Tour Life

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Scott got used to travelling on the tour bus faster than he thought he would. Sleeping for him was a little harder because he wasn't used to such a tiny space to sleep in, but everything else was just fine. He got along with Kaleb and Noah quite well and since Noah had studied something similar, he was able to help Scott with his learning a lot.

"Thank you so much," the blonde said after they finished revising yet another chapter. "I really don't know what I would do without you."

Noah chuckled. "You'd have to learn alone, but you'd be able to make it anyway. I mean you're really intelligent and good at what you're doing."

"That's so nice of you," Scott said.

"It's the truth, though, Kaleb, who had been reading in his book, said. "You'll pass these exams with flying colours."

Scott smiled. "Thank you..." he sighed softly and looked out of the window. "When are we arriving in Washington?"

"Are you tired of us already?" Kaleb said with a grin on his face.

Scott chuckled. "Not at all. I never thought that I'd be so comfortable on such a tiny space with you. It's just that I am yearning for fresh air, a good long shower and a real bed."

And Avi... he added in his thoughts. The musician was still in his bunk, probably sleeping. Since they had spent the past four nights on the tour bus, there hadn't been anything but short hugs and a few quick stolen kisses in the dressing room when they were alone.

But Scott needed more and he also suspected that Avi needed more. He had noticed Avi getting more and more exhausted after the concerts and needed more time to motivate himself to go out to greet the waiting fans. Once they were on the bus, Avi tended to go right back into his bunk and stayed there for hours.

And whenever Scott hugged Avi, either for good luck of after the show, he noticed that the smaller man held on to him a little longer.

He hoped that spending some time together locked away in a hotel room would help Avi get better.


"Good afternoon" Kaleb greeted back, he smiled brightly at Avi who came into the little lounge.

Noah greeted as well, but Scott just smiled slightly. "Hey..." he finally said as he eyed how the musician was preparing tea. Scott saw that he was working slowly, he didn't seem to be fully there, yet. "Anyone else?"

"Yes, please," Scott said and got up. "But I can help, you're still half asleep." He kept his tone light to conceal the fact that he was a little worried about his boyfriend's behaviour.

"Hmmm, just woke up" Avi replied.

Scott chuckled. "I can see that," he said as he quickly poured the two cups of tea and brought them over to the sofa. "You might want to sit down and take some time to wake up before dealing with boiling water."

Avi smiled at him. "I will..." he said and sipped from his tea. "What are you up to?"

"I helped Scott with his learning, we got quite a lot of stuff done," Noah said.

"Cool," Avi replied. "I... slept."

"Did you sleep well?" Scott asked.

Avi shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, more or less" he explained. "Still looking forward to a hotel room bed."

Kaleb chuckled. "Who isn't. Honestly show me one person who prefers the crammed tour bus bunk to a hotel room bed."

"I... don't mind the bunks" Noah spoke up.

"You're serious?" Scott said.

"But Noah can sleep everywhere, basically" Kaleb added.

"So can I, but I still prefer the hotel room" Avi replied. He sighed and took a sip of tea. "How long till we are in Washington?"

"Four hours maximum" came from the front. "We're stopping for gas in 20 just in case you need anything."

Scott smiled. "Thank you, Miles" he called back to their driver. "Do you need anything for now?"

"Less traffic would be nice. And once we're in Washington a burger and a nice cold beer, but apart from that I'm fine."

"Count me in on burger and beers" Noah called back."


In the end, it was evening when they made it to their hotel. Traffic was worse than usual and Miles had to take an additional break so he wouldn't be driving for too long.

After bringing up their stuff to their respective hotel rooms, they met up and had a nice dinner together. Afterwards, they had a few rounds of drinks and then Miles and Noah started talking about going to a different bar.

"How about you?" Kaleb asked after he had agreed to join.

Scott looked at Avi, who looked back at him, a gleam in his eyes.

"Errm, I think I'll call it a day, I should take it easy on my vocal chords, I feel like something might be coming up and it's tea and honey for me tonight..." Avi said softly. "But I'll come next time. Promised."

"I need to call my best friend, Mitch, he asked for advice or something... I know it's a shitty timing, but I am leaving him alone for two months as it is..." Scott sighed. "Next time I'll come, too."

"No hard feelings, friendships are important. And we'll have more than enough opportunities to spend time together" Kaleb said. "Shall we get the check?"

"I'll handle the finances," Avi said.

"You don't need to" Miles started while Noah and Kaleb just thanked them.

Avi smiled "I know. But I want to. Now go and enjoy a few drinks! You don't need to drive tomorrow, seize the evening!"

Their ways parted outside the restaurant. Scott and Avi got on their way back to the hotel together.

"How's your room?" Avi asked once they were in the elevator of the hotel. They both had separate rooms this time, but thankfully they were close to each other.

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "Okay. How's your throat?" He looked over and grinned when he saw the smirk on Avi's face.

"How's Mitchy?" Avi returned.

Scott couldn't help but laugh. "Touché. Now... you being tired the other day wasn't a euphemism... is having tea and honey one?" He looked into Avi's eyes and saw that the musician's gaze flickered down towards his lips ever so often. "I take this as a yes," he said once the elevator stopped on their floor. "I'll get my bags..."

Avi nodded. "Please. Be quick, I can't wait to be in your arms again."

Scott had to restrain himself from running down the corridor to his room. He was eager to be with Avi. Once he was in his room, he just grabbed his overnight bag and his bathrobe and went over to Avi's room. His heart was pounding hard in his chest when he knocked on the door. He didn't know what this night would bring, but he was excited to spend it with his boyfriend.


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