl, Omega. She travels with them?"


It always came back to Omega. The kid had been nothing but trouble since the beginning. Danger followed her wherever she went. Crosshair had warned the sergeant, but of course, the kid had already attached herself to him and vice versa. He could never seem to figure her out. She was mentally mature for a child her age, yet she was naïve. She was too kind and forgiving. That type of attitude wouldn't work in the galaxy. People would take advantage of her heart, crushing it to bits. However, she was the one who believed in him when no one else did; more so than his own brothers whom he grew up with. She saved him, despite him trying to kill her back on Bracca. She had all the reasons to leave him, to hate him, but she didn't. She never gave up on him. What could a cruel and hateful Empire want with such a loving child?

"Yes," Crosshair answered slowly. "What does she have to do with this?"

"I'm afraid that information is classified." Hemlock tossed him a datapad. "However, your new mission will greatly impact the Empire. Perhaps, repair your reputation...Commander."

Crosshair stared at the bright blue screen. Pictures of his squad's faces were plastered on wanted posters.

"Your mission: Bring the young clone back to Mount Tantiss. As for the others, eliminate them if they interfere."


Cold, is what he felt.

Shorter one, but Ik some people wanted more Crosshair. After this week's ep, wow💔

Hey y'all. I'm on Spring Break!! I'm planning on writing a lot since I'm not going anywhere, so there's more to come. I promise imma get to the requests. Bad Batch is gettin dark fr and I'm here for it. Rly nervous for the next 3 weeks tho. Mostly for Crosshair and Omega🥲 I'm loving Mando, always ready for another space dad adventure and I'll never get over how cute Grogu is😍

Happy Saturday, hope everyone has an amazing day!!

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