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Cover made by Riyaizgreat

Aura's pov

The cream colored pages were littered with blue ink. Scribbled mindlessly across the thin lines. Numerous words beamed up at me as my eyes skimmed the pages. I was studying the journals of the pack's best elemental wolves before me and my friends.

Writing down notes of the most helpful techniques we could use. By the time I finished reading the journal and writing my notes I had my own journal halfway filled. Later when my friends and I hit the training field we will use the information I collected. After trying the tricks I would then collect more information from them. Their information would tell me the methods they used to enhance what I learned from the last elementals.

Closing the journal of the fire elemental I start to grab the rest of the countless journals left by the pre-existing elemental wolves. I return them to the shelves in the library. There were more than hundreds of journals for each of the four elements. Which gave these journals a whole section in the library dedicated to the elemental wolves who wrote them.

"Aura!" a voice I knew too well shouted throughout the library. I hurried to place the last of the books on the shelves before grabbing my journal. I rushed to the entrance as I heard people telling Kailani to be quiet.

"Hey Aura, Seraphina is pissed you missed training again," Kailani says, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the library.

"Who let her be in charge of group training anyway?" I sigh looking at my watch. "Since she is power crazy she voted herself and nobody wants to get into a fight with her again" Kailani lets go of my arm when we pass the trail that leads to the lake. "This is my stop, I will see you later, right?" I nod my head as I hurry to the packhouse. The big three-story mansion comes into view as I walk up the trail. I see Seraphina storming around the side of the house. Her eyes scanned the area before they stopped on me.

"Aura this is the third time you missed training this week. How are we supposed to know how to work together if you aren't there to train with us!" Seraphina yelled at me as she stopped in front of me.

"I was researching new tricks and we aren't always going to be with each other. You are aware of what happens when we find our mates, right?" I ask looking down at her. Seraphina may be short but her temper makes up for her height.

"Yes, I'm aware! Make sure you're there tomorrow" Seraphina sneered as she stormed off inside.

Letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, I walked inside. I ran up to my room and put my journals on my bookshelf. I look at my watch again and see that I'm late.

I run down the stairs bumping into a few people as I shout my apologies behind me as I continue to run. As I round the corner I bump into someone else that causes me to fall on my butt. I look up, seeing the Alpha.

"Aura what's got you in a rush?" He asked, causing me to give him a sheepish smile.

"I'm late for a study group with the younger kids. I always get after them for being late and now here I am running ten minutes behind" I rush out as I push myself up from the ground.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you but I got to go now, bye," I say before continuing to run down the halls.

I run through the back door. Slamming the door behind me as I don't have time to shut it nicely. Why did I schedule the meeting spot so far away? I give the kids 13 minutes if I'm not there they can leave. I had two minutes to make it to the clearing before they could leave. I push myself faster. I now regret not showing up to training. I'm pretty sure we were working on how to travel through our element and mine just so happens to be air.

The reason I didn't shift into my wolf was that I didn't have time to undress to shift. I didn't want to rip my clothes then have nothing to change into when I reach my destination. I push myself to go faster as I see the clearing up ahead.

As I make it to the clearing I see the kids putting their books in their bags and starting to walk away. I looked at my watch to see I was two minutes late. I run my hand through my hair as I take a deep breath. I've never run so fast in my human form and I regret ditching every training session for the pack. I'm surprised the Alpha has not ordered me to train.

"You're two minutes too late, Aura," one kid named Ash says as he walks past me with a slight smirk on his face. I roll my eyes at him. That kid is a little trouble maker and is failing all of his classes. His mother forces him to come to study and so far he is one of the top students in his grade. I don't let him slack which caused him to be the best he could be.

"Ash you are lucky you're off the hook today. Enjoy the rest of the evening" I smile at him as I pass him and jog home.

As I make it to the house I see the Alpha, Luna, and my dad the beta. I give them all a smile. Well everyone besides the luna. I don't exactly have a good bond with her. My dad wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"I thought you were late Aura," Alpha Billy says with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, I let the kids leave if I'm thirteen minutes late and I missed it by two minutes. It hasn't happened until today and I'm sure it won't happen again"

"You know that wouldn't have happened if you were training with the pack," Luna Arya says with a serious look. I have never seen this woman smile and it scares me.

"With all due respect Luna, I have lots of research to do that cannot wait until the last minute" I give her a bittersweet smile. "With that being said I really should get back to it. I'll see you guys around"

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