Chapter 3: Meeting new friends and getting popular?

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After Mayes met with his new wife, $adie, both of them decided to go and meet the students before his parents arrived to see what happened.

Claire and her friends: Mayes! Are you Okay?!

Mayes: I'm fine guys. My new wife, $adie, grabbed me and claim me as her new husband.

Claire: Wait, what?

Mayes: Yeah, and she is one heck of a woman.

$adie: Come on now Mayes?~ Don't need to ruin our moment.~

Claire: Why does she sound so flirty?

Mayes: Don't know why, but anyways, where are your friends?

Claire: Oh yeah I remember, they're behind me.

Mayes: Hello there, I'm Mayes Marsh and it's nice too meet you.

Bubble: Hi there, my name is Bubble.

Lana: I'm Lana!

Abbie: Abbie is my name.

Mayes: Nice name guys. So, who's next?

???: Mayes Marsh, you beaten Alice!

Mayes: Yeah, I did. And there's 8 of you guys. Tell me your names please.

The Boys: Our names are Kevin, Cubbie. Skell, and Robby.

The Girls: Lizzy, Petunia, Ruby, and Riley is our names.

Mayes: Nice to meet you gu-

But before I could finish my sentence, $adie grabbed someone right behind me about to punch me In the face.

$addie: I see that you tried to punch my love huh? Mayes, we have someone who wants to talk to you.

Mayes: Huh? Oh, it's you again. What do you want Oliver?


Mayes: Alice tried to kill Claire, so I had to intervene in the chase and ended up padlocking her away for good. She can't get out. You and zip were the ones who started the chase.

After his explanation, everyone gasped at his explanation except $adie, who was impressed by his explanation. After that, she threw oliver out of the school window and into the danger forest.

Mayes and $adie: So long, Gay Oliver!


After that, the rest of the students met Mayes, except for 3.

???: *Pokes him*

Mayes: Hmm? *looks down*

Mayes: *Picks him up* What's a child like you doing here? Shouldn't you be with a supervisor? They might be worried about you getting lost.

???*gives Mayes his name*

Mayes: *Grabs the paper* So your name is chip? Well it's nice to meet you little chipster, I'm Mayes Marsh. I'll put you down.


Mayes: *laughing a little* He's funny.


???: Chip, where are you? I'm getting worrie-

Both of them then could hear music from an empty classroom. When they entered they saw something that made them confused.

??? & ???2: What the?

Bluetooth Speaker: *Playing DJ Birde - Chicken Dance*



Zip: Sorry Mayes, but what are you doing with my little brother?

Mayes: Dancing, Zip and Edward. And before you ask how I know your names, I saw it on your assignments. Nothing too personal.

Zip and Edward: Okay..?

*To be continued*

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