Movie Night

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"Do you want to order take-out or go out?" Scott asked as he walked into the car park with Avi. 

"Take-out" Avi replied. "I don't want to be in public, I only want to be comfortable somewhere. If Mitch doesn't mind?"

Scott shook his head. "Mitch won't mind. He's looking forward to seeing you no matter where."

Avi smiled. "He is?"

Scott chuckled. "Of course he is, Love. He genuinely likes you, Avi."


When Avi and Scott came home, their food was already there and Mitch had set the table for three. 

"Hello, Avi," Mitch said happily when he saw the bearded man and hugged him tightly. "How are you?"

"I'm... feeling a little drained if I am honest. It was a long day with therapy and the meeting" Avi said, knowing that he could be real with Mitch. 

"Mmhm, it definitely sounds like a lot. How did the meeting go anyway?" Mitch wanted to know.

"Good. Avi went berserk on his homophobic ex-manager" Scott chimed in.

"You did what?" Mitch asked, sounding surprised. 

Avi shrugged his shoulders. "Well, he said that my sexuality was the problem we had and yeah, I gave him a piece of my mind. I don't really remember what I said, but I had a panic attack afterwards, but then the probably most productive meeting ever."

"That sounds like a lot, Avi. What did you decide on?" Mitch wanted to know. 

Avi sat down at the table and smiled when Scott filled his glass. "Thanks, Love," he said. Then he looked at Mitch who had sat down as well, while Scott had excused himself to go to the bathroom. "Well, they made it about me, mainly. They didn't tell me what to do but asked me what I wanted and gave me options. In the end, we decided on a written press statement for now and an interview later when I am feeling ready. Also, I reinforced that I do not want to be the gay singer-songwriter. I want my future at fantasy to be about my music and not about my sexuality."

Mitch smiled. "That's a good concept. Are you planning to become a part of the community eventually or do you want to stay to yourself? I don't mind either, but maybe your story can help other struggling people" he said.

"I will. Eventually. But I'll need time to get used to everything" Avi explained. "I need to learn more about who I am and what I want. I only know that I want to be with Scott." He shrugged his shoulders. "Everything else will fall into place."

Mitch smiled. "Being with Scott is a good start if you ask me. And you are right, everything else will fall into place. How have you been these past days?"

"I still feel very sorry for what I did to Scott and I still don't understand how I deserve him, but he accepted my apology and yeah. I'm just glad to have him."

Mitch smiled. "He's an amazing best friend. He's kind, loyal and caring" he explained. "And if he's the same as a boyfriend."

Avi couldn't help but smile. "Yes, he is. He's wonderful. And I... I'm just happy that he's taking his time for me. He could get another boyfriend, someone who is out and comfortable with himself, but he chose me."

"Avi, he-"

"I chose you because I don't want any other man, Avi. I chose you because I love you. You are wonderful and you are showing me so many things I haven't known before. Like the rabbits and the mushrooms" Scott said fondly. 

Avi blushed slightly. "Thank you," he said softly. "I... I love you too." It was awkward to share such a moment with Mitch around, but he felt like he owed Scott.

Scott smiled at him and pressed a kiss onto his temple before he sat down at the table. "Let's eat, we don't want our food to be cold, hmm?"

Avi was glad that Scott had shifted the focus away from him and to dinner. "No and I am so hungry" he commented while he watched Mitch unpack the food. "Oh, you ordered at the Indian place down the road? Damn, they make the most amazing curry and garlic naan."

Mitch nodded. "Yeah. Scott told me that you eat almost everything and I was in the mood for some good old Indian food so here we are" he explained. "He also cooked Indian for me once and told me that you make naan yourself?" 

Avi nodded. "I do" he said. 

"You have to teach Scott how to do it" Mitch said while he opened the three take out boxes. "Choose."

Avi took one of the boxes. "I will if he wants to. But I also can show you at some point in the future. It's not hard, it just takes some time."

Mitch shrugged his shoulders. "If Scott doesn't mind if I still his boyfriend for cooking lessons..."

"I don't mind at all" Scott said. "As long as I am invited for dinner?"

Avi chuckled. "Of course you are, Love."


After dinner the three men decided to sit down on the sofa with a bottle of wine and a good movie. 

"So what do you like to watch, Avi?" Mitch asked. 

"I love fantasy. Lord of the Rings is a favourite. The Hobbit, Harry Potter, Narnia..." Avi explained.

"And are you up for watching something new, or is a familiar movie better tonight?" Mitch asked. 

Avi furrowed his brows. "You know?" 

Mitch nodded. "Yes.  have my comfort movies and series as well. There were times where I would watch Spongebob or The Devil Wears Prada, I know it's such a cliche, every night" he explained. 

Avi smiled. He was glad that Mitch knew some of his issues first hand. "I feel like watching something new, if I am honest. What would you advise?"

"Have you ever watched Inside Out?" Mitch asked. 

Avi shook his head. "No... I mean I heard of it, but it's one of the movies I always wanted to watch but when I had time I chose a comfort movie..." 

"Do you want to watch it tonight?" 

Avi nodded. "I would love that." 

"Good. Scott loves the movie as well, so he won't mind either." Mitch started the movie while Scott joined them after turning off the big light.

Avi smiled when Scott sat down next to him and pulled him into his arms. At first, he felt a little awkward, cuddling up with his boyfriend while Mitch was right next to them, but the brunette just smiled at him and drank a sip of wine. He didn't seem to care at all.

The bearded man felt himself relaxing further while keeping his eyes on the screen to not miss the movie while he was lying comfortable in his boyfriend's arms. 


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