Making A New Weapon

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Song Theme: Staind- It's Been Awhile (Instrumental)

3rd's POV.

Once Daniel and Nightingale finish taking a shower and getting change, Daniel went downstairs to help Karen gathered all the laboratory stuff from the truck loaders before Whistler closed the door. Blade came downstairs with the ancient paper. "Whistler" Blade called out his name, handing him the paper. "What is this?" Whistler asked. He looked at it first and sniffing it with disgusted face.

"Smells like a vampire wiped his ass with it." Whistler said. "I took it from the archives. It's written in blood. It's from The Book Of Erebus." Blade explained. It went quiet for a moment until Nightingale appeared. "What's going on?" She asked, next to Blade and Whistler. She looked at it closely until she recognized it. "That's from The Book Of Erebus, isn't it?" She asked.

Whistler and Blade nodded. She remembered what Dragonetti was talking about Frost's plan. "I think it's what Frost has been working on. It's something about The Blood God, The Spirits Of The Twelve." She said. "I don't know. I can't make out the rest of it." Whistler said. "Maybe this'll help." Blade said, handing the disk to Whistler. "I'll figure out something." Whistler said, grabbing the disk, and turned back to Karen and Daniel. "So, what's all this?" Blade asked, following Whistler.

"Took a trip to the hospital last night, borrowed some equipment." Karen replied, hooking up the computers. "For your miracle cure?" Blade asked. Nightingale joining them, looking at the equipments Karen and Daniel brought it in. "I'll have to admit, I'm impressed with the equipments you guys brought." Nightingale said, still looking at the equipment. Daniel smiled her words and remembered their first time making love like it was a dream, but it was real. Karen showed Blade, Nightingale, and Whistler about a new weapon idea to use against vampires.

Blade looked at the blood example until it explode the glasses. Whistler chuckled as Blade looked at him with an annoyed look. "Some cure." Blade spoke. Whistler only just grinned and impressed of Karen's ideas. "I didn't say E.D.T.A was a cure. But maybe you could use it to explode some vampires heads." Karen explained before turning around to her desk. "Oh" Blade said, putting his sunglasses on. "Once again, I'm totally impressed of your ideas, Karen." Nightingale commented with a smile.

"Wait a minute. I need a sample of yours and Nightingale's blood." Karen said. "Later. Gotta go downtown. Need some serum." Blade said. "We can get the serum later, Blade. For now, we need to give her our blood sample if we want to get a cure." Nightingale pointed out. "This is important." Whistler added. Karen gathered Blade to the counter, Nightingale followed Daniel to counter, letting him get some blood examples. Whistler walked towards his desk while coughing. "Is he sick?" Daniel asked while putting a needle in Nightingale's arm. "He has cancer." Nightingale said in a low tone.

Karen noticed Blade worried about Whistler. "You have a lot of love for him, don't you?" Karen asked while putting the needle in Blade's arm. "We have a good arrangement. He makes the weapons. I use 'em." Blade responded. Karen smiled while getting his blood. "You know, my mother used to say..." Karen said. "A cold heart is a dead heart." Karen added. "You're worried about him, aren't you?" Daniel asked, seeing Nightingale's worries about Whistler. "I'm worried about him and Blade." Nightingale responded. "And especially you." She added.

"You're worried about me too?" Daniel asked in a shocked tone. "From Quinn's bite mark on you." Nightingale responded. Daniel forgotten about the bite marks as he quickly goes to the bathroom, carefully peel off the bandages around his neck. He tried to look at it until he heard someone approaching at the door. "Whistler" Daniel spoke. "You don't look so good." Whistler spoke, looking at him. "I'm just a little tired." Daniel said. Whistler came closer to him, checking his bite mark, already knows the answer. "I guess we didn't catch it in time. You got another day, two at the most." Whistler said before turning back around. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry." Whistler said, walking out. "You make it sound like I'm already dead." Daniel displeased before sighed.

After the blood example, Blade was walking amongst the town, getting more serum, until he heard someone called out to him. He stopped, turned to the side as he sees a familiar face with the Asian girl holding hands. Blade can tell the girl is scared, knowing Frost using her as a bait. Blade didn't have a choice but to go there and have a chat with Frost.

"How you doing, chief?" Frost greeted with an evil grin and putting his sunglasses in his jacket pocket. Blade didn't say anything but only a dagger glare, trying to reach out for his gun but stopped when Frost wrapped his hand around the girl's neck with his sharp nails almost aim at her throat. "Easy" Frost warned him while holding her hostage. "Wouldn't want our little friend here to wind up on the back of a milk carton now, wouldn't we?" Frost added. Blade moved his hand away from the gun, waiting what Frost want.

"It's nice finally to meet you, man, had my eye on you and Nightingale for years." Frost started. "I know all about both of you, serum, Whistler, everything." Frost added. "Speaking of knowing everything, I thought Nightingale would've been here with you, but she's not here." Frost spoke curiously. "Does it matter if she's with me or not?" Blade spoke harshly. "I only can say that I'm disappointed that she's not here, since I was looking forward to seeing her again after all these years." Frost smirked before shrugged. Blade growled at him and thankful Nightingale wasn't here to hear that. "Sunblock" Blade changed the subject, knowing the reason Frost can walk in the daylight. "Hey, it's a start, right? The goal of course to be like you and Nightingale, Daywalkers." Frost said. "Both of you got the best of both worlds. Of all our strengths, none of our weaknesses." Frost added. Blade felt disgusted, never felt lucky or blessed from the curse of being Daywalker.

"Maybe I don't see it that way." Blade spoke harshly. "Oh, we're back to pretending we're human again?" Frost sarcastic. "Come on, spare me the Uncle Tom routine, okay." Frost spoke in an annoyed tone. "You can't deny what you are, man." Frost said. "You think the humans will ever accept a half-breed like you and Nightingale?" Frost scoffed. "They can't. They're afraid of both of you. And they should be. You're both an animal. You're both a fuckin' maniac." Frost said, making blade uncomfortable.

"Look at 'em." Frost said, pointing out the crowds. "They're cattle...pieces of meat." Frost said. "What difference does it make how their world ends?" Frost added. "Plague, war...famine. Morality doesn't even enter into it." Frost said. "We're just a function of natural selection, man...the new race." Frost added. Blade noticed something about Frost's emotion from his eyes. "Looks like your mascara's running." Blade said. Frost wipe his tears off of his face and looked at it in his hands, cleared his throat before looking back at Blade.

"I'm offering you and Nightingale a truce." Frost offered. Blade disbelief Frost's offered, knowing what Frost really wants. "I want both of you with us." Frost added. "What do you think, I'm stupid?" Blade mocked him. "The Spirits Of The Twelve will awaken La Magra." Blade spoke in foreign languages. Frost was speechless, realizing Blade knows about the Blood God. "You're familiar with the Blood God." Frost spoke harshly.

"Frost, you're nothing to me but another dead vampire." Blade spoke in a darker tone. "You're an idiot. You know that?" Frost displeased. "I came down here offering you an easy way out, and you spit it right back in my fuckin' face." Frost added. Blade was about to reach for his gun again until Frost fistful grabbed the little girl's face to pull up.

"Careful." Frost warned him while holding the little girl hostage. All they did is just giving each other a death glare. "What do I care? They're nothing but cattle, just like you said." Blade challenge him. "If you wanna take the hard road, be my guest, but I promise you, by the time this is over you're gonna to wish they never cut you from mother's..." Frost threatened him. Blade snapped, grabbed his gun and started to shoot at Frost, but he ducked from the bullets and threw the little girl up in the air.

She flew passed by Blade and was about to be crashed in the popcorn machine. Suddenly a dark image appeared and catch her before crashing in the popcorn machine, landed on the street. Blade recognized the scent from the mystery person and hearing the groin sound.

"Nightingale" Blade spoke. Frost evil grin at Blade before leaving the park. Blade tried to shoot at Frost but missed it. Blade growled in a frustrated tone but turned back to Nightingale and the little girl trying to get up while the load up truck coming at them. Blade quickly ran as fast as he could till he reached to get them before getting ran over.

Once he gathered them, Nightingale gently letting the little girl down and told her to go home. The little girl didn't hesitate it as

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