Tower to Heaven

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(y/n) POV

It's been about a week or two since the Phantom Lord incident. In that time Loke left the guild and then came back. Turns out that he was actually a celestial spirit, and not just any spirit, he was Leo the leader of the zodiac spirits. Now Mama, Gray, Lucy, Natsu, Happy, and I are all at some resort on a little vacation. "Come on (y/n)! The water feels great!" Lucy said, "N...No I'm fine thanks!" I said, "What's wrong? You weren't like this when we went to Galuna Island." She said as she walked over to me, "I...I don't know how to swim." I said timidly, "The only reason I didn't act like this, is because I was terrified that Mama was gonna get me." I said, "Oh. Well if you want I could teach you how to swim if you'd like." She said sweetly.

Erza POV

"Mama?" (y/n) said as he entered the room, "Yes sweetie what is it?" I asked as he walked over to me. I pulled him onto the deck chair with me, "I just wanted to come spend time with you, Mama. Since you didn't want to go to the beach with the rest of us." He said as he snuggled up to me. "Mama." He said softly, "Yes sweetie?" I said, "What was Dad like?" He asked this threw me through a loop, "Sweetie what brought this up?" I asked, "Lucy. Well, everything her dad did to try to get her back." He said, "Sweetie, your "father" was a very very kind man." I said, 'I wish I could tell him more, but I can't tell him what I don't know.' I thought, "I hope that I'll be just like him when I grow up." He said, "I don't, I want you to grow up and be your own person. If you decide to be like me, great, but I'm not going to force you into anything." I said, "I want you to live how you want." I said as I kissed the top of his head.

??? POV

"ALICE!" I shouted happily as I ran over to my little girl, "INTRUDER!" Alice shouted as she slammed her hand onto the ground causing spikes to shoot from the ground towards me. I dodged the individual spikes that came at me, but I ended up getting myself trapped in the process. "WHAT IS THIS PICK ON MOMMY MONTH OR SOMETHING?!" I said, "I don't know who you are, how you found this place, or how you even got in here but Mother will have a lot of fun finding out." She said, "A...Alice, sweetie, I know it's been a while since we've seen each other, but this is ridiculous!" I said, "I don't know you and my name is not Alice, my name is Kane." She said, "WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE NAME I GAVE YOU!" I shouted, "First your brother's new mom put him through a situation he never should've ever even seen, and now this!" I said, "Wait, brother?" She said in confusion, "If you let me out I'll tell you more." I said, "What's stopping me from killing you right now?" She asked, "Nothing other than the fact you can't kill me without God slayer magic or a divine weapon forged by a God." I said, "Good, then this won't kill you." She said as she impaled me in the head. "Kane where's the intruder?!" A woman asked, "I'm sorry Mother, I killed her. I should have waited for you or one of the other Demon Gates." Alice said, "You did good Kane dear. I would have liked to torture her for information first, but given the fact that she even found this place she never would have lived long enough to leave." The woman said, "I see you used your curse power. It wasn't easy to give that to you by any means you know, but I'm glad to see that you are trying to learn to use it. Goddess of the Warrior Race, it fits well with my curse don't you think?" The woman said, "Mine affects the body's senses while yours allows you to transform anything into a weapon." She said, "Yes, but right now all I can do is create spikes. I'm sorry for bothering you Mother, I'll dispose of the corpse at once." Alice said, "Very good Kane, and once you're done I'd like to talk with you in my office." The woman said as she walked away, "Yes Mother." Alice said, a few minutes later Alice retracted the spikes, "Alice that hurt!" I said as I rubbed my forehead, "Kane, now tell me about this brother or I'll impale you again!" She said, "Well let's see he's four years old now, he has a single mother like you, his mother is human, oh and his name is (y/n)!" I said, "(y/n) hugh. Well, I know what I must do now." She said, "I have to find (y/n)..." She began to say, "And bring him back to me so the three of us can be one big happy family again!" I said happily, "And kill him." Alice said, "Wait what." I said, "If I can kill him then Mother will reward me and she'll be proud of me!" She said with sadistic glee, "Alice sweetie you're scaring Mommy." I said, "If I were you I'd leave now." she said.

Erza POV

"Oh, I must've fallen asleep." I said as I got up, "Hey Erza Natsu, Gray, (y/n), and I are going to the game room." Lucy said, "Oh yes the resort does have a game room." I said as I requipped into a fancy dress.

"MAMA!" (y/n) said happily as he ran over to me, "Were you a good boy sweetie?" I asked as I picked him up, "Yeah, Gray lost his clothes a few times, but I acted like you and made him put his pants back on." He said, "Good boy." I said as I kissed his cheek.


Mama, Lucy, and I went to a card table, I was too young to play so I just watched. "I've got a special game for you folks tonight." A man said as he dealt Mama five cards that spelled out death. Suddenly everything went dark and then the next thing I know I'm inside a playing card. "MAMA!" I cried, "(Y/N)!" Mama said as she picked up my card, "Mama I'm scared! I don't wanna be in here, please Mama please get me out!" I cried, "PLEASE DO NOT HURT ANYONE! I'll come with you, just let him out and don't hurt anyone." Mama said, suddenly I was out of the card and then some weird rope thing wrapped around me. Before I knew what was happening everything went dark again and then when the lights came back on Mama was gone. "(y/n) sweetie are you alright?!" Lucy asked, "Y...Yeah." I said, "L...Lucy I...I want Mama." I said, "I know." She said as she walked over to me, "Here let me get these off you." She said as she untied me. As soon as I was free I hugged her and began to cry, "Come on let's go find Natsu and Gray then we'll find your mom." She said.

"L...Lucy is he..." I said as she touched Gray making him fall apart, "LUCY YOU KILLED GRAY!" I shouted, "Guys I'm fine." Gray said as a big bubble of water appeared and took the form of a woman, "Gray!" I said, "Pants." I said, "Not now (y/n) we have to go find pinkey." Gray said, "OW!!!" Natsu shouted we all ran over to him, "Ow! Who shoots someone in the mouth? Someone could have gotten hurt!" He said, "I'm pretty sure a normal person would've died." Lucy said.

After that, we went after Mama. We had to take a boat which scared me more than I cared to admit, but the entire ride I sat on Miss Juvia's lap. I was a little scared of her at first since she was a former member of Phantom Lord, but she was actually really nice. "W...What's that?!" I asked as I pointed at a giant tower. "There's a cave below that we can enter the tower from." Juvia said, "T...That's ok I...I'll stay here." I said as I heled onto the seat, "He can't swim yet." Lucy said, "That's fine I'll help him." Juvia said as she made a water bubble around my head, it was filled with air so I could breathe. "(y/n) I promise you that I won't let anything happen to you." Lucy said as she got into the water and held my hand.

Once we got into the tower the others began fighting, I was just watching trying to stay out of the way as much as I could, "PUPPY!" I said happily as I ran over to the puppy lying on the ground, "(Y/N) WAIT THAT'S A HOUND!" Lucy shouted as the hound pounced at me only to be vaporized by God Bane's protective field. "Ok, what just happened?!" Lucy said in shock.

Once we went inside we were met by a huge table of food. Natsu and Gray ate some of the food after we dried off, "(y/n) you should eat something." Gray said, "I'm not hungry." I said, "(y/n) I'm not asking. The last thing we need is for you to collapse on us or your mother." He said as he handed me a bit of meat, "W...We're going to find Mama r...right?" I said as I took a bight. Suddenly the doors leading further into the tower burst open and Mama ran into the room, "Mama?" I said, "WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING HERE!" Mama scalded, "MAMA!" I cried as I ran over to her and hugged her.

After that Mama told us about the R System also known as the Tower of Heaven. She told us about her past, and about how she came to join Fairy Tail. I was still in shock when it happened, Sho put Mama into a card and ran off. He said something during this, but I didn't hear what he said. "NOT AGAIN!" I shouted as I ran after them, "(Y/N) WAIT!" Lucy shouted, but I was too far to turn back now.

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