Aura's pov
My hands were shaking and my breathing was uneven. I was following Maddox down the hall of the pack hospital. I was on my way to see Lexie. Half the day had passed and it was now evening. I decided to go and see Lexie before I went off to bed. Maddox stopped at a door before looking at me.
"This is her room. Do you want me to wait out here and walk back with you to our house?" Maddox says, causing my stomach to flutter at the mention of our house. It still is taking a little getting used to that I now have a house of my own with Maddox.
"Uh no, I can walk back by myself but thank you. Go get some sleep" I saw staring at the door. Maddox nodded his head before walking away. I let out a shaky breath before knocking on the door. Kailani says come in from the other side. I held on to the container in my hand tightly. I open the door before stepping in. I brought them some food from dinner so they didn't have to be stuck eating hospital food. I slowly look over Lexie. She still looked pretty bad. My claw marks haven't healed yet.
"You wanted to see me?" I ask, bringing my eyes to Lexie's. Kailani walked around me heading to the door.
"I'm gonna go get some food" She mutters.
"I actually brought you guys something from dinner." I hold out the container full of food to her. Kailani gave me a bright smile before sitting the container on a stand.
"I'm gonna go get some forks," Kailani says walking out of the room. She shut the door behind her.
"I did want to see you. I wanted to tell you what you did is not your fault. I knew the right things to say to get you mad enough to attack me. I wanted to see what you had in you. I was testing you and I was right you are powerful. I want to personally train you, Aura. Kailani told me about you blacking out when angered enough. I want to help so you don't black out anymore." Lexie says sitting up in bed. I shake my head.
"I'm sorry Lexie but I can't do that. Training will only make me stronger and I can't have that for my wolf. You do not know the stuff she has done because she was angry" I said quietly looking at her with apologetic eyes.
"Aura that isn't gonna happen. We will work to try and control her when she is angry. We will make it so she won't cause you to black out-" I cut Lexie off.
"I know you mean well Lexie but I can't train with you" I slowly backed away from standing in the middle of the room.
"What are you so afraid of ,Aura? We can find a way so you can control your wolf."Lexie says, adjusting herself on the bed so she was more comfortable.
"Lexie, my wolf has killed many people. I'm not talking about rogues either. They were innocent humans. She took down a whole store full of humans and even a village of humans all because one of them angered her. If I train with you lexie you won't be just teaching me you will be teaching her and I can't hurt any more people because of her, I'm sorry" I turn around and walk out of the room. I bump into Kailani halfway down the hall.
"Hey, where are you going?" She says grabbing onto my wrist. I look over at Kailani and see the wound on her neck. I didn't see that one yesterday.
"I'm going home Lani I will see you tomorrow" I kiss her on the check. "And I'm sorry for hurting you and your mate" I gave her hand a small squeeze.
"It's ok Aura everyone is fine we don't blame you," Lani says with a smile before she goes back to her mate's room.
With a small sigh, I walk out of the hospital and take in the night breeze. It was cool and refreshing. I close my eyes and enjoy the slight breeze that blows through my hair. I open my eyes and head to the woods before taking my clothes off and shifting. I carry my clothes in my mouth as I stretch. My mom is right. I should shift more often. Maybe that is the reason for Aria attacking. I give Aria slight control and let her run through the woods. She jumps over fallen trees and sticks. The wind blew through my fur as we ran. A wolfish grin on my face as we ran.
When we reach the house I shift and change back. I walk into the house. I hear the TV playing in the living room and head over. Maddox was sprawled out on the couch, his arm hanging over the edge. Terra sat in the chair curled up with a blanket she brought from home.
"So how did it go?" Maddox asked, looking up from the couch. I ignored him as I walked out of the living room and into my room. I hate to admit it but I might take up Lexie's offer in training me. If I start letting my wolf out on frequent runs and have Lexie train me to control my wolf when she's angry then I can no longer hurt anyone. What if that isn't the case though? It could be something more advanced than a simple grudge against me not letting her out more.
With a groan, I plop face down into my bed. I hear someone walk into the room. By the sound of light footsteps, I knew it was Terra. Her calm aura caused me to be more relaxed. I don't know how she does it but it always seemed to fix my bad moods.
Terra doesn't say anything as she sits on my bed. She was always like this. She was the one out of Kailani and Seraphina to come and make me calm. She never says anything; she just sits with me and waits for me to talk. To let me vent out my problems.
"I don't know what to do Terra. I want to be able to control Aria by letting Lexie train me but then there is this fear of being trained and Aria using it against everybody. If I become stronger from training I fear Aria can take out a whole pack of wolves by herself. I don't want to let her get stronger but then I want to be able to shove her to the back of my mind when she is angry. To let her have the chance to calm down and not hurt anybody over one little thing." I mention sitting up and leaning my back against the headboard of my bed. Terra looked at me as if she was in deep thought.
"What if she takes over and I never get control back!?" I shout, causing Terra to jump from my loud voice. Terra watches me to see if I am done.
"You never know what will happen, Aura it never hurts to try something new. Maybe training with Lexie is what you need. What if she can help you understand your wolf and help get you to know why she takes over and causes you to blackout" Terra says. This is the first time she ever talked back to me. I give her a small smile. She is right. I let out a shaky breath before nodding my head.
"Alright Lexie, we start training in a week," I said through our link. "Ok, Luna, you won't regret it," Lexie says excitedly. "You better not make me regret it" I grumbled in the link before closing it off.
"Ok, I'm doing the training with Lexie. This better go right" I mumbled looking down at my hands.
"Don't worry too much about it," Terra says, patting my leg before walking out the door. Maddox walks through the door a few minutes later. He had a bowl of popcorn in one hand and a blanket in the other. He gave me a cute smile before handing me the bowl of popcorn while he got situated on my bed next to me. He took the bowl from me while he grabbed the remote.
"Don't you have your own room?" I ask before getting under my own covers.
"Yeah, but it doesn't have you in it" Maddox smiles cheekily. I roll my eyes before taking some of his popcorn. Maddox flips through Netflix trying to find a show to watch. I continue to look at Maddox as he finds something to watch. I turn my attention from Maddox to the tv when I hear a movie start to play.
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