Chapter 14

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♡Kalani’s pov♡

I'm seated in the middle of my bed reading Ryan Rule by Sadie Kincaid; It's already been a day since Emma was here, she has send me some pictures of venues but I still haven't chose one yet so i tell her to surprise me. I haven't seen Zyron from yesterday morning and I so badly wanted to tell him off.

I was bored so I searched the bookshelf that is inside my room and I find this book which am reading now.

Thanks to the person who left these here, sometimes I would imagine myself as Jessie with those hot brothers having me for themselves she was blessed with four gorgeous man in bed wow.

My door opens revealing Aria in a two piece pink swim suit, “Take your lazy ass up we’re going swimming” she demanded.                                                                                                                   “Why?” I groan, “Because it is hot and also that there is this fucking huge pool outside waiting for three sexy bitches to get in” she replied,

“Fine” I sighed. Thank god I did not shower yet and am grateful when Jazz picks out some swim suit for me when we went shopping some days ago.

I put a book marker in my book and place it on the bedside table then head inside my closet. I choose a white sexy two piece bikini and change into them in my closet, I then search and find a blue sarong and put on over it, I put on a pair of flip flops oh I just hate flip flops, I pick up a blue towel and exit the closet to see Aria with my book that I was currently reading.

“This shit is nasty but hot, four brothers huh” she said and I chuckle.                                                                                           “Put my book down and lets go before I change my mind”………”Do you got sunscreen?” I asked.

“It’s down by the pool with Jazz” Aria replies. We both head downstairs towards the lounge area where we exit the side door that leads to the pool.

I got to admit that the time is pretty hot since its June and going swimming with these two crazy girls that I quickly grow fund of is better than being up in my room reading.

“Damn this shit is huge” I said draw dropped staring at the pool, Aria chuckles “Get use to it girly” she says.

I walk over towards one of the pool chairs where I put down the towel, kick off my flip flop and slip off the sarong revealing the two piece bikini am in.

I then apply some sunscreen, I got to keep this clean skin free from sun burns.                                        

“I got champagne” I hear Jazzlyn shouts as she make her way towards us with a bottle of champagne with three glass in her hands. She is in a orange two piece swim suit with her hair in a bun.

Jazz pour the three of us champagne and we all sit by the pool “Cheers to three bad bitches and our soon to be Mafia Queen” Aria said, we clink our glasses together a giggles like teenagers.

That’s another thing I haven’t thought about, being the Mafia Queen ruling beside Zyron, I have no idea how to do that, I guess the three stages of training will help me to be fit with leading this Mafia.

I was pulled out of my thought when water suddenly came splashing me, “Hey!” I yelled. It was all Jazz doing this bitch dived into the pool splashing me. I hang my feet in the pool water that felt cool against them,

Aria was seated beside me and Jazz was still in the pool swimming around, “Do you want to be one of my bridesmaids? I’d love for you and Jazzlyn to be one” I says. Aria shrieks loudly “You don’t have to ask of course I'll be your bridesmaid” 

“What’s this yelling all about?” Jazz ask. I gave her a cheeky smile as I asked “Will you be my bridesmaid?” she smiles and replied “Of course kali”.

She hops out of the pool dripping wet, “Oh you girls have done the champagne” she wines as she picks up the empty bottle.

“Don’t worry about it I’ll go get another one” I stated, “There’s one that I left on the kitchen counter” she replies.                                                                                                                 
I made my way into the kitchen where I saw the bottle of champagne and a bottle vodka sitting on the counter.

I filled myself a glass of water and drank, i then pick up the champagne and turned to leave when a gasp left my mouth as I saw a man standing there by the corner of the kitchen which is fucking creepy, he was clearly not there a while ago.

“Am sorry I didn’t realised that someone was there” I said, I notice that it was the man that was creepily staring at me the day at lunch and it doesn’t help that right now am only in a bikini.

His lustful eyes travels up and down my body and a chill ran up my spine from disgust, I grip onto the bottle tightly and move towards the door hurriedly trying to make an exit when a cold disgusting hand grip onto my wrist stopping me in a tight hold.

I look to see him creepily smiling down at me “Let me go” I said as I twist my arm in his, “You’re stunning you know” he says as he grip onto my neck harshly,

I pulled up the champagne bottle and smash it onto his head which result in some little pieces catching me in the process, his grip loosen and I tried to make my escaped when he grip me by my hair and push me against the wall “Fucking bitch” he screams in my face as his hand came in contact with my face leaving a brusing slap, his breath is stink of vodka and weed.

“What do you want?” I asked struggling against the wall, “You” he simply answered. I felt his cold rough hand on my leg as it begins to slowly making it’s way up to my thigh, I started wiggling and his grip on me tightens. 

He brings his head down closer to my neck where I could feel his disgusting breath on my skin.                                                                                                         There was a loud piercing sound of a bullet that rung throughout the kitchen, blood splutter up my face, I stood there shock as I watch the lifeless body of the man drop to the floor with a thud, his crimson blood staining the clean white tiles.

I look up and my gaze landed on Zyron standing at the kitchen entrance with his gun in his hand, anger is evident in his eyes. Just then Aria, Jazz and Stefano came rushing into the kitchen.                                                                                                                                                             “What happen?” Aria asked with worry and her eyes go wide when she spotted the body. She and Jazz both shared a wooried expression as they approach me, I still didn’t move from where I am. “Oh my God did he hurt? You got blood on you” Aria stated too quickly.

“Cazzo, Stefano get them to clean this shit up” I hear Zyron says as he made his way over to me, his hand reach out as he graze my forehead with his thumb and I flinch slightly with the pain that came with it.                                                                                                                                                                                               “Shit your hurt” my fingers slowly made its way up to my forehead where his thumb was a while ago and I flinch again, suddenly before I could react I felt myself being lift from the floor. Zyron effortlessly throw me over his shoulder then he exited the kitchen.

“Put me down my legs are fine” I yelled but I only got ignored which irritates me more “Zyron put me down you fucking bitch, I want to walk” i began hitting his back but my little hands had no effect on him, his huge hand then came in contact with my ass as he spank me hard and I gasp aloud.                                                                                

“Be a good girl teroso and shut up” he demanded. Uh so rude, my hand reaches out to my ass and I rub it trying to ease the stinging pain.
Fucking asshole spank me with those huge hands, am not a child that needs to be deciplin.


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