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After they had finished the tea and the quesadillas, they tidied up.

"So errm, I guess I should get going," Scott said once they were done.

Avi chuckled softly. "No need to. I'll drive you if you just wait for me to get my bag" he said.

"That's kind, thank you," Scott said.

"Of course. After all it's my fault that you got stuck here" Avi replied.

Scott smiled slightly. "Maybe, but somehow I didn't mind."

"No?" Avi asked.

"No, because I made a friend..."

Avi smiled brightly and blushed just a little bit. "You did..." he said softly. 

"And I am glad that I did" Scott replied. "Now go get your stuff, I don't want you to be late for your family dinner." 

Avi chuckled. "Me neither, it's been a while." He sighed softly. "I miss my Momma... and my Dad, of course..."

Scott smiled. "I get that" he replied.

"I am sorry, that was so insensitive. After all you're probably missing your family, too" Avi said.

"I do" Scott replied. "But for me it's different, I knew what I was getting into when I decided to move to LA. I am seeing them a few times a year and we facetime at least once a week. It's okay. I am happy for you, though, you deserve some time with your family." 

"Good... wouldn't want to hurt your feelings..." Avi said.

"You are not" Scott replied. "You can be sure." 

Avi nodded. "Well then, I'll head upstairs and pack my bag. Feel free to roam around, make yourself at home" he said before he left Scott alone. 

Scott looked around. He was still standing in Avi's kitchen, it was a big room with a spacious kitchen unit and a huge dining table for six people. The room was light and friendly and Scott felt comfortable even without Avi's presence.

Since Avi had allowed him to, he walked into the living room, which was flooded with light coming from a huge set of windows which filled an entire wall and featured a door which probably led into the garden. Scott looked outside and was amazed at how well kept the garden was. The patio was spacious and there was not only a big table but a huge, expensive-looking grill. In the far back of the garden, Avi had a hammock, which was surrounded by trees which were in different states of bloom.

"I always love it when the apple trees are blooming..."

Scott turned around and smiled at Avi who approached him with a duffel bag in his hands.

"It looks beautiful" Scott replied. "You seem to be a pro at gardening..."

"Well the house came with the trees, so all I need to do is water and cut them. Everything else is just trial and error..." Avi explained.

"It is probably wonderful to sit in the garden when the sun sets..." Scott mused. "We only have a tiny balcony..."

"It is. You should come over sometime soon. We could throw something on the grill and have a drink or two..."

Scott smiled. "Why not, I make some mean longdrinks."

"That sounds wonderful" Avi replied with a smile on his face. "Let's see if we can find a date for next week or the week after. We won't see each other not that often anymore, now that recordings are done..." Scott felt like there was a hint of sadness in Avi's voice, but the musician caught himself quickly and grinned. "But you're working with my sister, aren't you?" 

Scott smiled. "Yes, I am. She's lovely. I only met her once and it was only a few minutes, but she is very hardworking, isn't she? And very kind, too..." 

"She is one of my favourite people in the world" Avi began. "Of course Fantasy provided a management team for me, but Esther is my main contact, she coordinates everything for me." 

Scott furrowed his brows. "Why?" he asked. "I mean don't get me wrong, it is always good to have some familiar faces around you, but you managed to get your best friend and your sister into the company?" 

"Well, Kevin was easy, because he helped me produce the songs they first heard from me. And Esther... well I just was bold. I told them that if they needed a good manager, they should hire her. She has a really good degree and references, they just couldn't say no" Avi explained. 

There was an edge to his voice which Scott sensed but couldn't explain.

"Anyway, Scott. We should go." Avi turned away and left the room. Scott took his small bag and his jacket and followed the bearded man out of the house. He waited for Avi to lock the front door and to open the door of his car, an anthracite Jeep Compass. 

"Nice car..." Scott spoke up. 

Avi shrugged his shoulders, "It's comfy and perfect for long road trips" he said. "Get in, I forgot something, I'll be right back."

"Alright," Scott said and sat down in the front passenger seat. He waited for Avi to come back while looking around in the car. It was tidy and clean and there wasn't anything visible but a glasses case and a box in the middle console. Scott took the box, it was white and made from plastic, just as a chewing gum box would be, it just didn't have a label. The blonde opened it, hoping that chewing gum would help him with the bad breath he probably had since he hadn't been able to brush his teeth in a while. He opened the box, but there weren't any gums in it, it was... pills. Scott furrowed his brows. Who would store pills in a chewing gum box? 

At this moment Avi came back and put his bag into the trunk of the car before he sat down in the driver's seat. "So..." he said as he started the car. "I know the neighbourhood where you live but once we're near you might have to help me. I hate using the navigation system." He steered the car out of the driveway and down the street, turning the radio on.

"Sure" Scott replied. He eyed Avi and was still thinking about the pills, but there wasn't anything off with Avi. 

They spent the short ride over to Scott's place talking about the upcoming weeks and especially about the video shoot for I'll get by which would take place at the end of the week and where Scott would be present, too.

"Here we are..." Scott announced fifteen minutes later and pointed to an apartment complex. "This is where I live."

"Looks nice..." Avi said.

"It's okay. Wanna come upstairs?"

"Actually I might just take you up on that offer. I could use your bathroom, I definitely won't make it all the way to Visalia..." Avi spoke up as he parked the car. 

"Sure, come on" Scott got out of the car and took his bag and went into the building together with Avi. "We're on the third floor. Stairs or lift?"

"Stairs, please. I don't really like small spaces and I have a bad past with lifts" he explained. 

Scott smiled. "Fine with me" he said and together they walked up to their apartment. He unlocked the door and stepped inside, holding the door open for Avi.

"Mitchy, I am home!" He called, smiling when he heard steps coming from the living room.

"Scott Richard Hoying!" Mitch came into the hallway and glared at his best friend. "Where the fuck were you all night?"


A/N: Next update maybe tomorrow, but it might also be Thursday. Bear with me ;)

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