🫨 Overthinker 🫨

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Kinger is a bit crazy. But he is like the father of the group. After he lost Queenie to being abstracted he was on the edge of everything. Will Kinger be able to relax? Will he stress himself out?

Requested by:ANIM3_SHIPP3R

Kinger POV

I was in my pillow fort isolated from the others. Not because I don't like them because I would hate to be the caused if someone's breaking point. Especially since Queenie left. Till this day I still don't know why she abstracted. All I know is that if it was I was the cause. I don't want to take any chances to be the cause of anyone else. I got out of the fort and saw Ragatha she was arguing with Jax. Nothing new but this time felt a bit more intense.

"Why can't you just abstract already!?"

I heard Ragatha screamed. I was shocked those are awful things to say to anyone ever.

"Oh trust me Dollface! I'm not happy with you here either! Critiquing every little thing I do!"

I heard Jax retort. The tension was so high! It feels really overwhelming. I walked over and all I heard was bickering and bickering. Honestly it sounded like a married couple arguing how to cook turkey on thanksgiving.
I saw that everyone was just staring at them fighting. I didn't see Caine anywhere to referee this. Just then Ragatha slapped Jax in the face angry. My eyes widened.

"Your such a self center b**ch! You've never cared about anyone but yourself!"

I stood between the both of them.

"Okay hey now! How about we all settle down and-."


I backed up to Jax's outburst. His face looked like he's about to lose his sanity. And he also looked a bit hurt of what Ragatha did. He walked away angry.

"Ragatha....Are you okay?" I asked.

She was gasping for breath her angry expression turn to shock.

"Oh my god!! Did I just slapped him!?" Ragatha panicked.

"It's alright Ragatha! It was bound to happen. Just let Jax cool off and then talk to him."

She nodded and walked away.

I was then walking down the hall and I see Zooble carrying a mother load of boxes. I rushed towards her and grabbed half of it. I don't want her to abstract because she was stressed.

"Woah uhhhh. I guess thanks Kinger?"

"No problem Zooble! Where do these

"Caine wanted these in the pantry."


Me and Zooble finally managed to put the boxes in the pantry. I can feel Zooble's stress levels going down.

I know I can't keep living in fear of someone abstracting. I just don't want to see someone I hold dear like Queenie lose there humanity...

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