Double Date Night Ch. 6

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Our story continues the same evening after Karma and Nagisa share a bath

(A/N Look at the picture above)

Karma’s POV

“Ahhh, that felt great,” Karma says, drying his hair.”Mhmh,” Nagisa says in agreement. “But you know what that means next, Baby,” Karma asks. Nagisa excitedly nods, “Cuddles,” he says excitedly, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s neck. Karma smiles, “Yup, now jump,” and to his command, Nagisa does just that; he jumps in the redhead’s arms. “I love you,” the bluenette says, rubbing his face into Karma’s chest, “I love you too, Nagisa.” Once they reach the living room, Karma sets Nagisa down as he goes to the kitchen to get some popcorn. When Karma comes back, Nagisa happily settles down in Karma’s lap. Karma, now hugging him tightly, and “Hehe, what movie do you want to watch Nagi,” Karma asks, now petting Nagisa’s chest.

“Ooh, Instead, let’s watch Tonikawa; I heard it’s really cute,” Nagisa says happily. “Okay, let’s watch it,” Karma says, putting it on.

(A/N If you’ve never seen Tonikawa: Over the moon for you, It’s so damn cute; it’s a romance and even if you are not into romance, first what are you doing here, second you should still watch it, trust me )

Several hours later

Nagisa’s POV

“That was so cute!” Nagisa says happily, but sad it’s over. “I agree; I can’t wait for the next season,” Karma says, surprised. “Me too,” Nagisa says, now facing his boyfriend. Karma kisses Nagisa then picks him up, “Time for bed, Baby,” he says with a smile. Nagisa, now pouting a little, “Fine,” he says a little red. Karma sets his bluenette in the bed as Karma gets behind him, cuddling and spooning him. “Goodnight, Kitten,”- “Goodnight, Baby,” Karma replies burying his face into Nagisa’s neck as Nagisa hugs Karma’s arms.

In the morning

“Haaaaaaaaaarrhh,” Nagisa yawns as he wakes up in the morning still with him hugging Karma’s arms and Karma’s face in his neck. “It’s time to get up, Kitten…. Karma,” Nagisa says, turning around in Karma’s arms and shaking him. “Mmmm, ya,” Karma barely replies. “Aww, that was cute, but muah,” Nagisa says, kissing his boyfriend. “Mmmm,” Karma says into the kiss while also waking up. “I think I need one more,” Karma says, teasing Nagisa. “M- fine,” Nagisa says pouting, but kissing his boyfriend nonetheless. “Mmmmm, that’s a lot better,” Karma says, breaking the kiss, then licking his lips. Nagisa, now blushing, “I-idiot,” Karma now sarcastically pouting, “Meaning, I think I need another kiss to make up for you being mean to me.” Nagisa blushes but once again kisses his boyfriend, “S-sorry,” Nagisa says, flustered. Karma smiles at Nagisa, “It’s already, Baby,” Karma says, hugging Nagisa. “In any case, we have all morning to stay in bed, watch tv, and cuddle,” Karma says, cuddling Nagisa again. “First, what about breakfast, and second we can’t do that this evening too,” Nagisa says, a little sad. “We can skip breakfast, but we have a double date to go to this evening,” Karma says, pulling Nagisa under the covers and spooning him. “What, with who,” Nagisa asks, confused. “Do you remember seeing the story on the news about Izuku Midoriya and Himiko Toga and how they got married.”- “Ya, but what do they have to do with this,” Nagisa asks, still confused. “They’re the ones we’re going on a double date with.”- “Oh, okay… wait, how did you meet them,” he asks. “I didn’t meet her, but I met him when I was buying your gift,” Karma replies. “Oh, okay,” Nagisa says as he hugs Karma’s arms, and they fall asleep again.

A couple of hours later

Karma’s POV

“Ugh,” Karma says, unwrapping his arms around his sleeping boyfriend and starting to set up in the bed. “What time is it,” he yawns out, looking at the clock. When he looks at the clock, and it reads, 9:30 AM. “Oh shit,” he says, jumping out of bed; however, he quickly realizes that he needs to wake Nagisa. Karma leans down and kisses Nagisa’s forehead, “It’s time to wake up, Nagisa; otherwise, we’re going to be late; so, let’s go get into the shower.”- “W-wha-, let’s go, then,” Nagisa says, getting out of bed as they get undressed and start getting into the shower. Once they get out of the shower, they start to get dressed, “You look so cute, Nagi,” Karma says, pulling Nagisa into a hug. “Aw, thank you, but you look pretty handsome yourself,” Nagisa says, poking him. “Thank you, Baby,” he says, kissing his boyfriend. “You’re welcome, but let’s hurry up otherwise, we’re going to be late,” Nagisa says, pulling his boyfriend out.

“So where are we going on our double date, Karma,” the bluenette asks. “It’s a secret, Nagi,” he says, sitting down in one of the train seats. Nagisa pouting a little, “Fine, you’re lucky I love you,” he says, setting his head on Karma’s shoulder. Karma follows suit and lays his head on Nagisa’s head, making some people on the train look at them. “Karma, they’re looking at us,” Nagisa says quietly to him. “Just ignore them; they’re just in shock about how cute you are,” Karma replies. “S-stop it, Karma,” he says, embarrassed. An hour passes on their train ride as they finally make it to their destination, “We’re finally here,” Karma says, breathing a sigh of relief. “So where are we going, Karma,” Nagisa asks, getting more and more excited, “You’ll find out shortly, Nagi.” Nagisa pouts a bit but nods in agreement nonetheless. When they finally reach their destination, Nagisa’s eyes light up as he sees where they are going to the double date. “We’re going to the aquarium,” he shouts, ecstatic. “Yup,” Karma says with a smile on his face, “but I wonder we’re Izuku and Himiko are,” he says, looking around. “Right there,” Nagisa says excitedly, pointing to the manta ray tank, “Come on, let’s go,” Nagisa says, pulling his boyfriend in that direction. “Okay, okay, Nagi,” Karma says, chuckling as he’s being pulled. “Hi, guys!” Nagisa shouts towards them, making them turn around. “Hi,” Izuku and Himiko say at the same time. “You must be Nagisa,” Izuku says, “And you must be Himiko,” Karma also says, making them both nod in agreement. “You look super cute!” Himiko says in excitement towards Nagisa. “So do you,” Nagisa says back. “You two are so cute together,” Himiko says to our yaoi couple, who are currently holding hands. “Thank you,” they both say, making them laugh. “Well, in any case, let’s get going,” Karma says, directing everyone to the shark tank. Nagisa looks at the shark tank with stars in his eyes as the shark grows ever closer to the tank’s glass. Karma looks at his amazed boyfriend and thinks, How did I end up with such a cutie. “It looks like Kirishima,” Himiko says, making Izuku laugh. “You guys go ahead; Nagi and I are going to stay here a bit longer,” Karma says with a smile as Himiko and Izuku move towards the next tank. “I wish I could pet it,” the bluenette says, still staring at it. “Well, how about we go in there, then,” Karma suggests. “I really want to, but we can’t,” Nagisa says, saddened. Karma looks around to see if anyone is paying attention to them, and when he sees no one looking, he picks up Nagisa. “K-karma, what are you doing,” he asks, surprised and, of course, embarrassed because he’s doing this in public. “We’re going to pet the shark,” Karma says with a smile, making Nagisa’s eyes light up, “R-really!’ he shouts. “Yup,”- “But how,” he asks, confused. “Like this,” Karma says, jumping up on the rim of the tank. Nagisa is now a little nervous, “D-don’t drop me,” Nagisa says. “I would never drop my princess,” Karma states, teasing the bluenette. “I’m a boy!” Nagisa says, pouting, “And that a shark,” Karma says, directing Nagisa towards the shark, too, which his eyes light up. Nagisa gasps as the shark gently comes to a stop in front of our cute couple. Nagisa’s eyes continue to sparkly as he starts petting the shark, “Awwww,” Nagisa whispers out, trying not to scare the shark. After a few minutes of this, the shark swims away, making Nagisa a little sad but still excited. Once they hit the ground again, Nagisa jumps out of Karma’s arms but immediately runs back at him, kissing him multiple times. “Thank you so much, Karma; I love you,” Nagisa shouts at his boyfriend, drawing attention. “You’re welcome; I love you too,” Karma replies, kissing him back.

Once the kiss is broken, they hear a gag and a slur thrown at them, “F*ggot.” Karma, hearing this, goes towards that person and confronts him, “What did you just say,” Karma says furiously. “I say f*ggot,”- “Say that one more time,” Karma says, boiling. “Why, what are you going to do, f*ggot,”- “This,” Karma says, activating stage 3 of his quirk. In this stage, Karma’s eyes got to slits, and he gained razor-sharp claws and broken chains and shackles around his wrists and ankle as magma started to seep out of the brakes. The random individual looks at Karma, horrified as Karma gives his classic stare, but somehow worse. “Now run away, coward,” Karma says as his voice gets deeper and darker. Upon hearing this, the individual runs away as fast as he can, as Nagisa comes up and hugs his raging boyfriend from behind, “It’s okay, Kitten.” Karma deactivates his quirk and hugs his boyfriend, who was tearing up because of the insults, “Sorry, Nagi,” Karma says, consoling his upset boyfriend. “It’s fine, you big idiot,” Nagisa says smiling, “Let’s go catch up with them,” he suggests. “No need,” Izuku says, walking towards them. “That was awesome,” Himiko says to Karma in awe. “Was that your quirk?” Izuku asks. “Ya,” Karma replies with a smile. “What is it called,” they ask, to which Karma shrugs. “Let’s go look around some more,” Karma suggests to the group, to which they agree as they continue on their date.

Once again, I'm too tired to re-read, and I apologize; on the bright side, I’m off the next three days, so plenty of time to write. So, another long chapter down, with some more quirk tease, and some really cute cuteness, Honestly there isn’t much to say, so until next time, Humankind, be both.

Word Count 1760

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