Chapter 3

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♡Kalani's pov♡

My mother and I chat while helping the maids with lunch in the kitchen. It was a really long stressful and very busy day, I mostly help trying to cheer up Kayla I know that one was gonna be rocket science, i tried my best she's really upset.

I then went to study for the upcoming quiz on Medical Ethics, yes am doing Medical in college because I always wanted to help people in those ways, after that I took a walk in the garden to clear my head which then leads me here in the kitchen.

I lift my head when I hear the sounds of heavy footsteps entering the kitchen to see father, he was wearing a suit as always, he went towards mother as he gave her a passionate kiss, I screw my face in disgust and went over to take out the casserole from the oven.

I must confess that I want a relationship like my parents in the future, they greatly adore each other, of course it was an arrange marriage for them too but their situation was different, the thing is that my mother's father used to work for my father's father so they both grew up together and my father being him have eyes on mother for a long time not knowing that they would be force to wed each other, they both accepted it happily.

"That looks good" he complimented me as he kissed my mother's cheek one last time. "Kalani darling, could you go fetch your sister tell her to meet me in my office in five minutes the guests have arrived"

"Okay father" I said as I hand over the casserole to the maid and skipped out of the kitchen. As I was making my way up to Kayla's room I heard deep angry talking in the lounge area.

My nosy ass self decided to see what's up which isn't a good idea but hey am just a curious girl I can't help it, I walk nearer towards the lounge area as I peep inside to see the back of a man dress in a black suit, he stand facing the tall windows that overlooks the garden while talking on his phone.

"Si" (yes)

"Ricevi la spedizione entro damani" (Get the shipment in by tomorrow)

"Se fa un pasticcio, uccidilo" (If he mess up kill him)

"Non accetto lavori di merda" (I don't take shity work)

"Prendine il triplo" (Take triple for it)

I couldn't understand one thing he was saying, he is clearly Italian....but aren't Italians deadly.
Oh shit my sister would be marrying an Italian that is so bad, I have to warn her. How will she survive. My father is half Italian but he never once thought us or want us to learn the language, my brother learn it though, when father and Keon wants to discuss serious matter they speak in Italian.

I tried to teach myself the language of course I am a stubborn bitch but it seems too complicated for my delicate brain so I drop it, I was only 13 then.

"You know you shouldn't be eavesdropping" a deep voice said thick with Italian accent. My eyes widen in surprise as I realize that he was referring to me....but how, he still had his back turned to me, how do he know I was here?.

Suddenly he turn around facing me and my eyes landed on the most amazing set of blue eyes that seems cold, fuck he was handsome, and his black silk hair looks so thick, his sharp chisel jaw and muscles you could just imagine he has under that suit.

Damn he is fine, shit no Kalani check him out like that he is probably deadly.

"Bellissima" he whispers as his eyes landed on me. Fuck who his this man he screams danger, yeah it was such a bad idea to eavesdrop.

Fear took over my body as I stand in his presence with his gaze piercing through me and his eyes then scan my body taking in every inch of me.

"Who are you?" he asked. I stood there tongue tied as I tried to speak but no words would come out. "Are you dumb I asked you a question" and that just did it for me, my innocent girl act was down to 0, people say that I was the most innocent one out of Matteo Russo three children but that was a lie I was the most feisty one I don't like when people disrespect me or take advantage of me this bitch has anger issues that no one knows because I hid it so perfectly they see me as a delicate princess.

I glare at the man who stood in front me not caring about his dangerous aura, I scoff and fold my harms and replied "And who are you asshole you're the one in my house"

He look taken aback surprise that I talk back to him but his emotion quickly changes, he raises his eyebrows "You have a death wish splendore, I could just kill you right here" he said as he showed me his gun in his suit jacket and smirks as he continue "I'll spare you ragazza am guessing you don't know who I am"

I rolled my eyes and he suddenly glares at me "Are you someone I should know?" I asked. He gave a dark devilish chuckle as he took steps closer to me until he was an inch away from touching me towering over me his minty breath fanning my face. "Tesoro you should be fearing me I am Zyron Valentino after all, your worst nightmare" he said as my eyes got huge. Yes am good as dead I just fucked with the most deadly Mafia leader, I heard so much about him, how could I be such a fool. He laughs at my reaction "Are you scared Tesoro?" he asked just then something broke in the kitchen as he look in the direction the noise was from. At that moment I know I should get away from the devil and that is just what I did I dash up the stairs as fast as my short legs could.

After I told my sister what my father said I made my way towards my room on drop on my bed. I was scared right now, who wouldn't be after you fucked with a Don a deadly don. I hope he doesn't kill me. I can't believe father wants Kayla to marry him, I hope it's not him she is marrying but I got to admit he his gorgeous.

There was a knocked on my door I hesitantly made my way to the door being wary, I open it as I sigh in relief when I saw who it is standing there.

"Are you okay babysis?" Keon asked. I shake my head in a yes as he suddenly hugs me tight. "What is that for?" I asked. He sigh and replies "Am just glad that it's not you marrying, I can't lose you yet" he stated. I hug my brother back as he kiss me on top of my head.

"Father said you should come down at seven dress for the dinner with the Italians" Keon replies. Damn, that means I have face him again, just great. I might go get myself killed now, I might as well just stay here and face the raft of father later. "Is Kayla really marrying the Italians?" I asked scared for the answer. Keon nodded his head "She will be marrying the Boss, he is evil Kalani so ruthless, he dosent think twice about pulling the trigger" why am I still alive then since I kind of disrespect him, he wouldn't shoot me in front of my family would he?

Keon put his hands on my shoulder as he said "Until he leaves I want you to be careful, he is not someone to mess with and we can never be prepared for anything coming from the Valentino's"....."See you later babysis" he said as he leaves.

Be careful I guess I can do that I think if i didn't already screw things up with the most feared Magia boss, fuck why do I have to snap, why can't I just be the good little angel everybody says I am.

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