Chapter 2

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Graceland Rose POV

Man I should have brought a sweater I thought to myself as I walked back from the grocery story, I had gotten my tomato sauce and it was dark out like really dark.
I don't really go out past sunset but I really wanted spaghetti.

As I was walking pasted a few buildings I noticed a group of men and I suddenly had an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach like I shouldn't be here or something, all of a sudden I was pulled out of my thoughts when someone said " just give me my f#cking mony Smith"

At those words I sudden froze, I wasn't used to people talking like that and it made me very uncomfortable suddenly I heard loud popping noises and the sound of footsteps running,
So I did what my instincts told me to and I ran.
I don't know what from or what was happening I just knew that I was scared and I just wanted to be curled up in my bed with my stuffed monkey and eat my darn pasta.
I still heard the footsteps it was like someone was running and it sounded like they were getting closer,

Then I heard three loud popping noises and I froze once again but this time I felt an extremely heavy weight falling on me and I screamed as loud as my lungs could handle as I fell to the ground, I felt the heavyweight suffocating me when all the sudden it was lifted off and I scrambled on the ground to turn around when I saw
5 men standing around me with shocked looks on their faces except for one.
He had black hair and brown eyes that that were blank as he look down on me with a look of anger, he had tattoos going up to his neck and was wearing black jeans a black T-shirt and a black leather jacket and come to look at it they were all wearing practically the same thing.

But he was different for some reason I couldn't quite put my finger on it he was more muscular than all of them, his hair was messy and he had a ring on his lip.
What am I doing I thought to myself I'm on the ground surrounded by a group of guys but for some reason I couldn't move I had looked to my side out of curiosity of what the weight was that fell on me and I screamed.

To my horror it was a man with holes in his chest and blood leaking from them and I grabbed my backpack that I had dropped during all of this chaos and ran like my life depended on it
" GET HER" I heard one of the men yell in a deep controlling voice as I ran there was silence for a moment before a loud "NOW" tore through the air then I heard loud footsteps of people running towards me
But I didn't dare look back I just ran as fast as I could towards my house.

I took a shortcut that I hadn't used in years that took me directly to my house and I ran in locked all the doors and windows closed the blinds and ran upstairs to my room locking it behind me forgetting about the spaghetti. All I wanted right now was to lay in bed and go to sleep and wait for the next day to come.


Sorry for any spelling mistakes


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