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Avi looked after Scott until he had entered the building and then was just lost in his thoughts. He had wanted to listen to the news, but they were just quietly running in the background as he thought about the last night and especially the morning.

Scott really wanted to date him. And there was a big part of Avi who wanted to date the blonde, as well.

Still, there was a voice inside him, that told him that it would be a bad idea and that Scott wouldn't want to be with him in the long run. Avi hated that he was feeling this way, but he couldn't help it. He wanted to feel different, but he knew that getting there would be a process. And of course, Scott wanted to be there for him, wanted to wait for him.

But Avi wasn't sure if he wanted to be such a burden.

A knock on the window pulled Avi out of his thoughts. He looked to his right and smiled slightly when he saw Scott's best friend waving at him.

He smiled back at him and opened the window on the passenger side. "Good morning, Mitch" he greeted politely.

"Good morning, Avi" Mitch greeted back.

"Erm, Scott just went inside..."

"I know, I think I saw him rush into the elevator when I was walking downstairs. Just wanted to know how you are doing..."

Avi furrowed his brows. "Fine..."

Mitch raised one of his eyebrows and then, without asking Avi, got into the car and sat down in the passenger seat. "As someone who is dealing with anxiety and has been to a lot of group therapies, I just know that something is up with you."

Avi sighed. "Scott told you?"

Mitch smiled slightly and shook his head. "He didn't have to. I just knew it. So it's true?"

Avi nodded. "Yeah. Social anxiety. He told me that you were dealing with it, too?"

"Yeah... I've been worse, but I still have my moments, but Scott is always there..." Mitch explained. "Whatever it is, you can trust him."

"I know now" Avi explained. "I have a hard time trusting people when I get to know them. I tend to be cold, it's some sort of defence mechanism."

"I have mine, too. I used to run away from situations. The number of times Scott had to come and get me out of some bathroom or closet because I had an attack... I stopped counting" Mitch sighed. "But he always came. No questions asked."

"He's a wonderful friend" Avi replied.

Mitch nodded. "That he is. And he likes you a lot."

Avi blushed slightly. "I..."


Avi shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know if I want to be with him if I can be with him. I'm not out and I don't know if I can go through all of this, even with Scott at his side and... I don't want to be a burden for him. He's a great guy and he deserves a good man" he said. "Urgh, I don't know why I just told you all of this, sorry..."

Mitch smiled. "It's fine, Avi. I am glad that you told me. I'm on your side. Even though social anxiety is different for everyone, I get you" he explained. "And regarding your feelings towards Scott. Whatever it is, try it out. You are not a burden. Believe me, Avi."

Avi took a deep breath. "I'll think about it, Mitch."

Mitch smiled and nodded. "Good. Now, I should hurry and get away, Scott should be back any moment." He got out of the car and took something out of his bag. "If you need anything, advice or whatnot, do not hesitate to call me. I wish you all the best, Avi."

Avi took the business card from the smaller man, who just smiled and then walked away.

"Bye, Mitch..." he said and looked at the business card in his hands. Apparently, Mitch was a fashion designer at some label he didn't know. Avi put the card into his wallet and smiled to himself.

He didn't know why, but he trusted Mitch. Maybe it was because they were dealing with similar issues or just because he was Scott's best friend. Sure, he probably only wanted what was best for Scott, but what if what was best for Scott was also best for him?

What if...

"I'm ready, sorry that I took so long ." Scott got back into the car and smiled at the bearded man. "You okay?"

Avi decided not to say anything about his conversation with Mitch and just nodded. "I am. You're looking good. And you smell nice..."

Scott smiled. "Thank you. Now, ready to get to the studio?"

"Breakfast first, but yeah" Avi replied. "My wrist isn't ready yet, but the things you do to ensure that you have enough pre-orders." He shrugged his shoulders. "But I'll be okay."

Scott smiled. "Good."


It was a long day, or at least it felt like one. When Avi and Scott stepped out of the headquarters of Fantasy records it was only 4.30, but after doing nothing but signing and packing up EPs, they were glad to be out in the sun.

"Shall I take you home?" Avi asked.

Scott nodded. "Why not, thank you. Saves me an hour of my time."

"Tell you what, Scott. Whenever we need to be there at the same time or get off at the same time, You can drive with me, no questions asked" Avi replied.

"Thank you, Avi, it really means a lot," Scott said.

Avi smiled. "Of course. It's the least I can do for you right now..." he said and went to the car park.

They got into the car and Avi drove out on the street, right into the packed streets of Los Angeles.

"Urgh, traffic" Scott groaned and leaned back into the seat.

Avi chuckled. "You just wait and see, I know a few hidden paths, we will definitely get home sooner than you think."

"Mmhm, I hope... I have a wine night planned with Mitchy and I feel like taking a fat nap beforehand" Scott explained.

Avi smiled at him. "Or you could nap right here? I don't mind..."

"Noooo..." Scott said and stretched his arms. "I'd rather stay awake and talk to you, I enjoy spending time with you, Avi." He looked at the musician. "How is your wrist?"

Avi shrugged his shoulders. "I can definitely feel it and I will need to take it slow on the guitar for the next days, but I'll be fine."

Scott nodded. "Good. I cannot imagine signing so many EPs."

"That's part of the job. And this way we can ensure that we'll have a huge number of sales right in the first days and place higher in the charts. To me, it is not that important, but the label... I need to make some money for them" Avi explained as he steered the car through small streets which Scott didn't know.

"Where are we?" The blonde wanted to know.

Avi chuckled. "You wait and see, we'll be at your place in... ten" he explained.

"No way," Scott said.

"Yep," Avi replied. "So... what is wine night? Is it something special or is it just what I think it is?"

"It is what you think it is, basically. It's just an evening between Mitch and me, we have a glass of wine or more, and just talk or whatever we feel like it. It's a ritual that stems from our time at college. When there was a party going on and one of us didn't want to go or wanted to leave we would ask the other one for a wine night and just be at home together. It was silly, but it stayed with us" Scott explained.

"It's not silly, it's a part of your friendship" Avi replied.

"Mmhm..." Scott looked out of the window again for a few minutes and then suddenly gasped. "I know where we are, how did we get here?"

Avi chuckled. "Told you I knew some ways. So..." He parked in front of the apartment complex. "Here we are."

Scott took his bag and nodded. "Yeah, thank you for driving me."

Avi smiled. "Of course" he replied. "Oh and Scott?"

"Yeah?" Scott asked back, already opening the door.

"I wanted to know if... if you would like to come over sometime soon? I could cook something and we could talk, or watch a movie, or, I don't know... just... a date?" Avi asked and stammered a little, but when he saw how Scott's face lit up, he knew that it was fine.

"Of course, Avi. I would love that" he replied.

"Good. We'll talk tomorrow and find a date. You go, take a nap and enjoy your wine night."

"I will," Scott said. "Thank you, Avi. Bye."



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