Why Me? (Angst)

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So Jaxx might be out of character a bit in this but I'd did my best! Enjoy!

Jaxx POV:
With Pomni being a new member to this circus things have been going down. Everyone was so attached to her that it was sickening! What so special about a jester? Im not jealous of her or anything, I just find it mad annoying when Im just going on my way and they always think I did something. Just like last week.

"Ugh...hasn't Caine ever heard of organization?" I kept looking for Caine's cane. How did he lose it!? His name literally is Caine!! And me of all people have to retrieve it.

"Hey Jaxx."

I turned around and saw Pomni.

"Hi..." I then went back to searching the closet for this stupid Ringmaster's Cane.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"What does it look like? I'm trying to find Caine's stupid cane. He lost it and wants me to find it." I rolled my eyes. Pomni is always getting into people's business. Most of the others don't mind but I mind very much!

"Oh, well it looks like a lot of stuff. Do you need some help?"

"Fine, if it will get you to stop bugging me!"

She went inside the huge closet and started looking with me.

"See anything?" I asked.

"No, oh wait!" Pomni reached inside something.


I heard her scream and I shot my head behind me and saw that Pomni was buried in some stuff. I saw the cane on the top I grabbed it and put aside.

"Pomni!?" Ragatha rushed in and so did the others. They pushed some stuff off her and her eyes were literally spirals.

"Yeah....I'm okay!!" Pomni got up.

"Not cool Jaxx!" Zooble said.

I was confused on what she meant. Did she really think I did that!?

"Jaxx why did you do that?" Ragatha asked. I saw that she had a angry and disappointed look in her eye. It can give you chills on your spine.

"I didn't do that!"

Yeah, and they all didn't talk to me for the rest of the day. They also avoided me which was annoying. Like they wouldn't be in the same room as me it was ridiculous! I thought Pomni would say something but noooo! She decided to keep her stupid jester mouth shut! Let me break it down to reality. If Pomni had a paper cut, everyone would be worried sick about it. And if I was bleeding out next to her I wouldn't matter. Don't need there love or anything like that! I just can't believe everyone loves Pomni!
Okay maybe I envy Pomni. But not because I like everyone, but because she can wrap anyone around her finger.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when everyone came inside the Circus Lobby. Surprised Caine woke them up this early. I was up already. They all looked at me like I'm up to something, I rolled my eyes. I walked up to them and waited for Caine to arrive. Like I do everyday but seriously for an AI he takes his sweet time.

"Jaxx..." Zooble rolled his eyes.

"Well a good morning to you two." I smiled like I usually do.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes.

Pomni walked In the room everyone said good morning to her. Why am I not surprised?

"Morning everyone!" She smiled. She made eye contact with me and smiled as well. I don't know why, she's so weird!

"Hey there Pomni! Do you know where Caine is?" Ragatha asked.

"Oh he's coming. Had a situation with the Gloinks."

"That tracks." I said.

"Nobody asked you Jaxx." Zooble retorted. I was on the verge of losing my sht. I'm not kidding I usually make things into a joke but this was ridiculous! I didn't respond to her stupidity.

"Hello everyone! So ummmm I lost my Cane again."

"You serious?" I asked angry.

"Dead serious Jax...Dead Serious...."

This guy can be very creepy and disturbing at times.

"So I need you all to find it!"


Jaxx scoffed, Caine is never organized with things. It wouldn't surprise him if Caine manages to lose Bubble.

"Caine I literally just found it. It's right behind you." Jaxx facepalmed. Caine looked over and it was indeed behind him. Caine grabbed it and thank Jaxx before he disappeared.

"Woah...how did you see that?" Ragatha asked Jaxx.

"I'm a rabbit. We have better vision than others." He replied not looking at Ragatha at all.

"Jaxx looked at her when she's talking to you!" Kinger said gently.

"Make me Hoo Ha!" Jaxx teased. Kinger didn't take offence to it at all. Jaxx was the youngest so it makes sense for him to be this immature.

"Okay let's all just chill out." Pomni suggested.

"Okay Pomni, when I'm talking to Dollface or anyone for that matter. Stay out of it." Jaxx said with a calm but frustrated tone.

"Oh, sorry Jaxx!" Pomni apologized. She wasn't upset but she walked away quietly.

"Jaxx! Look what you did!" Ragatha raised her voice. Jaxx looked at her and the others confused, why were they so pissed off?

"What did I do Doll!?"

"You made Pomni leave!"

Jaxx POV
Wtf!? Are they all for real!? I didn't even do anything to her!

"I didn't, she left on her own."

"God Jaxx, go to hell."

Ouch...that one was kind of brutal.

"Let me tell you something Dollface!" I opened my mouth for once while talking. Mostly because it's what my character does when there annoyed.

"If I was bleeding out."

Ragatha shot her head at me with wide eyes, so did the others.

"You wouldn't give a damn, would you?" I asked. They all just looked at me with no response. I know my answer from them. My ears went down upset. I felt Ragatha about to grab my shoulder but I smacked her arm away.

"Don't touch me Ragatha!" I yelled and walked off.

Ragatha's POV
"Don't touch me Ragatha!"

I was shocked, he never calls me Ragatha. He would usually just cat call me Dollface. He walked away still upset.

"Woah..." Was all I could say.

"I'll go talk to him." I heard Kinger say.

"Kinger are you crazy? He's literally gonna pull your eyes out." Zooble said.

"All I see was a Kid that feels alone, now please move aside!"

Kinger POV
I knew something was wrong when Jaxx did admit to something he didn't do. He always does admit to things he does but this time it was different. I was walking and stopped at Jaxx's door and knocked.

"Jaxx you in there?"

I couldn't hear a response. I'll be honest that's concerning considering he always has something to say. I opened the door and Saw Jaxx on his bed facing the wall. His ears were drooping behind his back like real Rabbits do when there sad or upset.


I saw one of his ears goes up alerted. It was adorable how he acts more like a rabbit than a person. His ear then goes back down.

"What Kinger?"

"Mind if I come in?"

"Don't care do whatever."

I walked in and shut the door behind me and sat in Jaxx's bed. I looked down at his face, it didn't have his signature smile in fact his mouth was a closed frown.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"What do you think Hoo Ha?" He replied quietly but coldly.

"Hey now, no need to call me names! I maybe a little crazy but I still am a person like you."

If I could smile I would but I couldn't. Jaxx remained silent. It was honestly terrible seeing Jaxx, the Cocky, Confident, Vocal, Comedian, Rabbit down. He's always happy in his weird way. I hesitantly placed my hand On Jaxx, suprisenly he didn't react or push it off. He kept remaining still like a statue.

"Jaxx, what's bugging you? I'm a really good listener!"

"Are you?"

"Yeah!" I said happy.

Jaxx looked at Kinger and sighed, he looked back at the wall.

"So what's been on your mind Jaxx? You know you never shown this emotion before."

"You gonna tell the others what I say?"

"Of course not Jaxx." I was upset that he would think I would do that. Then again he never opens up his trust windows for anyone.


"What about her?"

Jaxx's face turns angry.

"What's so special about her!? They all seriously think I threw stuff on her when it was impossible when I was on the other side of the room. And just now I didn't upset Pomni, they all think I did!"

I was surprised by his outburst, Pomni wasn't the problem it was the fact that everyone thinks he does something when something goes wrong. I know what that feels like, but when something odd goes on they think I did something. But they don't get mad at me they treat me with respect. Not for Jaxx though.

"Do you hate Pomni?"

"Of course not."

"Sit up Jaxx."

He looked at me confused and did as I said. I then gave him a hug that made his ears go straight up. I released him and he look In shock still. I'm guessing he's never had a hug before.

"I'm always here for you Jaxx!" I smiled and was about to leave until Jaxx hugged me.

"Thank you Kinger..."

I smiled, there is a soft spot and kind spot in Jaxx after all.

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