Chapter 15: Round And Round

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King sat alone, his face clouded with disappointment.

He had hoped this day would be filled with fun and laughter, spending quality time with Luz! However, his hopes were dashed when Willow and Gus arrived.

Since Luz started attending Hexside, she had been paying less and less attention to King, choosing to spend more time with her new school friends instead. The shift in her focus left King feeling increasingly isolated and forgotten.

And now, those two are taking Luz's attention away again!

"They even left me behind without caring..." King rested his chin on his palm. He watched the fun games and the cheery smiles of the demons from afar.

King looked over to a nearby poster on a wall saying 'Carnival with Best friends'. He sighed once more. He really missed hanging out with Luz like old times. And the old times he referred to aren't even that old! It's like last week.

"Oh my my my, you seem troubled," a voice calls out from behind him.

King immediately jumps away in caution, scanning the surrounding area in panic. "Who said that?!"

The curtains from the stand behind him parted, revealing a familiar figure dressed in a wizard's robes. The figure stepped emerged, their flowing garments adorned with intricate patterns and shimmering with a mystical aura. "It is I! Obvioso! The all-seeing psychic."

"Haven't I seen you somewhere?" King narrows his eyes in suspicion. "Its almost so..."

"Obvious?" Mr. 'Obvioso' said with a smile and a knowing look.

"That's what I was gonna say!" King exclaimed in surprise upon the mysterious figure reading his mind. "Wow! You really are a psychic!"

"You know it! And, Obvioso can see that something is bothering you little friend," the very obviously familiar figure said with a smile. They really resembled the scamming elephant pig. Almost as if they were the same person!

King grunted in frustration and crossed his arms. "You got my number obvioso. Today was supposed to be about me and Luz. Now she's distracted by her cool new school friends."

"What if I told you that there was a way to make all your problems... disappear," the suspicious figure smiled.

"I'd say that sounds illegal but, I would also say... go on," King immediately perked his ears up and gave his utmost attention to the all knowing mr. Obvioso.

The familiar elephant pig took a glowing spray bottle from his stall. How funny, it was very similar to the bottle that Tiddles had given to Eda.

"Witness," Mr. Obvioso gestured with hands as he sprayed the contents of the bottle to a nearby demon making it disappear from sight instantly!

King widened his eyes in alarm as he watched the demon disappear. "Call the guards! This guy's a murderer!" He cried out.

"Calm down." Obvioso laughed lightly. "They are safe. All I need is to tap my cheeks and..."

Poof! The demon returned. "See?"

"Take this," Obvioso handed the mysterious purple bottle to the little rat demon. "Enjoy the carnival. Without the problems. Gus, Willow and Luz will be none the wiser."

"Woah! You even know their names! Guess there is no arguing with a fortune teller." King took the bottle and put it in his pockets. He scuttled away to try and find Luz and the others.

As the little rat demon disappeared, mr. Obvioso, or an elephant pig known as Tiddles laughed maliciously. Finally, his plans are starting to come together.

"This should teach them not to mess with me..."

After his stall was destroyed by the owl lady's walking house, he lost his one and only occupation. His life was destroyed! And hundreds of generations of scamming was all for naught. All because some three idiot kids decided to animate a whole damn house during the moonlight conjuring.

King walked across the bustling carnival with the purple bottle that mr. Obvioso gave him in his hands.

"Mmmm, maybe I should think about this first," he mumbles as he felt that it was wrong to try and make Luz's friends disappear just because he was feeling attention deprived.

Was it really wrong though to spray your best friend's friends out of existence because they've been taking all your best friend's attention? Well, hard to say if you're not the one in King's shoes.

"King!" the familiar voice of his favorite human was finally heard as three figures came to view.

"Sorry I lost you back there a little dude," Luz apologized as she knelt down with an apologetic smile. She's been so caught up hanging out with Gus and Willow that she hadn't noticed her little furry friend leave.

"No worries!" King smiled and pulled Luz's hand. "Let's go back to the game and win those friendship bracelets," he said eagerly. He really wanted the friendship bracelets that he saw from the carnival prizes and he wanted to win them together with Luz.

A hand grabbed Luz's arm. "But we haven't gotten on the rides, and there's no line for the bumper carcasses!" Gus said as he pointed over to the rides.

Some people just has to interfere with King and Luz's moments do they?

"Games!" King grabbed Luz tighter. He was really starting to get annoyed by the two witches, especially the smaller one.

"Carcasses!" Gus took Luz's other hand.




Luz looked down on her stomach. "Food!" she exclaimed. "I'll go over there to buy food while you guys figure this out." She smiled as she left to buy herself some snacks towards the stalls where the sweets were sold.

"When Luz comes back, let's go on the three man cauldron spinner," Willow smiled excitedly.

"Or the triple swing!" Guz followed.

"But... Today was me and Luz's day," King looked over to the two witches with a disappointed expression. He just really wanted to spend time with Luz since she has been too busy with Hexside things.

"Awwwww," Gus picked up the little cute rat on the ground. "Does somebody miss Luz? Ah does he? Does he?" Gus cooed and played with King.

King pushed Gus's face away and shouted, "The King of Demons misses nobody!"

Unknowingly, the bottle of spray fell from his pouch as it landed on its handle, spraying the feet of the two witches.

Poof. They disappeared.

"Oh no! What have I done?!" King cried out as he put the spray back into his pouch. He just made Luz's friends disappear! Luz is not going to be happy if she hears about this.

"Wow," just then, Luz came back with a cotton candy in her hand. "I guess they really wanted to ride those bumper carcasses."

"Actually Luz, there's something I gotta tell you." King looked over to Luz with a guilty expression, wanting to admit what he has done.

"No. There's something I gotta tell you." Luz s knelt down on one knee with a serious expression. "I said I'd help you win those friendship bracelets, and that is what were gonna do."

"Uhhhhh," King looked at his pouch and debated whether or not to tell the truth. Willow and Gus will be okay for a little while won't they? "Okay! Let's go!"

King promised in his heart to deal with the problem just as soon as he wins the friendship bracelets with Luz. Willow and Gus will be fiiiine. It's not like they were dead or something weren't they? They were... only sprayed out of existence. Same thing as not dying.

Luz laughed as she carried King on her arms towards the arcade. "Ready or not, here we crum!"

King laughed.

Unknowingly two figures smaller than a fly watched Luz and King leave.

"Just when I thought I couldn't respect authority less," Eda remarked with a deadpan expression.

Squeak. Squeak. A mysterious figure placed his squeaky clown shoes on the table without care for manners.

"It surprises me," Eda made a disgusted expression upon seeing the blue haired clown who sat with a relaxed poise.

This was the renowned owner of the carnival. Who would have thought that the owner of such an extensive and successful carnival would look like a mash of different themed clowns stacked upon one demon.

His oversized shoes with those annoying squeaks, his curly and puffy blue hair, along with that fashion disaster polka dotted trousers stretched by that obnoxiously big belly.

You've seen horrible looking clowns and this one was the clown of all clowns. But hey, at least he gets it - politicians are clowns.

"Who doesn't love authority?" You laughed and side glanced at the comically exaggerated clown in front of you. "Certainly not me."

After getting caught by the 'fun police' a few moments ago, you and the owl lady were taken to the owner of the carnival. And voila, here you were now.

"So, Eda the owl lady," the blue haired clown glanced over to the known powerful wild witch in the Boiling Isles. "I hear your running scams in my carnival. That, is my job. I take my job veeery seriously."

Eda grunted. "Spare me the yats, whadaya want?"

The demon clown smiled, his yellow teeth showing. "Since I'm a forgiving demon I give you two options. I can pass you over to the emperor's coven or, you can scam for me." He pointed over to the dress hanging on a mannequin at the far side of the room.

You laughed and snorted. "Now that is something I wanna see." You could already imagine the owl lady wearing that ludicrous-looking clown dress while selling snacks on a circus.

Eda glared at you, "You shut it, kid."

"So why am I being held up with the owl lady again?" You glanced up to the owner of the carnival. You don't remember causing any trouble with this particular politician loser.

The clown demon laughed devilishly, much like in those horror movies. "Ohohoho, you on the other hand. The underground rascal, an infamous scammer in the underground. I remember you... I will never forget you." His eyes glinted with malice.

"Underground rascal?" Eda raised an eyebrow at you. "Now that is something I don't hear everyday."

Like you said, you like to go to the underground on your free time to sell potions. You may have made quite a reputation of your underground persona.

Underground Rascal, the most annoying scammer who also auctions off invaluable potions. Some respects you while others certainly hates you with every fiber of their being.

"I really should use a different concealment stone from the one I use in the underground next time," you mumble and cursed. Yes, while you may have scammed a lot of people in the underground, you never really thought that they'd try to get revenge on you on the overworld.

"I still wont forget what you have done to me," the clown snarled. "To this!" He held up the puffy blue wig revealing the hairless and smooth surface from underneath. It could almost rival the smooth surface of the glassed marble walls in Darius's fort.

"Shiny head over there bud," you smiled smugly.

Eda snorted. "You did that?"

"I don't remember honestly, but dang, I did a really great job." You proudly looked over to his shiny bald head.

You wished you could take out your hex scroll and picture that glorious head of his to post on penstagram. Who knows, some demons might just pay you to make their heads bald and shiny like that clown over there.

"Your punishment is over there," the clown pointed towards the spinning wheel with daggers embedded on to it.

"Now that is something I wanna see," Eda side glanced over to you with a conceited smile.

"Over my dead body."

"Welcome to... THE GREATEST SHOW IN THE BOILING ISLES!" the elephant pig known as Tiddles proudly announced.

The crowd erupted in a thunderous cheer, as they eagerly awaited the show that was about to unfold. Every eye was fixed on the stage, particularly to the small glass box that was displayed.

"Will these witches survive the demons in time?! Lets. FIND. OUT!!" Tiddles picked up the ornate, golden bell and with a deliberate motion, he rang it, producing a clear chime that resonated throughout the tent, indicating that the show has begun.

Luz, Willow, Gus, and King gasped in unison as they found themselves suddenly caged within a glass box. They had been reduced to the size of a needle, a transformation triggered by the mysterious spray that Tiddles sprayed upon them. All thanks to the help of a certain little rat who was too gullible to realize that mr. Obvioso was obviously Tiddles.

The miniature circus tent within the glass enclosure reverberated with sinister growls as ferocious beasts began to emerge from inside. The atmosphere grew tense as the shrunken creatures advanced, their eyes glinting with malevolent intent.

"You ruined my livelihood," the ginormous head of Tiddles emerged from the outside of the glass box. "So now, you'll feed my livelihood."

A bright spotlight illuminated the small glass box as their figures was seen on the screen. Cheers from the crowd erupted as they watched the four children face the miniature beasts.

"Well, if I had to go, at least I'm with my best friends..." Gus smiled. "...and King."

NEIGHHHH. The unicorn beasts pounced. They screamed and dodged as they ran away to survive.

"Caramel crab apples, get them while they're pinchy!" Eda grunted in frustration as she walked around the circus selling snacks with such an obnoxious clown costume.

If it weren't for those 'fun police' outside guarding her movements, she would've blasted her way out her problems with magic like she always does. After all, magic had the capability to make all your troubles disappear with an explosion. Perhaps.

"Hey, over here!" The customers beckoned. As for why the owl lady was at the tent selling snacks, they couldn't care less.

"Yeah, yeah, hold your horses."

Unknowingly to Eda, four kids are shown fighting and running away from beasts on the screen.

"This is getting kinda boriiing!" Some members of the audience began to shout in frustration, their initial excitement waning as they grew bored of watching the children frantically flee from the miniature beasts. Honestly, watching the idiotic kids dodge and run away repeatedly wasn't that entertaining at all.

"No refunds!" Tiddles strictly retorted. "But I do have another entertainment."

Tiddles clapped his hands twice, the sharp sound cutting through the restless murmurs of the audience.

Creaaaaak. A large spinning wheel was pushed loudly onto the stage beside the glass box and the screen. Attached to the wheel with a deadpan expression, was a certain witch who wished that they could somehow blast the entire tent with acidic glitter.

"This is sponsored by our lovely carnival master! A dagger witch hit featuring the one and only Underground Rascal!"

The crowd erupted into even louder cheers as you were forcefully pushed onto the stage, securely tied to the spinning wheel. The wheel's rotation made your predicament all the more dramatic, each turn captivating the audience's attention.

"A hundred snails for one dagger to throw!" Tiddles exclaimed with an excited smile.

"I wanna try!"

"Me too! Me too!"

"For Titans sake just kill me," you sighed.

You felt a sense of déjà vu in your situation. It felt like one of those ridiculous punishments of your mentor whenever you prank him and push his buttons. Still, nothing could beat the time you were drowned in abomination goo. The taste still makes you shudder every time you think about it.

You watched the demon's excited eyes with uninterest as they aimed the dagger right at you.

Tiddles gladly accepted the snails and went to your side. "Perhaps this will teach you not to scam in our territory."

You rolled your eyes. "In my destiny I find, my entire being in a bind. I hate life so much." And with that, your whole body was spun on the spinning wheel.

"Wait! Is that-?!" Luz looked over to witch stuck on the spinning wheel beside their glass cage.

"Luz, RUUUN!" Gus pulled her arm as they went to the spilled water bottle on the side.

The beasts growled and scratched the bottle as they tried to remove the barricade. The bottle shook and turned yet the three witch kids held onto their barricade tightly with beads of sweat on their foreheads.

"This is all my fault." King clutched his head as he watched Luz and the two witches try to defend the beasts from coming any closer. "But I think I know how to fix this."

King took the two friendship bracelets and tied them up together. With a determined gaze, he started to climb over the tumbled water bottle and jumped over to one of the beast's head to spring himself up.

"King what are you doing?!" Luz cried out as she watched the little rat climb up the walls of the glass cage.

"I've only got one shot." King started to twirl the friendship bracelets on his head like a lasso, aiming for the certain elephant piglet who laughed as he spun the spinning wheel.


Thud. You tilted your head and narrowly avoided the dagger that was about to pierce the side of your head. "Got any better aim than that?" you smiled smugly, taunting the demons more as they asked for another shot.

Several daggers had already been thrown on the spinning wheel and none of them has yet to hit your body. For demons with more than two eyes they were really really bad with their aim.

Tiddles hmphed as he gave another dagger to another demon. "Don't worry, there are still a lot of demons wanting to try," he laughed deviously.

Just then, Tiddles felt a small fly hit his cheek. "Huh?" He patted his cheek lightly.

"Oh no," he widened his eyes in realization as the shrinking spell started to lose its effect. All it took was just one tap.

"Booooo!" The audience booed as their disapproval echoed through the tent.

"Would you shut it?" Eda shouted back in annoyance.

"This show is boring! None of those dumb kids had gotten hurt yet!"

"Dumb kids?" Eda tilted her head. Then she finally looked at the show displayed on the screen with a loud gasp. "Those are my dumb kids!"

Swiish! The four figures started growing to their original size as Tiddles had tapped his cheek. The glass cage shattered into pieces as three witches and a funny looking rat fell onto the ground.

"Phew," Luz wiped her head in relief. They were finally free from those miniature beasts.

Wait. Miniature beasts?

On cue, the unicorn beasts also grew in size, towering on the stage with fuming expressions and sinister growls.

"You shrunk the animals too?!" Luz looked over to Tiddles on your side.

"It was the tent of tiny terrors! Something needed to be tiny." He responded with a scoff.

You snorted. "You're tiny," you said with a smug face.

"Shut up." Tiddles spun you harder and left you to deal with it.

You could feel the contents of your stomach churning and threatening to surge up your throat with each spin of the wheel you were tied to. The dizzying motion made your head swirl, the world around you starting to distort.

If only the leather restraints on

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