banner art by [unknown]
requested by Miel_Salazar32 !!!
story background:
Mostly it's just Jax teasing [Y/N] and poking fun at them, especially with the drawing that was made of himself that [Y/N] made with Gangle. he secretly loves the drawing.
"Show me how to make eyes again?" [Y/N] asked in a gentle tone, glancing over at Gangle.
"Like this," She smiled and scribbled some on her paper before turning the paper over to [Y/N], showing off a eye in a anime style that looked relatively close to Jax's eyes. Just more sharp rather than smooth.
"Ooooh, okay!" They nodded and copied the eyes, a little smile on their face as they drew in the eyes. "I really appreciate your help with this. I've kind of forgotten how to draw after I gotten here, heh.."
"I'm glad I could help!" She gave [Y/N] that iconic cat looking smile and continued to use her pencil to sketch out what she was drawing. She was drawing Caine, which shes described as her favorite person to draw - mostly because of his interesting design.
((what's funny is that's a fact on the fandom wiki, as well as her owning a body pillow of herself))
Currently, Gangle and [Y/N] were sitting down at a little table that should have been ment for kids, but somehow they sat perfectly fine. They were drawing together, since [Y/N] had a feeling that they had some artistic abilities. They just couldn't rmemeber how to draw. So, Gangle was teaching them! It was going well so far, took about an hour before [Y/N] knew how to draw accurately, but it wasn't that bad. Now they took a break from the teaching by drawing their own artworks. [Y/N] was drawing Jax, while Gangle drew Caine.
[Y/N] turned their focus to their paper after and smiled, humming a little as they continued to sketch out the body of Jax, where he was doing a very sassy yet show-off kind of pose. Just like his personality.
However, a familiar voice cooed from behind [Y/N].
"Awww, [Y/N], I didn't know you had a crush on me." Jax teased, poking at their arm.
"I- wha- NO I DON'T!" [Y/N] covered their hands over the paper and turned their focus back to Jax with a flustered expression.
"You can deny all you want, but the proof is here stating the obvious." Somehow, he got the paper in his hands and was waving it above [Y/N]'s head.
"H-HEY!" They whined, trying to reach above their head. When they stood up, Jax slid away and brought the paper close to his face, gazing at the paper.
"Wow, you really brought out that sassy side of me! But the proportions are all off. You should have asked me to come over here," He flexed his wimpy stick arms and posed, "I make a terrific model."
[Y/N] rolled their eyes and tried to grab at the paper again, grabbing at Jax's shoulder and trying to reach up to grab the paper.
"Ugh.. why do you have to be so %$☆!#ing tall?!" They groaned, to which Jax groaned.
"Genetics, I guess."
"But this isn't your real body!"
Jax laughed again, before slipping away from [Y/N] again when they almost reached the paper, making them fall onto the floor.
Gangle was about to speak, but [Y/N] gestured for her to stay silent and that they were fine without the help.
"Well, the game must like me then!" Jax chuckled, waving the drawing teasingly in the air again.
[Y/N] huffed, crossing their arms and frowning at Jax. Almost on que, a ball came flying and smacked the back of the rabbit's head, making him drop the paper and stumble forward.
"Sorry!" Ragatha yelled out to the two, which was followed by Zooble chuckling.
When Jax regained his posture, he noticed how [Y/N] had the drawing back in their hands with a cheeky smile.
"Seems like the game likes me more." They mocked, sticking their tongue out at him.
"Yeah, well, Ragatha did that. Not the game." Jax put a hand on his hip and furrowed his brows, looking away from [Y/N].
"Mhm, sure."
[Y/N] stared to walk back to the table, to which Jax followed after. They both sat down at the table, [Y/N] was now sitting in between Jax and Gangle.
"Seriously though, could you fix that hand real quick? Fingers don't look like lumpy slugs having a family gathering." Jax pointed to the hand that was drawn resting on the hip, his expression soft and not smiling. His teeth were still showing though, his mouth never closed. ((if it did, the world would end))
"You could of put that more nicely." [Y/N] rolled their eyes and rubbed their eraser over the hand, marking it off the paper and trying to redraw it. However, they messed up again.
Jax noticed this and an idea came to mind, a smile growing on his face as he leaned down closer to [Y/N]. "Y'know, that model offer is still free."
They looked at him and squinted their eyes, but sighed and smiled a little.
"Alright then, show me what you've got."
Jax's happy expression flashed on his face again as he stood up and posed, making [Y/N] chuckle. They stared at his bisy for awhile, trying to fully observe his posture, then got to drawing.
About 10 minutes later, Jax slouched a little and sighed, squinting his eyes and glaring at [Y/N].
"Hey, are you done using me as your model yet? My backs starting to kill me." He'd stretch his arms out behind him and arch his back, stretching out until a cartoonish pop noise was heard.
[Y/N] didn't say anything, but patted the spot beside them with their hand for a brief moment before turning back to the drawing. Jax didn't question the quietness and sat down beside then, but his eyes widened a little when he saw the halfway done sketch of Jax on the paper - only the top half of his body was complete.
He was mesmerized by it and really didn't expect to get fanart of himself, which left him baffled yet excited.
Jax quietly watched them draw while he held the side of his face in his hand, his eyes glancing between both Gangle and [Y/N]'s papers, but mostly focusing on [Y/N]'s paper.
"Can you give some space please before I elbow your teeth?" [Y/N] looked over at Jax with a frown, to which he smiled and slid away a little.
"Why? Don't like having your idol in your personal space?" He winked, making [Y/N] groan and smirk a little.
"Exactly. Plus, you're double pressuring me by doing that."
They both fell silent again, until [Y/N] finished their drawing and signed the corner of it and slid it over to Jax.
He was amazed by this, as he took the paper in his hands and stared at the black and white sketch. He didn't really know on what to say, and being the jerk he is, he just threw a insult.
"I look hotter than that." Jax poked at [Y/N]'s shoulder and grinned.
"No, you're uglier than that." [Y/N] poked back at Jax and smirked, which made him laugh a little with a hum.
"You're just looking at the wrong thing," They both smiled and laughed a little.
Right after, Jax stood up and took the paper. He'd neatly fold it and shoved it into his pocket, waving a hand to [Y/N] while his other hand sat on his hip.
"Well, while I'm off doing my own thing, how about you do some more practice and really capture my handsome looks this time. Alright doll?" He asked, a giant grin on his face.
"Whatever." [Y/N] leaned back in their chair with a smug look, knowing that Jax was enjoying the drawing just by his actions and request.
Jax waved his hand as he walked away, his little rabbit tail was wagging like crazy. Apparently he didn't notice this, as he gave [Y/N] and Gangle a raised brow when he heard then snicker. Thankfully, he didn't press about it, but it would of been funnier to embarrass him if he did.
"Welp, I guess I'm making and giving Jax fanart of himself now." [Y/N] said once they looked over at Gangle, making the two chuckle and giggle together.
And, just like before, they went back to drawing and making brief comments to each other during the process. Jax also kept peaking through the doorway at times and checking on the two, but never really came inside.
About 20 minutes had passed and Gangle began to collect her drawings, stuffing them into the pocket of a red folder she had on hand. A sleepy expression was on her face as she rubbed her eye.
"I'm going to go to bed, [Y/N].. It was fun to draw with you." She said in a soft tone, giving them a warm smile.
"It was.. you're an amazing artist by the way. Have you ever considered showing Caine the art?" They asked, tilting their head to the side and leaning up from their hunched over position.
"Oh, uhm.." she tapped her ribbon hands together and looked away in embarassment, "I've thought of it, but.. I don't know if he'd like it.."
[Y/N] reached a hand over and patted her shoulder, giving her a reassuring look. "I promise he'll like it. Caine's not the kind of guy to give out criticism."
Gangle brought her arms down and nodded, before turning for focus to grabbing her folder.
They continued, "Just show him it sometime, he'll definitely love it. But, for now, go get yourself some sleep. Okay?"
"Okay," She nodded, "Thank you, [Y/N]."
Gangle gave one last smile before she walked away, waving farewell to [Y/N] as they parted. One she was out of sight, theey turned their focus back to the drawing and went back to finishing it.
[Y/N] had outlined the drawing in marker, and was now coloring it in. But they were having a problem with remembering what the correct color of Jax's pink overalls were. Was it flamingo pink or salmon pink?
Right on time, Jax slipped back in the room to check on them, realizing Gangle was gone. So he walked up to them and playfully flicked the back of their head.
"Your lines are shakey." He said with a grin, leaning over [Y/N] and resting a hand on his shoulder.
"Like you know what drawing is." They looked at Jax from the corner of their eye and rolled their eyes, staring at the pencils in their hands. "By the way, what color are your clothes? Is it salmon pink or flamingo pink?"
Jax hummed and looked down at his clothes, before looking back up and shrugging.
"Both. Salmon for the base, flamingo for the pocket." His index finger tapped at the drawing to show what he was talking about.
[Y/N] nodded and started to neatly scribble on the paper, with Jax hovering over their shoulder. There was mostly silence, besides the sound of the pencil scribbling over the paper, but soon Jax quickly got bored. Like always.
"You're taking too long," He moved away from [Y/N] and sat beside them, taking away the pencils and the paper. "How about I speed this thing up for you, doll? You are a bit of a slow poke."
"Rude." They rolled their eyes and leaned on the table, watching Jax in silence.
He continued to scribble on the paper, until he sat the pencils down and smiled proudly with his hands on his hips.
"Done!" Jax announced, watching with a cheerful grin while [Y/N] took the paper back.
"..." they stared st the paper and raised a brow, "You didn't even fill it in completely."
"And? You were being slow, so I did it faster."
"But it's not even complete."
Jax rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say, kid. I sill did it faster."
[Y/N] huffed and went back to filling in the blank spots, to which Jax hovered over their shoulder again. At this point, [Y/N] could feel his breath on their face. They couldn't smell it, however, but that didn't mean they couldn't feel it.
"Can you not breathe on me?" They looked over at Jax, their cheeks flushing a little when they noticed how close he was.
"Why? Making you nervous?" He raised his brows and gave them a cheeky, smug grin.
"No, it's annoying me and I'm going to punch you."
"Whatever you say." He chuckled, wrapping am arm around [Y/N]'s shoulders and leaning onto them for a little bit, staring down at the drawing.
After another minute, the drawing was complete and [Y/N] wrote their name at the bottom. But they noticed that Jax was trying to grab the drawing, so they tried to sway him away.
"Not yet!"
Jax raised a brow before huffing and rolling his eyes, leaning off of [Y/N] and waiting for whatever they were going to do next.
They scribbled something down in the corner of the paper, which was supposed to say "FUCK YOU JAX" on it.. but it was magically scribbled out and replaced with random symbols instead.
"Real nice, kid." He swiped the paper and grinned in slight annoyance, folding the paper neatly again and stuffing it into his pocket with the other drawing. "Alright. Welp, I'll be heading out. If you need anything, you know where to find me."
"That could be anywhere."
"Exactly." Jax turned on his heel and waved a hand, walking away from [Y/N]. "Ciao!"
[Y/N] watched at he walked away and sighed, rubbing at their eye. They started getting the urge to get some sleep themselves, so they collected their papers and the pencils back together before standing up, heading back to their room. Might as well take a nap to pass some time, like Gangle was. It was starting to get dark out anyways.
Once [Y/N] got into their room, they put the stuff away and flopped onto the bed, closing their eyes and allowing themself to disassociate (since that was their only way to reenact sleep).
...When they woke up, they noticed a paper in front of the door. So they picked up the sheet and turned it over, revealing a image.
It was a poorly drawing image of [Y/N], with the words "%$☆!# YOU TOO, [Y/N]!" boldly written on the top. This made them smile, then chuckle. They found this drawing to be both funny and a little sweet.
Before [Y/N] left their room, they taped it to the wall. It was the first thing presented when you walked into the room.
2474 words
idk on what to say, but sorry for the bland ending
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