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*4 years later*

It's been around four years since I've been broken up with Carter, and it's also been four years since I had my cub.

Daring my pregnancy, I didn't even know that I was pregnant with twins, and when I gave birth, one twin died, and the other lived.

I was and still am heartbroken because one of my cubs died and never came back. Diablo cried way more because the cub looked just like Carter and Diablo. He really never got over the breakup because he loved Carter and his wolf Poseidon.

So anyways, I am in my white leopard form, and Diablo is so cute because my white leopard form, it reminds me of a kitten.

Diablo is a cutie pie. I had one of my siblings to take a picture of Diablo being cute.

So anyways, I am laying underneath the cherry blossom tree.

Whenever something happens to me, I would turn into my white leopard form and lay underneath the cherry blossom tree.

You know something, guys. I was scared of becoming a mommy, but now I'm not that scared little white leopard anymore.

But yes, I gave Rosa to my parents so that the pride members won't know that Rosa is my daughter and that she has werewolf blood inside her.

I never wanted Rosa to get hurt or be bullied by the pride members.

The pride members can bully me all they want, but when it comes to Rosa, that is when I go into momma leopard mood.

Rosa, take after me you see when I was younger I would climb up stuff one time I wanted to read a book so I climbed up the bookcase to fine a really good book and I did.

My dad walked by the library, and he saw me, and I guess he called out to me, so I did what a dare devil does and falls.

Let's just say I did that more than one time, and I felt so alive, and I thought that I was a surpman.

And when I told my parents that I could fly, I would show them how I could fly, so me being an innocent kid that I was climbing all the way up the fireplace we had.

My mom was freaking out, and she told dad to get me down from there, so after that happened, they sat me down and told me that I had only one power, and that was being their adorable baby boy.

So yeah, I never climbed up on anything since then.

Dad:"Ryder sweetheart, there you are." I hear dad, so I looked up, and I saw dad standing there.

I am what you would consider a daddy's boy.

Whenever my dad had a rough day, I would make some tea for everyone because they did their jobs, and I could tell when they had a bad day or a good day.

One time, dad was visiting his friend Nat Harrison, whom he met at some party.

I turned back into my human form so I could talk to my dad.

Ryder:"Hi, Daddy is everything. Okay." Normally, I could tell what my family is thinking about, and my dad is looking at me with those eyes that I would know about.

Dad:"Ryder Rosa is almost four years old, and I know it isn't the right time, but Rosa needs to know who her real parents are." It is always the same thing that I hear from my parents.

Ryder:"I know that, but she is still so young. I want to wait until she is older, like around seven or eight years old." I know that my family wants Rosa to know that I am not her older brother but also her birth momma.

I might be a boy, but I have that organ to help get me pregnant, and not only that, it's also because I am an omega runt.

Dad:"Ryder Rosa is a smart little girl she will understand everything you tell her, please, sweetheart, don't wait too long, and if you do wait that long, Rosa will fine out who her birth parents are." Dad said dad is always right, and I know that I need to tell Rosa everything, but I want to wait because I need to fine my mate so I can tell them about Rosa being my daughter and how Rosa is half werewolf and half werecat.

Ryder:"I want to tell her, but I don't think that I am ready to tell her what would happen if I tell her would she hates me and never talks to me ever again. I don't want Rosa to hate me because of that, I just want to be sure that I am mentally ready, but for now, I am not mentally prepared for that talk." If I really did tell Rosa everything, I would want my mate to be there so they could hear what I had to say to Rosa.

Dad:"Ryder Rosa, love, you so much that she doesn't have any hate bones inside of her body. If you are not mentally prepared to talk to her, then that is fine. You have all the time in the world, but you do need to know that you need to tell not right now, but soon, sweetheart. Now come along, princess, you know how your momma gets if we don't show up to dinner." At the end of dad talking to me, I could tell that he is scared of momma.

Momma told us that when her and dad were younger, dad would always do paperwork, and it got to a point where momma would treat dad like a child, and it was funny because momma would grab a hold of dad ear and drag him towards the dining room.

Let's just say that if one of us doesn't make it to dinner on time, momma would have our ears.

Dad and I finally got to the dining room before momma brought everything out.

Momma:"Ooooo, my little cub come to momma." Momma said to me, I walked towards momma, and she gave me a hug like she hadn't seen me in a while.

I want to fine my mate, but I can't because I still love Carter. After almost four years, I still want Carter, and I missed his touches, and his kisses I miss it all so much.

But I have to get over Carter somehow, and I just knew that if I had a to fine, my mate, they would help me with getting over Carter.

Ryder:"Hi momma, where's Rosa at." I saw Rosa this morning, and she didn't look too good, and that makes me believe that Rosa is sick.

Momma:"I put her to bed early because the poor dear was sick, Ryder." I know Rosa hates being sick because she doesn't like the feeling of it, and she also doesn't like throwing up.

I don't blame Rosa because I don't like throwing up ether.

I would rarely get sick, say, like I would get sick right now, I would go to my room and sleep under a lot of blankets so that I could sweat my sickness away.

Ryder:"I hope she feels better in the morning." I looked around, and I saw none of my siblings here. Oh, this is going to be so funny.

Dad:"Wendy, where are our grown children at because it was just Ryder and I here." Dad added gasoline to the fire right now, and this is going to be awesome.

Momma is going to have some ear grabbing before the night is done. Momma is going to drag Russ here, then my other siblings.

Momma:"You two stay and don't you dare leave this dinning room or may the Moon Goddess come down and get you." I never been more scared in my life than I am right now.

Momma walked out of the dining room, so I looked over at my dad, and I could see that scared look on his face.

Ryder:"You married her." I've said so my dad looks at me, and he knows what I am trying to do.

Dad:"What the will she is your mother, and you came out of her." Hook line and seeker.

Ryder:"Actually, I came out of you first, then I came out of momma, so yeah." I looked at dad, and I saw a shocked look on his face, and then he looked somewhere else.

I think my dad is going to break the fourth wall or something.

Dad:"Oh ok everyone reading Ryder got me there, but he may have won the war, but the battle just begun." Ok, we are going to be some glue breaks and a whole lot of tap. Make that duck tap, oh, and if that doesn't work, we then need to replace the fourth wall.

Ryder:"Ok." I started to walk towards my chair that I normally sit in.

You thought it we only sat in birth when one of has someone here no that not it at all.

Every time we had dinner and my siblings didn't make it to dinner on time, momma would drag them by the ear, and she would have us sit in birth order from oldest to the youngest.

Russ:"But mooomma, I was helping dad finish his paperwork on time." I hear my older brother Russ yell out, and that is one big mistake Russ you should know to not yell out to momma.

Momma:"Russell Herbert Rivers, did you just yell at me." And this is how my big brother dies tonight. Well, if he does die, I call deeds on his old school radio.

Russ:"Whaaat nooooo I would never in a million years though of yelling at my beautiful mother who give me life." Yeah, she gave us life, but she could also take us out of the world if she wanted to.

But momma is too sweet for that kind of stuff, and plus, she wants more grandbabies, so taking us out would mean no more grandbabies for her.

Momma:"Flirty wouldn't work on me anymore. Russell just asked your father." Momma said so Russ looked towards dad for help, but dad put his hands up.

Dad is like, "Don't look at me. I am not saving you.

Dad:"Hey, don't drag me into this. I did nothing wrong here." Oh shit dad better run right now.

Momma:"Didn't do anything wrong, Mister. I want a big family, man. How many kids do we have right now." Momma asked, so dad started counting in his head.

My parents have too many kids, and it's not funny because sometimes they would forget our names, and that is fine because hey, that's a lot of kids' names that you have to remember.

Dad:"Damn it ok I've been kinda of busy with you, baby, but that is no reason to treat your handsome and sexy mate." Dad said at this point both Russ and I felt like puking everything up because right now, our dad is flirting with our momma.

Momma:"Nice try, Ivan, but you are in the cat house." And with that being said, momma is still on the hunt for my siblings.

Russ walked up towards dad and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Russ:"She is your wife." Russ said the same thing that I said to dad.

I started laughing out like cray because the look on dad's face was funny.

Dad:"Why, Lucifer, what have I ever done to you just what, Lucifer?" If dad says Lucifer's name 3 times, he might come. I want to see that.

Lucifer might be Beetlejuice, which would be funny.

Ryder:"What would happen if you say Lucifer name 3 times? This is a serious question." Dad and Russ looked at me to see if I was crazy or something. I might be a little bit crazy.

Russ:"We could see if it works and plus what bad thing is going to happen." Russ said, and he is right. What is going to happen if we say Lucifer name 3 times? This is going to be fun.

Ryder:"Lucifer Lucifer Lucifer." Ok, I started laughing because it is so funny, and plus, nothing happened.

But just then, fire came out of nowhere, and you can hear the screams from some torture soul.

Lucifer:"I told you that I am going to torture and now I am going to." Lucifer stopped and looked around and saw my dad and then saw Russ and I.

Lucifer:"What in the name of my father is going on here Ivan did you call me while I was working on this poor soul."

Dad:"No, I didn't call you Lucifer Ryder did." Dad ratted me out to Lucifer.

Lucifer:"Let me guess you did the whole Beetlejuice thing by saying my name 3 times." Lucifer asked, and I nodded my head yes.

Lucifer:"All righty, then I am going back to hell to finish my job. Bye." Lucifer left into the fire.


So, right now, everyone is eating, and they ask where Rosa is at, and momma told them that she is sick.

Dad:"So how is everyone day been." Dad asked because it got so quiet that nobody was talking normally we talk, but tonight it's different.

Russ:"Well, I finish all of that paperwork that you had, dad." Russ said, looking around, and he could tell something was going to happen.

Hades:"I just got done training new warriors and how come nobody told me that training newer warriors is going to be so hard." It seems like Hades job is hard, but it's really not because I helped Hades out with the new warriors and let's just that I learned how to fight from the warriors training.

Yeah, none of my siblings know that I would sneak into the warriors field and watch them training in fighting.

Hades doesn't know about that, and I would never tell any of my siblings.

Ryder:"Well, it could be worse, say, like they are young like a teenager, and they wouldn't listen to you. What would you do? No yelling doesn't help." Whenever I would go to the warrior field, I would hear Hades yelling and barking out orders.

Hades:"Ok, Ryder, you have a point, but the teenager listened more than the grown-ups do." Hades is the head warrior of the pride land, so all Hades need to do is show them why he is the head warrior, not because he is a prince but because he worked hard for it.

I remember Hades training like crazy to become the head warrior. Everyone in the family barely saw Hades because he would always be training.

It almost got to a point where we could have lost Hades because he barely slept or ate, being an omega runt. I got worried because my brother almost died on us because he was over training himself.

Roth:"Well, my day could have gone better, but it didn't." Roth said now Roth has a different job from my siblings. I don't know what he does, and none of my siblings know ether.

Fred:"Well, Ash and I went to a flower field, and Ash told me about his past and his family." Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Fred found his mate, and they are so cute together.

Ash is a werewolf alpha, and he has a pack now since Ash is here his little brother is running the pack.

Momma:"How is Ash doing right now without his pack." Momma said I remember Carter telling me that most wolf leave their pack they turn rogue or if they kill their whole pack as well.

But I never heard about an alpha werewolf leaving his pack it could hurt Ash because being born as the alpha werewolf and giving it all up, it has to hurt. I  couldn't imagine how Ash was feeling.

Fred:"So far, he is doing ok he had said that he is helping Hades out with training the pride warriors." If only Fred would know that werewolves and werecats training is very different because I saw werewolves training before and let me tell you something, they showed no mercy at all.

So my siblings went around telling our parents how their day had gone.

I looked around, and my eyes stopped at Bennett for the past few months. Bennett hasn't been himself. I tried talking to him, but all he told me was that he was fine and that he could handle it.

I don't know if something is going on with Bennett because I am worried about what is going to happen.

I know that it would not only hurt me, but it would hurt my baby brother, and my siblings are going to hate me.

But I have to do it, but I need to tell Ryder what I am about to do, and I hope that he will fine his mate.

I felt someone's eyes on me, so I looked up and saw Ryder looking at me to see what was bugging me.

Moon Goddess, please forgive me after this.

Bennett:"Ryder, I need to talk to you alone." Thank goodness that Ryder sat next to me at dinner.

I got up and walked out of the dining room, and Ryder followed me.

I made sure that we were far away from the family so that they couldn't really hear us talking.

Ryder:"Benny, what is going on? Why are we outside." I might have read Ryders spell book, and I kinda looked into the possible future for him.

But one future I saw of Ryder, it broke my heart to see my own little brother being sad, and he didn't have his mate with him at all.

So I am going to do something so stupid, and it is going to break the bond that both Ryder and I have.

Bennett:"Ryder sweetheart, I kinda read your spell book, and I saw your possible future, and you were unhappy because your mate wasn't there, so I have a plan but Diablo needs to hear this before everything goes down." I am trying to be strong right now, and if I don't tell Diablo what is going on, Diablo would probably hurt someone.

Ryder:"I am going to give Diablo half control of my body so that way he could listen to what you have to say, Bennett." Ryder closed his eyes, and I just knew that he was talking to Diablo because his mouth is moving like he is talking.

When Ryder got done, he opened his eyes on the right eye, which is Ryders normal dark green eye, and on the left eye is baby blue, which is Diablos eye.

Bennett:"My plan is simple. Really, I know that our siblings are going to hate me for this, but just remember, guys, I want you to go and fine your mate and to be happy." Diablo looked at me with those baby blue eyes he has.

Diablo:"Understand, but I'm confused about what plans you have, Benny boy." Diablo is right because I know the plan, and it would make my siblings and parents not trust me anymore.

Bennett:"The plan is simple. I am going to pretend that I am mad at you, and I will start saying something about you, Ryder, and then after that's when Diablo will come out to play and get angry at me and to tell to not talk mess to Ryder because let's face it Diablo treats you like a cub. Then, after all of that, I will kick Ryder out of the pride land, and then Ryder, you use a curse on me. Understand you guys. The plan is foolproof." They nodded their head to let me know that they understood what needed to happen right now.

Ryder needs to find a mate, and Rosa needs a dad figure in her life because I just want to see both my baby brother and little niece happy.

Even if everyone in my family doesn't talk to me, then that is fine by me because I want Ryder and Rosa to be happy and not to be sad or broken from not finding his mate.

Ryder deserves to be happy with his mate if that would mean if he takes Rosa with him, then that would be okay.

Ryder:"Benny, if you think that I would take Rosa away from the family that she knows, then you need to rethink Benny because I am not taking Rosa away from a loving family that will make me feel like I am keeping her away from everyone else in the family. Momma and dad raise Rosa, and I have no right to take Rosa away, so right now Rosa is staying put here on pride

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