Chapter Seven: First Date

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⚠️⚠️TW: BLOOD⚠️⚠️

The next morning you woke up with a smile plastered across your face, today was the day you were going to have your first-ever date.

All you could hear was the sound of Pansy going through her wardrobe and throwing all her clothes onto her bed.

"Y/n you're awake!" Pansy said.

"Am I?" You said sarcastically with a smile.

"Come on, it's ten o'clock. Let's get ready now so we have enough time to look perfect for our dates" Pansy squealed while dragging you out of bed.

"Okay, okay I'm up" you yawned.

"Good, now your up you can help me decide what to wear" Pansy smiled.

"Wow, that's a lot of clothes" you gasped.

"Well that's why I have a lot of clothes for situations like these"

"Okay, what about... this top, this jumper, this skirt, these tights, these shoes and this coat"


"Woah what?"

"How did you do that, I literally could not decide if I should wear the top over there or the top you just chose"

"Well, what can I say, I'm good with fashion. Now go and get ready so I can see how it looks"

"Okay, I'll be out in a minute" Pansy said while rushing to the bathroom with the clothes in her hands.

While Pansy was getting ready, you started to look through your wardrobe to find an outfit.

"Ta da" Pansy smiled while twirling around.

She was wearing a red turtleneck, a black skirt, black tights, black boots and a black leather coat.

"Wow, Pansy you look amazing. Blaise is gonna be mind blown when he sees you"

"I know right, now go and get dressed while I do my makeup"


"Hurry up!"

"Hold on"

After twenty minutes of doing your makeup and deciding whether you were going to wear a coat or not, you came out of the bathroom.

You were wearing a black turtleneck with a black skirt, black tights and black boots.

"Oh. My. God, y/n you look amazing"

"I know right, are you ready to go?" You smirked.

"Of course, wait one second"

Pansy quickly grabs your perfume and sprays it all over the two of you wasting over half the bottle.

"Pansy! That stuff is expensive"

"Oh well, we're rich. I'll buy you a new one" Pansy smiled.

You rolled your eyes, grabbed your coat and dragged Pansy out the door.

As you walked out of your dorm, you could see the boys sat talking on the couch and made your way over to them.

"Hey boys" you said while walking towards them slowly.

"Hey y/n, how are you?" Cedric asked as he kissed your cheek.

"I'm great. And you?"

"I'm brilliant. I bought you something" Cedric said as he pulled out the most beautiful bouquet of flowers you had ever seen.

"Oh my god Cedric they're beautiful, thank you so much" you said while hugging him tightly.

You look over to Pansy and see Blaise also handing her a bouquet of flowers.

"Daisy's my favourite, thank you Blaise" She exclaimed as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Cedric then took your hand and walked you to the common room door.

As you approached the door, he let go of your hand and opened the door for you and the others.

You smiled and thanked Cedric then made your way through the door and out into the corridor.

"So what do you two boys have planned for us on this fine evening" Pansy joked.

"First we'll have drinks at the three broomsticks, followed by Honeydukes and then a trip back to Hogwarts for a picnic by the black lake. How does that sound?" Cedric replied.

"That sounds amazing Cedric, Thank you so much" you said.

"Don't give me all the credit, Blaise did just as much work as I did. We met up quickly this morning, made the plan and set it all up" Cedric smiled.

"I don't believe you had all that time to create a plan, get ready and then be sat down ready to pick us up in the common room" Pansy exclaimed.

"Well Pans they're boys, they don't put makeup on to look good like we have to. All they do is get up, play about with their hair in the mirror after they take a shower, then they just throw on some clothes, put some aftershave on and walk out the door" You laughed.

"Are we nearly at Hogsmeade yet, all this walking is tiring me out" Pansy sighed.

"Nearly, about 5 more minutes" Blaise replied while putting an arm around Pansy's shoulder.

You looked behind you and saw Blaise put his arm around Pansy and smiled.

You couldn't believe they were finally together, Pansy looked so happy.

All four of you then approached Hogsmeade, you and Cedric raced to get the best seats before Pansy and Blaise could.

As you burst through the door, a small house elf went flying as you bumped into him.

"I am so sorry!" You gasped.

"It's ok miss, Dobby is fine" the small house elf replied.

"Are you sure? Is there anything I can do" you asked.

"No miss, Dobby is most okay" the small house elf assured you.

"Okay, if you're sure. Just let me know if you need anything" You waved as you walked over to your seat.

"What was all that about?" Pansy asked.

"I bumped into a house elf" you sighed.

"Oh is he alright?" Pansy replied.

"He assured me that he's okay so I'm guessing he's alright" you said.

"Right, I'm going to get Butterbeer. Blaise you coming?" Cedric said.

"Yeah alright" Blaise replied.

"Soo, how's it going with you and Blaise? I saw when he put his arm around you on the way here" you squealed.

"Oh y/n he's brilliant, kind, funny, amazing, caring and smart" Pansy said naming every possible adjective she could think of.

"Okay Pansy I get it" you laughed.

"So how's it going with you and Cedric?" Pansy asked.

"He's so lovely Pans, Those flowers he got me are beautiful" you smiled.

"I love the flowers Blaise got me, I can't believe he remembered my favourite flower" Pansy replied.

"We're back" Blaise said.

"Finally what took you so long, we were dying of thirst" Pansy sighed.

"Oh, we saw Draco" Blaise replied.

"Draco? Draco's here?" You asked.

"Yeah he's over by the door" Blaise nodded in Draco's direction.

"I'll be back in a second" you said as you walked towards Draco.

"What's the deal with her and Draco?" Cedric asked Blaise and Pansy.

"They're best friends, have been since they were kids but he's been really weird with her recently, she hasn't been coping well" Pansy sighed.

"So, how's it going with Diggory?" Draco asked.

"Great actually, he and Blaise planned the whole day out and they bought me and Pansy some lovely flowers" you smiled.

"That's nice, I should get going" Draco sighed.

"Really, you're doing the thing again?"

"What thing?"

"The thing where you push me away. Why?"

"I'm not I just have to leave"

"Okay, whatever" you sighed.

"Bye" Draco said as he slammed the door behind him.

Everyone was staring at you as you walked back to the table.

"Hey, everything okay?" Cedric asked.

"Everything's fine" You gave him a weak smile.

All of you finished your Butterbeer and made your way to Honeydukes sweet shop.

"I think I'm going to get some Peppermint Toads, Fizzing Whizbees and so- oh my favourite Chocolate Frogs" Pansy gasped.

"Anything for you dear?"Mr Flume asked.

"No thank you, just browsing" you smiled.

As you were looking at all the sweets, Cedric appeared behind you.

"Hey is everything okay?" He asked while placing his hands on your shoulders and looking into your eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine" you sighed.

"Don't let him get to you y/n, It's going to be alright" Cedric assured you.

"Thank you Cedric" you smiled.

"It's my pleasure. Now, are you getting anything?" Cedric asked.

"Maybe some Chocolate Frogs" you said as you walked over to the big barrel of chocolate frogs and took out as many as you could.

"That'll be five galleons" Mr Flume said.

"Thank you, Have a good day" you smiled.

As the four of you walked through Hogsmeade, you saw Draco sitting on his own on a bench just outside the village.

"Come on y/n, let's go" Pansy said as she put her arm around you.

The two of you walked ahead of Cedric and Blaise who were both laughing and joking around.

You and Pansy kept talking about your date, how much fun it had already been and leaving out the parts where Draco had made an appearance.

Today was one of the best days you ever had, it was the day of your first-ever date and it was filled with fun.

"Food! Finally, I'm starving" Pansy gasped as she rushed over to the picnic.

You, Cedric and Blaise laughed.

"I can't believe you two did all of this for us, it's amazing" You smiled.

"It's no problem, really. Blaise mentioned you've never been on a date before?" Cedric replied.

"Oh, yeah this is my first date" you said nervously.

"Well, I hope it's everything you wished for" Cedric said.

"I don't think it could've been a better day" you smiled.

Pansy opened the picnic basket and handed you a ham sandwich, your favourite.

You smiled.

All four of you ate as much as you could as the sun started to set across the black lake.

"This was the most perfect day" Pansy said.

"I agree" you replied.

The two boys walked you and Pansy back to your dorm.

"Thank you for a lovely day" Pansy said.

"No worries both of you get a good night's sleep" Cedric replied.

All four of you said Goodnight.

"Sweet dreams y/n, you looked amazing today" Cedric smiled and kissed you on the cheek.

You smiled and waved him goodbye.

Pansy wanted to stay in the common room with Blaise so you decided to go back to your dorm and get some rest.

As you got into your dorm, you closed the door and squealed.

Today was the most amazing day you could've asked for.

"Good day then?" Someone said.

"What are you doing here Mattheo" you asked.

"Just checking in on you, haven't heard from you in a while"

"Get off my bed"

"Woah, no need to be so feisty"

"Just get out, I'm not in the mood"

"I thought you missed me" Mattheo pouted.

"Why would I miss you of all people"

"Because you love me"

"Me? Love you? It's crazy how delusional you are"

"Oh come on, you know you love me" he said as he inches closer to you.

"Go away Mattheo"

"Come on, just kiss me" he sighed as he leaned in to kiss you.

"Get off me!" You shouted.

There were footsteps outside the door, someone came crashing in.

"Oi Dickhead, get off her" Draco shouted as he pulled Mattheo away from you.

Draco dragged Mattheo to the floor and kept punching him.

"Draco stop" you cried.

He kept going, one punch after the other.

"Draco, please stop" you said in tears.

"You heard her, stop" Mattheo smirked with blood dripping out of his mouth.

Draco got up and brushed himself off.

As mattheo got up and wiped the blood away from his lip, Draco leaped onto him and pulled him down to the floor again.

"Draco please, enough. It's enough" you cried as you pulled him away from Mattheo.

"Get out, Now" Draco shouted and put his arm around you.

"Fine, fine I'm going" Mattheo said with his hands in the air.

He grabbed his jacket and walked towards the door, as he was leaving he winked at you.

Draco pulled you into his embrace and you could not stop crying.

He helped you get ready for bed and tucked you in.

"I will never let him come near you again okay?" He assured you.

"Thank you Draco" you smiled.

"I told you, I'll always be here for you whenever you need me. That's what best friends are for" he hugged you.

"Are you going?" You sighed.

"Well yeah, I didn't think you'd want me to stay as your with Cedric and he might get the wrong idea" he said.

"Please don't leave, I don't want to be alone tonight" you asked.

"Alright, I'll stay" he smiled and got into bed next to you.

You sighed.

"So how was your date today?, seemed like you were having fun" Draco asked.

"It was great actually, Cedric is a really nice guy. I think I might like him"

"Oh well that's great y/n" Draco smiled weakly.

"Yeah, it is" you smiled.

Draco pulled the covers over the both of you and he held you tightly.

"I'm so tired" you said.

"It's okay, I'm right here. Just get some rest, I won't let anything happen to you" he assured you.

"Goodnight" you smiled.

"Goodnight y/n" Draco said as he kissed your head.


Hey guys! I hope you all like this chapter as i put a lot of work into it and I absolutely love itttt :). Don't forget to vote and share with your friends.

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