Chapter 26

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I woke up shivering in the freezing cold with a light ringing sound in my ears as the sun blinded my view of the room.

The windows were wide open and the wind had knocked some stuff over on to the floor, creating a mess that could easily be cleaned up, which is what I did.

I decided that if I didn't give myself time to think, I wouldn't be an emotional wreck, so I planned my entire day, not leaving any time at all to do nothing.

I wandered down to the kitchen and began to cook pancakes using a simple recipe that Xavier's mother taught me.

'Xavier, breakfast is ready,' I spoke out into the mindlink quietly.

I heard the pounding of footsteps running down the stairs.

Xavier entered the room looking slightly baffled. "I didn't think you'd wake up until at least noon, you were exhausted last night."

I shrug my shoulders and began immediately cleaning all the dishes I used, not caring if my food went cold.

"We could have just went to the hall," Xavier says.

I shrug again, "I wanted to cook."

"Are you okay?" He asks hesitantly.

I turn around and smile, "of course, how are the pancakes?"

He half smiles at me, "they're so good."

I grin and finish off cleaning the kitchen before moving on to the garden to plant some flowers.

Xavier runs out after me, "Beth you didn't eat your breakfast."

"I'm not hungry," I smile tightly and continue to gather gardening equipment.

I look over my shoulder to see Xavier has gone upstairs back to his office and I ignore the pain in my heart from not being close to him and begin to garden.

After 3 hours I decided to go to my office and tidy that too but as I pass by Xavier's I notice that there is muffled shouting coming from behind the large wooden door.

I press my ear against the cold wood and listen closely, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"I don't give a fuck if you are all tired, you need to find this bastard and bring him to the pack dungeons!" Xavier shouts angrily to someone on the other end of the call.

"My mate almost died, her wolf did die and you're telling me you want to give up? You want to fucking give up? You better find this bastard or I will kill you all myself." The phone is slammed on the table roughly, making me jump in fright and rush down the stairs, I can clean my office another time, I will just clean the kitchen again.

I wander down the stairs slowly but when I reach the bottom the first thing I notice is the coldness that filled the room that wasn't there before, did I leave a window open?

I walk into the kitchen and begin wiping down the counters and reorganising the jars of spices.

Suddenly someone's stomach is pressed against my back and a hand is clamped around my mouth tightly muffling my scream and making me squirm in pain.

A hot breath whispers in my ear, "so you did survive that little procedure, and you're still mated to that useless excuse of an Alpha, pity, did your wolf really know what she was doing with that one?"

I try to scream out but the mysterious figure clamps his hand tighter around my mouth which I know will create a bruise.

I try to kick him but I'm facing forward and it does no use and my arms are stuck behind me with one of his hands clamped around the wrists.

"You don't remember me? I'm quite hurt, it's me, you know? Mr Kidnapper and everything, we had quite a fun time."

My eyes widen, I didn't think he had the balls to show his face anywhere near the packlands never mind inside the pack house.

His hand moves from my mouth but before I get the chance to scream he whispers harshly in my ear, "scream and I'll slit your throat faster than you can blink."

'Xavier help me please, the man is in the kitchen,' I try to mindlink Xavier but I can't be sure if it works because my thoughts and emotions are all over the place.

His hand runs down my waist and back up again, squeezing my hips roughly every time he reaches them before pushing him and myself into the countertop, my stomach being pushed inwards uncomfortably.

"Why are you doing this? You already killed my wolf, you've done enough," I cry out quietly.

"I've done enough? Well I'm sorry I didn't realise I killed your closest friend, oh wait...I kind of did, didn't I?" He chuckles sinisterly.

"What's your name?" I ask, trying to buy myself time in hopes Xavier heard me.

"Oh!" He gasps, "how rude of me! My name is Av, it's short for, well doesn't matter because you can find out some other time since you're coming with me and we will be spending lots of time together."

I squirm and try to move away from the countertop but he just grips my hips painfully and buries his face in my neck, biting my mark like a wild animal, causing my skin to feel as though it has bursted into flames.

I scream out in pain and he cusses and grabs a knife and spins us around, holding it tightly against my neck.

Xerxes is already standing there, breathing heavily with jet black eyes.

"Get your fucking hands off my mate," He growls venomously.

Av pretends to think about it before saying, "no I don't think I will, she's a pretty thing isn't she?"

This sets Xerxes off and he speeds towards Av faster than lightning and rips the knife from his hand and twists his fingers back until they snap, causing his roars of pain to fill the entire room, shaking the glasses in the cupboard.

Av bites Xerxes' shoulder but then runs off out the opened backdoors and towards the rogue lands.

'The bastard is here! Get him!' Xerxes roars into the mindlink, making me wince.

I'm turned around to face Xerxes as he pulls me into a bone crushing hug as he repeatedly checks over my face and neck.

I feel the wetness of my salty tears falling down my face as I grip onto Xerxes tightly, afraid that he might run off after Av and leave me.

Xerxes carefully pulls down my jeans slightly to see my bruised hips, making him growl venomously.

I don't say anything as I hold onto him for dear life, letting him pick me up and carry me to his office.

Xavier, who has now gained back control, sits down on his loveseat, placing me on his lap, but doesn't say a word. He just runs his hands over my skin comfortingly, the sparks reminding me we still have our bond but at the same time reminding me what I've lost to keep it.

"Did they catch him?" I whisper hoarsely.

"Not yet, but they will, please don't stress I can't stand to see you upset," his soft voice whispers in my ear soothingly.

The dim room is quiet after that as I listen to the rain dripping on the roof rapidly, creating a calm atmosphere.

Hours pass of me trying not to worry about my pack members who are chasing a dangerous vampire through the forest while Xavier attempts to not stress me out further by putting on a movie on the TV in hopes to distract me.

'Alpha and Luna, we got him. He is in the dungeons but he is demanding to speak with you Luna,' Eric's voice echoes in my mind.

I immediately look over at Xavier in a panic. I don't want to see Av ever again. Now that he has been imprisoned I never have to see him again. But I knew as Luna I had to ensure the safety of my pack and make sure he can no longer be a threat.

I stand up at the same time Xavier says, "stay here Beth."

I'm quick to reply, "no I'm coming with you."

Xavier shakes his head and goes to leave the office.

"You heard Eric, he wants to speak to me!" I seethed. We have been mates for months now and he still isn't treating me like a Luna.

"It's too dangerous!" Xavier bellows.

"I am Luna and I'm not letting him become a threat!" I snapped stubbornly.

Xavier sighs loudly and motions for me to follow.

I speed walk to catch up with him as he heads down the many stairs that lead towards the cells.

We stop as we approach a large metal door with 3 locks on it and 2 guards standing at each side.

Xavier turns to look at me worriedly making me scowl at him, he is not making me turn back now.

"Do as I say and be careful, he is manipulative and cruel, okay?"

I nod impatiently and wait for Xavier to unlock the door before pushing it open to reveal a row of cells, more secure than any of the others I have seen before.

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