Chapter 39- The Finale

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Third Person: 10 months later

"Beth! Beth! Are you ready? I'm so excited, the whole pack is here!" Little Justin squeals, jumping around in elation. He had asked Elizabeth who was walking her down the aisle as he knows her father has passed away and when she told him Xavier's dad was going to, he begged to walk her down the aisle and she immediately said yes without a second thought.

Justin's excitement brightened the room, calming Elizabeth's nerves the more she looked at him. She couldn't have asked for a better brother and she loved him with all her heart despite him not being her dad's son.

Elizabeth adjusted her long gown and turned to look in the mirror one last time. She had spent far too long looking for the perfect dress but she knew when she tried the one on she'd know, and she did. She wanted today to be perfect, especially for Xavier for it would be the last day they'd spend with their pack.

Elizabeth had spent months on end working up her confidence again, spending everyday with her pack members, proving to them she was a worthy Luna, and she was, she got to know every single person, she had helped almost everyone with something and most importantly developed a strong bond with each one of them, that's why she decided she needed to step down as Luna, to give them a strong leader as soon as possible to make the pack the best it can be, to keep them all safe from wars and attacks.

A few months into planning the wedding, some of the higher up pack members tried to persuade Xavier to marry Olivia Walters, the Alpha's daughter of a pack nearby, they were relentless and wouldn't stop trying to convince Xavier to mate with her and produce heirs to the pack, Elizabeth couldn't listen to them anymore and walked out every time they brought it up, but every time Xavier would always run after her and promise her she is the only woman he was ever going to lay eyes on.

"Okay," Elizabeth took a deep breath, "are you ready Justin?"

"Yes, I'm ready," he beamed up at her, to be fair he was more excited about the party happening afterwards but Elizabeth didn't mind, she was just glad she got to spend the day with him before she and Xavier left.

The soft music started to flow and the doors opened and Elizabeth's eyes immediately flew to Xavier, he looked like a god, he didn't look human, his beauty outstood everyone else in the room and Elizabeth couldn't tear her eyes away from him.

Xavier lifted his head and his jaw dropped immediately, he didn't think it was possible for someone to be so beautiful, she looked like an angel, she was so elegant as she walked towards him, never faltering but he could see her hands shaking as she held onto the bouquet tightly.

Elizabeth kissed Justin on the head and whispered 'I love you' in his ear and he ran off, holding the flowers with a wide grin on his face, showing off his newly missing tooth.

She stood in front of Xavier and he took her soft hands in his, holding on tightly. The pack, even the high ranking members, stared at them in awe, absolutely nothing could beat the love mates have for each other, it made for the most beautiful wedding ceremonies.

The minister began to talk, but all Elizabeth could focus on was the glowing happiness shining in Xavier's eyes as he took in more of her appearance. She had never felt luckier in her entire life.

Xavier clears his throat and she realises it's time to recite their vows.

"Elizabeth, I grew up learning about mates just from what I saw from my parents, they loved each other so deeply that all I could ever think about was finding my mate so I could cherish her and love her with everything in me. Never did I think that my mate would be as perfect as you, every single day I thank the moon goddess for blessing me with you, I don't know what I did to deserve someone as sensational as you but I wouldn't go back and change a thing. That day when I saw you in that cell, my life changed forever, all the anger and stress I had cooped up from being the Alpha's son my whole life, being used and ordered around, vanished the moment I laid eyes on you, I can never ever repay you for all you have done for me but I will spend every second for the rest of my life loving you." He wiped away a tear as he finished his vows then laughed lightly as he saw Elizabeth struggling to contain her own tears.

The minister looked to Elizabeth and she began, "Xavier, I thought my life was over when I lost my pack and my family, I thought that I had no reason to live anymore but you showed me that life is so beautiful and so full of love that it's worth living. When I lost Eartha I thought it was over for me, I was just a shell of a person and I wasn't worthy of being Luna or worthy of being your mate, no one else could have helped me through that but you. Knowing I get to spend everyday for the rest of my life with you fills my heart with so much happiness I think it might burst. No one has ever loved me as much as you do, I never had a good opinion of mates and I was so scared to find you but I have never been more wrong in my life, I will never love anyone as much as I love you, there is no one else I want to spend my life with and everyday when I wake up and see your face I will be eternally thankful that the goddess blessed me with you."

Xavier doesn't hold back his cries and Elizabeth lets her tears freely roll down her face, a bright smile resting on both of their lips.

The minister begins to speak again, having Elizabeth and Xavier copy his words.

"I, Xavier Anderson, take you Elizabeth Williams, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part," Xavier says, gripping onto Elizabeth's hands, choking up as he takes in her breathtakingly beautiful appearance once more.

"I, Elizabeth Williams, take you Xavier Anderson, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part," Elizabeth says, staring deep into Xavier's eyes, nothing but love radiating from her as she squeezes his hand tightly.

Augustus stumbles over to them, a big smile on his face as he passes over the rings, waving happily at his Alpha and Luna before running off to stand with Justin, gripping his hand tightly.

Xavier slowly slides the beautiful golden ring on Elizabeth's finger, taking his time and cherishing the moment for as long as he can, not wanting it to end as Elizabeth does the same afterwards.

They repeat after the minister once more, never taking their eyes off each other.

"And now, by the power vested in me by the Goddess of the Moon, creator of soulmates, I herby pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride," the minister smiles.

Xavier wastes no time in pulling Elizabeth towards him and kissing her deeply, a rush of emotion going through them both as the pack stands up and cheers, screaming in joy for their newly wed Alpha and Luna.

A few hours later the pack has gathered together, dressed in new clothes and waiting for the upbeat music to turn on so they can all go to the dance floor with their Prosecco in their hands and dance away.

The soft classical music fades away as the pop music fades in and the pack begins to cheer, grabbing their mate's or their friend's hand and dragging them onto the dance floor as Elizabeth and Xavier spin around, laughing at each other as they fail miserably at trying to look cool.

"I love you so much Elizabeth Anderson," Xavier whispers in her ear as they part away from the loud music.

"I like hearing that," she hums, running her hands through his soft hair, "and I love you too, more than anything."

"Are you okay? Are you ready for tonight?" She whispers, worrying about him, an Alpha has never given up his position to someone not in their bloodline before, not for over a century.

"I'm so happy Beth, Xerxes won't shut up, I officially get to spend the rest of my life with you, there's no getting rid of me now, you've sealed the deal," He grins boyishly.

She laughs loudly, throwing her head back in content and staring up at the stars for a moment, the moonlight shining brightly down on them, like the Goddess was holding them close.

"Do you want to go back inside? We have a lot of dancing to do Mrs Anderson."

"Yes we do, Mr Anderson."

The whole pack danced throughout the night, constantly congratulating Elizabeth and Xavier as they spin and skip around the dance floor, only a few people actually knowing how to dance properly, but no one cared, everyone was far too happy.

Hours later the music slowly came to a stop and both Elizabeth and Xavier knew what was to come next.

'The night has come to an end, if everyone would please follow us outside to the forest,' Xavier spoke through the mind-link even though he didn't have to, Elizabeth knew it was because he wanted to soak up every last moment he had with his pack, preparing himself to let go.

Everyone made their way out to the forest, waiting for what Xavier was about to say.

'As you all may or may not know my mate and I do not wish to have children, and this means there is no heir to my Alpha title, as you know we have come to the decision to step down now as we believe to give this pack the best chance at becoming the strongest it can be, you need a new leader now, someone who can lead you for the years to come and produce an heir to continue on the leadership when the time is right, it took a long time to decide who would be right to take my place as Alpha and Elizabeth and I decided the right decision would be to appoint my Beta, Ethan Hill as your new Alpha, and when he finds his mate they will be appointed Alpha Male or Female.'

A gasp is heard within the crowd and an emotional Ethan steps out, walking towards Xavier and Elizabeth, his arms outstretched, bringing them into a large and warming hug.

"Thank you for everything Ethan, you made me feel so welcomed and helped me feel like I wasn't alone, you will make an amazing Alpha," Elizabeth whispered in his ear, not ready to step out of the hug just yet.

"You have been my best friend for as long as I can remember and you're the best Beta I've ever seen and I know you will be an even better Alpha Ethan, good luck," Xavier states, patting him on the pack and shaking his hand.

The pack, who remained silent, tears gathering in their eyes as they prepare to say goodbye to their leaders.

'Now, there is no tradition for what to do when stepping down as Alpha and Luna so we decided that it would be an honour to run with our pack one last time as Xavier and I have decided to leave to explore the world together,' Elizabeth links all the pack members.

Simultaneously everyone strips out of their fancy suits and dresses and shifts into their wolves, waiting for Xavier to start running.

Elizabeth feels a nudge on her back and she turns around to see Xerxes wagging his tail at her, lowering down so she can sit on his back. She climbs on, watching as the children of the pack clamber onto their parents back too and Xerxes takes off, their pack following them as he howls at the moon.

The more they run, the weaker their ties with the pack become, it isn't a physically painful process but it is extremely emotionally painful, no one loves their pack more than an Alpha and Luna but this is why they know they have to step down.

Elizabeth closes her eyes and lifts her head up, letting her long brown hair flow through the wind, she felt free and for the first time in a long time she felt as if Eartha was still with her, she knew Eartha dreamt about the day she'd marry her mate and Elizabeth knew this would have been the best day of her life.

They ran for hours, the pack following close behind their Alpha and Luna, slowing down the more the bond weakened and eventually they all knew it was time.

"Thank you, you will be the greatest pack in history and I wish you all nothing but a life of happiness and success, goodbye and we will never forget you," Elizabeth shouts out, looking at Justin as she speaks, he climbs off Augustus' fathers back and runs over to her, throwing himself in her arms and hugging her as tight as he can.

"I will really miss you Bethy," he mumbles, small, salty tears rolling down his chubby cheeks.

"I'm going to miss you so much, but you know I'll visit you right? I'm going to write you letters everyday and I'm going to expect lots and lots of drawings to be sent to me," Elizabeth whispers, hugging him back, "I love you so much Justin."

"I love you too."

He runs off back to Augustus, holding his hand and hugging him as more tears fall down his face.

Katherine and Jonathan step forward, still in their wolf forms and privately link Elizabeth and Xavier, 'You are both the best leaders this pack has ever had, thank you for everything you have done for all of us and we wish you a life full of happiness and love.' Xavier steps forward and links a goodbye to his parents.

Xavier and Elizabeth look to their pack one last time and Xavier sends out a final mind-link, 'My greatest accomplishment was leading this pack, you are all so strong and such amazing wolves and I see nothing but a great future for you all.'

Elizabeth grips onto the fur of Xerxes' coat and he takes a step over the pack border, giving up their leadership in doing so and with taking one last look at their pack, Elizabeth and Xavier set off to start a new life together.

This was my first book I've ever written on Wattpad and I'm so happy and sad that it's over, I really hope you guys really enjoyed reading and I hope you are happy with the ending! I know it's bittersweet but I feel as though it ends on a good note :)

I HAVE ALREADY STARTED PLANNING/WRITING ANOTHER WEREWOLF STORY! I will be planning it out and publishing the first chapter very very soon as I'm so excited to start writing it!
Thank you guys so much for reading, it really means a lot to me when I see kind comments or people voting on chapters, you're all the best and once again thank you so much for reading 'The Alpha's Mate' <3

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