Gold rush

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If you are a swiftie you would know why i chose this title. The story is finally moving forward. This chapter is from Nico's point of view.

Nothing much happened since I got out of the infirmary and Will invited me to table 7 for dinner. I have been sitting at his table ever since, though we don't talk much. To be honest, I miss being in the infirmary.

I miss having Will all to myself. And I miss having his attention.

I missed the warmth from the day he hugged me.

Now the only times I get to see him in the day are when I go to wish him good morning in the infirmary, and at mealtimes. I remember what Annabeth told me the day before she and Percy left.

The whole talk about letting go, and understanding myself more. She told me I didn't have the right to hate myself, nobody did (I remember my counsellor telling me this, and boy, that is good advice).

That girl has a way with words.

Even though I didn't necessarily follow her advice about talking to the campers, I tried to not stay in my cabin all day. I taught sword fighting just to pass time and spend the rest of the loitering around cabin 7 and waiting for mealtimes when Will would smile at me and tell his siblings to make a place for me at the table.

It was nice. It made me feel wanted, and I loved I found a home. And a family.

It had been approximately a week since Percy and Annabeth had left for the city. I was reading a book on my bed, which I had borrowed from the Athena cabin when I heard the ding of an iris message.

I put the book on the bed, open on the page, I was reading and searched my drawer for a drachma.

"no, let me tell him." Percy's voice came from the misty rainbow, making a wet mess in my cabin.

"Sit!" Annabeth told him, "you can tell him but don't jump or you'll cut the call," I heard Percy whine and move away so I could see him clearly. He looked no different from he did, with his sea-green eyes and the messy black hair. He was wearing a hoodie with the letters AHS written on it.

"hey," I mutter, kneeling, "what happened?"

Percy blinked like he hadn't noticed that I was there at all. "Oh hi. Nico. Nothing happened,"

"How are you, Nico?" Annabeth interrupted him. "we just wanted to check up on,"

"You said you would let me tell him!!!" Percy whined, cutting her. "It is my birthday. I should get to tell him"

I put my hands up for both of them to stop bickering. "hold on. Hi, Annabeth. I'm great. And Percy, your birthday is the day after, not today." I hope it wasn't creepy that I knew that, but if you crush on someone for years, you weren't likely to forget their birthday. And after the titan war prophecy, anyone would have a hard time forgetting when Percy's birthday was.

Percy finally gets in close enough to talk, and Annabeth gives up and sits behind him, "yeah I know. My mom is throwing me a birthday party since this would be the last year I'm living with her. It's kinda big. And I'm not complaining. So we wanted you to come."

"Well, it's also our anniversary," Annabeth cut in, "one year."

Percy looked at her for a minute too long, and we all knew he had forgotten. He quickly looked away from Annabeth to avoid her gaze.

"Yeah, Nico. So be ready. Its masquerade themes. I chose that. Nice right. It's in the gym of my school, my stepdad Paul, he got it. You probably know Paul. You saw him on my birthday a few years back, and we had that blue cake. I loved that. I wanted to have the same one this year as well. BTW my mom got married, cool right, before the titan war, you probably knew that. Oh, and I'm getting a new brother or sister. I don't know. My mom wanted to keep it a surprise so-"

"Percy, it's been three minutes, dammit. And you haven't told him anything of value yet." Annabeth got up and pushed him away from the iris message. "So, Nico, you know Percy's house. East One-hundred-and-fourth and First.

(BTW, I'm not shore what that means. I'm clearly not from New York, so don't come at me. it was in the lightning thief's third chapter)

The Day after tomorrow. r be there at 2. You can share a car with us to the school."

"No," I said, "I have Jules Albert. And a car too. (not canon I made that up since they borrow a car in the blood of Olympus. Nico doesn't have a car, but who cares this is my fic,) so we can carpool. And thanks for the invite,"

Annabeth grinned, holding Percy a little too tightly at the shoulders, and he gives me a meek smile. "and we have called everyone we know at camp. Since the gym is pretty big, and no one from camp Jupiter can make it, you need to invite someone too."

I knew where she was getting at this. That bitch. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole Percy's birthday thing is just a ruse, "As- as a date?"

"Up to you," she shrugs her shoulders, "if you want me to tell this person that I asked you to bring a date, then no problem. Okay, our time's up. Gotta go. Tell will to wear something good. Bye," Annabeth winks and turns to Percy, her blonde curls bouncing on her shoulders and the call cuts itself.

The light from the iris message goes out, and I'm left standing in the remains of the mist, as the water slowly flows towards the door. What. The. Literal. Fuck.

Why did I agree to do this? I try to think of possibilities and excuses to not bring will along. But I'm pretty sure Annabeth could just call and check up to make sure he is free. She probably already did. Her classes are too easy that she has time to mess around my life.

Or you could suck up and ask Will. A dumb, hopeless part of me thinks. Worst case he says no. and it's only for one event. That doesn't mean we are dating.

Yeah, I think, why not? I should do it. (Disclaimer, this is entirely fictional. The worst case of asking someone out is not getting rejected. Various shit can go down. This fic neither encourages nor recommends doing it. Ok. that's enough lame warnings.)

I walk out of my cabin and notice that's it, dark out. The lights have just begun to switch on, and light up the pavilion as demigods arrived. I decide to go to the infirmary since Will is probably there. He doesn't leave until all his siblings get out unless there are injured campers like I was.

Besides, it would probably be easier to invite my bad, ask him out, without there being too many people about. I walk down towards the infirmary, smiling and nodding as some of the campers say hi to me.

As expected, William was there, talking softly to his half-sister Kayla about something. I knock at the door to get their attention.

"Hey," I mutter, walking in awkwardly, "can we talk?"

Will looks at Kayla, who gives him a knowing smile and walks out.

"Yeah, what?" Will replied, shutting the windows with his back to me.

"Percy and Annabeth, iris messaged me a few minutes ago." I begin unsure of how to take this. What if he laughs? Or says no.

Will looked up. "what did they say?"

"They invited me to Percy's birthday this weekend. At his place, I'm supposed to be there at 2. it's some masquerade-themed shit. I already said yes."

"wow good for you," Will replies, kicking his foot on the ground. There is a slight hint of jealousy in his voice. "why are you telling me this? I'm not your doctor anymore. You are free to go wherever you wish so-"

"I'm not here to ask your permission, William solace," I say sternly, slightly hurt by his notion. "They asked me to invite someone since. I don't know. Annabeth said something about the gym being big and whatever,"

"you mean like a plus one?" will ask, "a date?"

"well yeah," I mutter, my cheeks burning red, "and I don't know anyone else. And also I had to thank you for saving me."

"you don't ever have to thank me, Nico," he says, stepping in closer. "friends don't thank each other. And I'd be honoured to come as your plus one."

My heart sinks at the friend's comment, but what else did I expect.

Will puts an arm around my shoulder, as he leads me out the infirmary to lock the doors, "you said this was masquerade themed?"

"yeah," I replied.

"so do I have to wear a ball gown as your date?"

I laugh, and we head down to dinner.

Honestly, I was totally fangirling writing that last bit. Dont forget to vote.


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