Meeting Them

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Aubree's Pov

Breath in and out in and out I repeat to myself as I walk around the backyard were all the guest are meeting and greeting shaking everyone's hands until I see a girl that has punch on her dress. As I'm walking towards her I can't help but hear her sniffles from her cringing.

" Excuse me miss can I help you."I say as I gotten closer I can see that her hair is drenched in punch also,and this could only mean one thing the one thing that I hate in life that will make me snap a persons neck at the snap of my fingers bullies.

"Whats your name." I say barely even noticing that my breath has hikes since standing here.

"K k kloe." She stutters, probably thinking that I'm mad at her, so I take a deep breath to relax my nerves because in a minute I'm going to shut this shit down, and the people responsible for this well will have are own little.

" I'm not going to hurt you Kloe here let me help you out with this mess." In a snap of a finger her hair was dry and straight light brown going down the middle of her back and she had a off the shoulder peach shirt and skirt.

"Dang white you trying to out do the birthday girl on her special day." I say jokingly and to my surprise it brought a bright smile on her face.

"Thank-wait I thought there were only two witches here so that means-.

"Yes it means I'm Aubree Bejy nice to meet you but, scew who I am please in lighten me on who you are, you are one of me guest and I don't allow people to get hurt at all and certainly not with my best friend" I say.

" Well I'm an omega from the Blood Moon pack and- wait why do you want to be my friend."Kloe says I beginning to think this girl is gonna be a hand full.

"Because you seem nice so,please tell me who did that awful thing to you".I say in a hopeful voice so I can give what ever bitch who likes to bully people what they've been asking for.

"Wait so we could be best friends". Kloe asked,I'm telling you this girl has a one track mind.

"Yes we are bffs so tell me who did this." I say very slowly.

"It was crystal." she said, as if I was suppose to no who this chick was.

"Who the hell is Crystal she must not be that important because I haven't heard of her." I say.

"Crystal is the beta's daughter and she's mean to me because Joe the

third in command is my mate." Kloe pauses "Its OK if you cant do anything about it we can still be friends right." she says with a hopeful smile "I know we're going to be the best of friends Kloe."

"Now lets stop talking and lets go up on stage so I can make an announcement OK girly." I say a and she smiles and nodes yes in response. As we walk on stage I could help but hear a possessive growl it must be Joe,little dose he know I'm not trying to hurt her.

Standing in front of the whole crowed was .......really nice,I  so stuck up in my own world I forgot that Kloe was on stage with me how embarrassing.

"Hello every one, I hope you guys are having a blast." A loud voices of hellos were said after my greeting.

"Some of you know me better than others, some don't know me at all, my name is Aubree Bejy and I have called you all hear today to for a peace.treaty that I'm offering and also the celebration of my 18 birthday, now this right here is my good friend Kloe I just want to say that Kloe is a good person and if anything were to this girl and I find out ,well lets just say I'll make you my personal blood donor." I say with a serious tone.


   It went quiet for a while until mom came and took the microphone out of my hand." Well everyone lets have fun and so a lot of mingling." My mom says .


      As Kloe and I make our way on the last step two big guys, I mean like they were huge in height,I felt like a little ant compared to them. The blond boy comes up and pulls Kloe into a tight protective hug, while the dark haired boy just stood their and staring at me, and thats when I hit me, he's my beloved. I had no time to get my thoughts together because seconds later I was wrapped up in huge arms that made my body tingle all over.


                      "Do you know what you are Bre."  My beloved asked whisper in my ear  making my thighs clench by the husky tone in his voice.


     "No." I say barely a whisper but knowing he's a were he heard me clearly.

       "Your mine." Clear and simple two words that would change my entire life.

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