Hiking Boots

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An hour later, Avi and Scott were in the car on the way to get Scott some boots. Scott had packed a bag of fresh clothes to last him for a few days. "Do we need to stop by your house?"

"No," Avi said. "I have enough clothes at the cabin and also a little washing machine so we can wash if needed. So we don't have to come back when we're out of clothes."

Scott smiled. "You're set up for everything," he said. "For how long are you usually staying in the cabin?" 

"Depends. Usually, it's a weekend getaway, but if I need to write new songs, I stay there for weeks" Avi explained. 

"I can see that. There's nothing that distracts you from writing" Scott said.

"Well, nature can be distracting" Avi replied. "But also very inspiring." 

"I get that" Scott replied. He looked out of the window. "Where are you taking me?"

"Well there's a family-owned shop just out of the city. They specialise in hiking gear and I have been buying me things there ever since I moved to LA" Avi replied. "Oh and while we're driving. Would you check my mails? I got the press statement this morning and I need to confirm it.  But I didn't want to do this before you read it."

Scott nodded. "Sure." He took his boyfriend's phone. "It's locked?"

"0806" Avi said simply. "Esther's birthday."

"You... just told me your phone pin?" Scott asked gobsmacked.

But Avi just shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, and? I trust you and I know that you would never invade my privacy" he explained.

Scott shook his head. "I would never," he said and then opened the mail "Okay. This sounds good. Rather neutral, but probably just what you were after, right?"  

Avi nodded. "Yes. I... talked to Mitch this morning about it. He said that I should confirm it, but I wanted to ask you first."

"Are you positive that this is what you want the media to know?" Scott asked him.

"I do. Everything else I can tell later. I mean if I do the interview. I don't know if I should sit down with someone just to confirm that I am in a relationship with you. I think that's weird? Maybe we should just do nothing?"

Scott nodded. "That's a good idea. I mean the journalists will catch us if they want to, but who cares. They will know that you're not married and free to do as you please." 

Avi smiled. "I'm glad that you think so, Love" he said as he turned left and parked in front of the store. He leaned over to his boyfriend and kissed his cheek softly. "Thank you."

Scott shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't do anything, dear" he replied. "Just gave you my opinion. I mean if you feel like it in the future, you could post something of social media, but you don't need to do anything you don't want to. That's what we talked about yesterday, hmm?"

"We did." Avi smiled. "I just thought that I had to do more, you know? Like the interview. But right now I don't feel like it."

"And you don't have to" Scott replied. "I am glad that you are only doing what you want to do. You're taking your time with everything and it's good. Your happiness matters and your mental health."

Avi nodded. "Yes. I am realising it slowly but surely" he said softly. "Anyway, let's go inside and get you some hiking boots." He got out of the car and waited for Scott to join him.

Inside the store, Scott looked around gobsmacked. This is a lot..."

Avi nodded. "Yeah. I get all my gear here. They have really nice tents and sleeping bags, but I think we're not there, yet." He grinned when he saw the slightly shocked expression on his boyfriend's face. "Nope, definitely no there yet. We'll start easy with some boots."

"Yeah, but how do I find the right ones?" Scott asked. "There are so many."

Avi smiled. "We'll ask for help. This is why I love this store. They are so attentive here."

"Good morning, Avi. Nice to see you again. What can I do for you today?" An attendant came up to them and smiled brightly at them. 

"Oh hi Kira. I just need some new socks, but Scott over here needs some shoes and socks. Basically a starter kit" Avi explained.

The attendant nodded. "Of course. So Scott. Which size do you need?" 

"Errm, between 13 and 14, depending on the brand and cut" Scott replied.

Kira nodded. "Okay. Is this your first pair of hiking shoes?" 

"Yes" Scott said. "I never have been that interested in hiking and nature. Only walks through the park. But Avi showed me how nice it is, but my sneakers just don't do it." 

Kira chuckled. "That's true. So, I'll get some models out for you, Scott. With which kind of budget are we working?"

"Errm..." Scott didn't know what to say. "I don't know what to expect, to be honest.

"We don't have a budget, Kira" Avi chimed in. "I want him to have some good shoes."

"Avi!" Scott exclaimed once Kira had left them alone. "You are crazy!"

"Nope, I am your boyfriend and I want you to have some comfortable shoes. No arguing" Avi returned. 

"But... I can pay for them myself. I just got my salary" Scott shook his head. "Why?"

"Because I want to" Avi replied.

Scott rolled his eyes. "If you really want to. But I'll pay for groceries this time."

Avi shook his head. "Of course," he said. 


In the end, it took them an hour to find the right combination of shoe and socks for Scott and Avi took his credit card and paid for the things without batting an eye.

"Are you sure that you don't want me to pay a part, Avi?" Scott said as they  were back in the car. "They were quite expensive."

Avi shook his head. "No. I want to spoil you. Also they weren't that expensive. My shoes cost more."

"More?" Scott was shocked.

Avi nodded. "Yes. I wish that I would be able to get cheaper ones, but the ones I have now are perfect and worth every penny."

"Still, I feel a bit awkward about you spending so much money on me" Scott said. 

"I told you that I don't mind, Love" Avi replied. "But.... when is your birthday? It's soon, right? September?"

Scott nodded. "Yes. September 17th."

Avi grinned. "See? It's a part of your birthday present then."

Scott rolled his eyes. "That's still too much."

Avi grinned. "Yep and I might forget that I already got you something" he joked and then started the car. He looked over to his boyfriend and smiled at him. "Love just accept this gift. We both know that I have enough money and that this won't hurt me. And I also know that you aren't with me because of my money and I would never think that you would want me to pay everything."

"I know. I tend to forget that my man is filthy rich, because he's so down to earth" Scott finally said and smiled slightly. "I love you. And I accept the present."

"I love you too" Avi replied. He steered the car off the parking lot. "While I'm driving, would you reply to the mail for me and confirm the press statement? I'll forget otherwise."

"Of course" Scott smiled and grabbed his boyfriend's phone. "Music?"

"Mmhm, just put on whatever you want. I don't mind."


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