πŸ‡ That Wasnt Water πŸ‡ (Jax x Ragatha)

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Ragatha got into something she shouldn't have. What happens when she visits Jax when she's not in the right mind?

(This is mature!!!)

Ragatha walked down the long hallway tired. It has been a rough day arguing with Jax not to break things. Or bully the new girl Pomni. Ragatha doesn't know what's with Jax and picking on the newbies.

Ragatha POV
I walked into the kitchen seeing nothing but darkness. I flipped the switch and my vision blurred a bit. I picked up a bottle of water and started chugging it down. It tasted so good! I never would of guessed Digitial water would taste better than the real world. I felt so happy and cheery now. I dropped the bottle and heard glass break.


There's a certain someone I want to visit...Jax~


I was looking down at my device bored out of my mind. It was 2am but I wasn't tired. I scrolled through things until I stopped on one thing.

Teenager's Disappearance mark 6 years today.

6 years? That's how long I was in here. Maybe I did have people that cared that I went missing. I heard a knock on my door. This early? At 2 in the morning? I placed my phone down on my bed and opened the door to see Dollface.

"Hey Jaxy!~"

Jaxy? Since when does she call me that?

"Dollface...Need something?"

"Is anyone here?" She asked.

"Uh no why?" I replied.

"Good!" She smirked and then she wrapped her arms around me and slammed her lips on mine. She shut the door behind her she still hand her lips on mine and slammed me on the wall.

What the f*ck!? What is wrong with her!?

I tried to push her off but she wasn't coming off. I could feel her hands running up my shoulder. I finally got her lips off mine.

"Have you lost it!?" I yelled.

She just looked at me like a crazy person who hasn't had her corn bread left. Something was definitely wrong with her...she would never just come in here and try to make out with someone! Me none the less.

"Oh what's wrong Jaxy~? Am I not going far enough~?" She slurred.

"Okay Dollface....You clearly lost it." I picked up my phone and tried to find a way to contact Caine. Hopefully he can fix this Ragdoll. Not like you can fix a ragdoll. Dollface then grabbed my phone and tossed it to the other room.


"Oh I know your not getting Caine~"

She's right. I can't get a hold of anyone this early. Guess I'm dealing with this alone...Dollface then wrapped her arms around my waist tight. Very tight I tried to get her off but she was surprisingly strong.

"Doll...Come on we're enemies! You don't like me one bit!" I tried to snap her out of whatever she's in.

"I could never hate you Jaxy~! I love you~!"

My face turned red. Sure I had a crush on her but this is just ridiculous! I know damn well she does not feel the same way. I pushed her off and she landed on the floor. She looked up at the ceiling like a little girl on Christmas morning. There nothing interesting about the ceiling!! I got my device and went outside and shut my door.

"What the h*ll is wrong with her!?" I whispered yelled.

I opened my device and tried to get Caine activated. Since he's an AI he shuts down when he's not in use. Caine didn't activate at all.

"Caine are you serious!!!" I said angrily. That stupid AI dental floss man is useless! Absolutely useless! How am I supposed to deal with a dirty minded Ragatha!?

I opened the door and saw that she was popping her lips still looking at the ceiling. I slowly closed the door and locked it. I may not want to deal with this but can't just let her go around like this. She noticed I was back.

"Hey Jaxy!"

"Okay let's not call me that!"

"Why not!? You call me Dollface!"

"I swear to gosh Ragatha!" I groaned. I placed my phone on the desk and just looked around for the remote. Hopefully there can be something that distracts her. She then wrapped her arms around my neck this time. I groaned and found it.

"Your so hot Jaxy~!"

My ears shot up by this. This is just really awkward. I gave her the romote and she cheered and put on the TV. She then hopped on the bed watching it. Now that's she's distracted I can figure out why she's acting this way.

I slowly and quietly left the room without her noticing and started walking. I went into the kitchen and looked on the floor to see broken glass. I walked up and picked up the bottle....This wasn't water....This was I don't know what this is! It's not beer or anything I know. It doesn't look like something Ragatha should of drank. I better get back to her before she realizes I'm gone.

Ragatha POV
I was watching my favourite movie, The Ring. It was terrifying but funny at the same time. I heard the door open and looked over and saw Jax was back. I didn't even know he left. Man he was one hot Rabbit! I jumped off the bed and hugged Jax tightly.

"Hey Jaxy~!"

"Okay Ragatha get off..."

"Aww but why!?" I whined.

"Because I said so toots!"

"Nah...I think I'm gonna hang on a little longer!"

I could hear him groaned annoyed. I don't care though! He's very soft and fluffy with his bunny fur. I then bit his neck and he gasped and pushed me off.

"Did you just bit me!?" He yelled.

I nodded as I lick my lips.

"You taste good."

His face turned red. Couldn't tell of embarrassment or enjoyment. He didn't seem like his cocky self anymore. He was looking for something around his room. I wonder what that something was. He then pulled out a rubber centipede. He looked happy?

"Hey Dollface....It's your best friend Mr.Centipede! The one I put in your bed and you scream all the time!"

I just looked at him. I don't know what he was talking about at all.

"And you always say you hate my guts for it."

"I could never hate you Jaxy~!"

I then jumped and he caught my waist. My legs were wrapped around his waist.

"Okay Ragatha...This has gone far enough. I think it's time for you to sleep."

"Far enough? Why I don't think we went that far Jaxy~!"

His face turned red by my comment. He placed me on the bed looking lost? He had his hand on his forehead looking panicked.

"What's wrong Jaxy~?"

He didn't answer he just sat down on the bed next to me. I don't know why he looks so troubled. I then smirked at an idea.

I got on Jax and slammed my lips on his. I was fighting for entry but he was protesting everything. I placed my hand on a strap on his shoulder. I slowly tried to take it off but he stopped me. He pushed me off and he gasped for air.

"Okay Ragatha....You have to stop."

"But I was enjoying it Jaxy!" I whined.

"When you snapped out of it you are gonna kill me..."

"Never Jaxy! I love you!!" I embraced Jax.

"Look Dollface...It's 4am you really need to go to bed."

"Aw can't I stay here!?"

"No! You have to go to your room!" He instructed.

"No! I'm staying here!" I crossed my arms like a 5 year old child.


He then sighed in defeat.


I smiled wide. He got in bed and then I snuggled up close to him with my arms wrapped around him. I laid my head on top on him as well.

"Goodnight Jaxy!"

"Ugh...Goodnight Dollface."

Ugh...My head is killing me! I opened my eyes and widened. I was sleeping on top of Jax. I shot up looking around the room. It was a mess what the hell happened last night!?

"Jax...wake up!" I whispered shouted. He didn't wake up I could see he had black bags underneath his eyes. He must of stayed up for a long time.


He woke up and rubbed his eyes as he sat up.

"Are you back to your normal mindset now?" He asked. I was confused. What does he mean?

"What are you talking about?"

He sighed in relief. I was so confused.

"You got into something you shouldn't have gotten...You barged in here and kept flirting."

My face turned red. I was embarrassed! Never wanted him to find out like this!

"How....How far did I go?"

He was silent for a few moments.

"Don't worry Dollface, I made sure you didn't go too far. You only went as far as biting my neck."

I sighed in relief. Nice to know Jax was the adult during that time.

"I'm sorry that I did that to you Jax." I apologized.

"Oh come on Dollface. It's not like you were in control. Plus Caine shouldn't have left something like that out for someone to drink."

"So your not mad?"

"Nah. The only thing I was mad about was Caine didn't come when I needed him too." Jax got out of bed his fur was all messed up it was adorable. He looked so fluffy.

"You should keep your fur that way! It looks better!"

"And people petting it all day. No thank you!"

I laughed. He was right I would most likely keep petting it all day.

Me and him left the room and went to the lobby.

"So uh Jax...We don't have to mention this to anyone right?" I said with a nervous smile.

"No one has to know Dollface."

I was surprised by that response. I was expecting him blackmailing me. I guess he does have some decency in some cases.

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