Chapter One
Faster! They’re coming! I ran through the blackness, my legs feeling like they’re made of lead. I couldn’t see even the faintest big of light, but I somehow knew that they were nearby. They’re going to kill me! I ducked behind something, only to have my knees crash against the cold concrete floor. Everything was sticking and warm, and the light was beginning to scare the darkness away. I looked down at my hands and saw red everywhere. It dripped down my fingers and coated my jeans and white tank top. I looked up to see a man standing over me, a gun in his bloodied hand.
“Don’t!” I cried, crawling towards him in the puddle of blood.
The person in front of me was no longer a man. The shape shifted from a wild looking guy to a curvy woman with darkness in her eyes and a scowl.
It was me.
I sat up, my breathing coming in pants. Darkness surrounded me, making my heart pound harder in my chest. I ran my fingers through my tangled hair, only to feel it wet with sweat. My forehead was coated in sweat, near the point of dripping. I wiped it away with the back of my trembling hand. My pillow felt damp with both sweat and tears. Did I say anything as I slept? Glancing over to my right, I could faintly see a sleeping figure. At least I didn’t wake him up this time, I thought as I began to slip out of bed.
My toes brushed the soft rug beneath the bed as I pushed myself to my feet. Careful to not disturb him, I felt around for my running shoes and yoga pants that I always kept nearby. It wasn’t hard to dress in the dark, but what was hard was trying not to wake my sleeping husband. If he woke and saw that I was about to go on a run, in the dark, alone, he wouldn’t be happy. Once, a month or so ago, I got lost in the woods for a few hours. He spent those hours in a panic as he searched for me in the woods. Jack isn’t controlling, he’s just overprotective. My mom agreed with Jack, although she didn’t like to. Lately I’ve been able to run and come home before anyone had even woken up.
I tied my hair into a ponytail and snuck out of the house with my MP3 player. Plugging the ear buds, I chose a song that gave a perfect rhythm to run to. It blasted in my ears as I began running the same route as always. It was a narrow path that curved around in the woods, and I knew it perfectly. It was probably about two miles long, and obviously two miles back. The ice cold air nipped at my face and arms as I began to run, but I ignored the discomfort and focused on the path. Lately I’ve been running it three or four times in a week. The nightmares have been becoming more frequent ever since things have been slowing down around here. Every other night I dream of death. It starts off as a sweet dream, with sunshine and family. But the dream shifts to darkness almost immediately, followed by screams and blood. Always blood.
I pushed myself forward, attempting to beat my record by a few minutes. The memories flashed through my mind painfully, reminding me of things I’ve tried desperately to forget. The war haunts me. Every person I harmed or killed, they come to me in my dreams. They always try to harm me in one way or another—sometimes taking it as far as threatening Jack or my kids. Ever since that day, when blood was shed in the halls of the main building, I’ve kept those images hidden. Only recently, as life began to settle, has that day began to haunt me. So I keep busy by doing whatever I can to help this planet. Lately it’s been cleaning houses and searching for anything useful for the community: blankets, furniture, clothing, etc.
I began to loop around and head back home just as the sun began to peak through the trees. I took a break so that I wouldn’t exhaust myself for when I have to clean one of the houses a few miles from here. My legs felt wonderful from the exercise, all tingly and warm. I slowed to a jog as I went up to the new steel door of my house. Quietly, I pushed open the door and snuck in, thankful that we didn’t own a barking dog or something to give me away. I tried to hurry up the stairs and get into bed before Jack would see that I’ve been gone, but that plan failed.
I smelled coffee.
The sound of a spoon clinking against a mug came from the kitchen. I didn’t bother to take off my shoes and pretend that I didn’t leave the house alone in the dark. I went straight into the kitchen, temporarily being blinded by the light. Jack stood with his back to me, facing the coffee pot that had been imported from earth a few years ago. He wore flannel pajama bottoms and no shirt, which was weird combo considering people usually wore those bottoms to keep warm. When he turned around his eyes met mine, swirling with a mixture of red and purple; he was furious and happy, what a strange combo. Wordlessly, he pulled a black mug from the cabinet and began pouring a hot mug full of the strongest coffee ever—Jack’s coffee was strong enough that, if even inhaled, you get a buzz. He began pouring cream and sugar into it before reaching out and handing me the mug.
“Thanks,” I muttered, carefully taking it from him.
His hair was such a mess, it was really cute. I rarely get to see him in the mornings because of our conflicting schedules. Jack, being the advanced pilot he is, has the job of transportation. He has fly all around Renton, either giving people rides, picking up items, or dropping them off. He’s great at it, though he despises it. He has to work early in the morning until late at night due to the shortage of pilots on Renton. Actually, there was a shortage in much more than just pilots.
“What time are you heading in?” I asked as I watched him take a seat at the table.
“Twenty minutes ago,” he replied before drinking some more out of his mug.
I sat across from him and sipped on my coffee, pleased that Jack had put the exact amount of sugar and cream in it. “Twenty minutes ago? What time is it?”
“A little past seven.”
My eyes widened in alarm. “Crap! I didn’t know it was that late. I’m supposed to be getting the kids ready.” I began to stand up.
“Did you have another nightmare?”
His question caught me off guard. “What?”
He looked up at me, his eyes filled with concern. “You were mumbling in your sleep again. Was it a nightmare?”
I sat back down, tracing my finger over the lip of the mug. “It’s no big deal…”
It became silent. Jack absolutely hated that I had nightmares of death. He hated the fact that I was even there in the first place. But even worse, he hated how I was having nightmares about things he has witnessed or had nightmares about. When Jack and I got married the Twiad way, it linked us in more ways than one. We said our love and devotion for the other, binding us in marriage, and then did something only Twiads could do: Link our minds. It sounds silly to those who haven’t experienced something so powerful. But that night we linked our minds and saw into each other’s soul. I was able to see anything I wanted to of Jack. I could see any thought he has had, any memory he has witnessed, and every action he has made. It was boggling and wonderful. It is wonderful. However, it comes with a price. I’ve seen Jack’s side of the war, and I saw the men he killed and the men that tried to kill him. So it’s not just my memories and regrets I’m dealing with, it’s his as well.
“I should get Cassie and Daniel up—“
“Next time wake me up, okay? If you have a nightmare, just wake me up.” He gave me a small smile.
“Running helps me,” I defended lightly.
He sighed and stood to pour himself another mug full of coffee. “I don’t like you going out there alone. You have no idea what kind of creatures like to hunt in the dark.”
“So far it’s been fine.”
“I’ll go with you next time.”
That made me laugh because of the last time Jack ran with me. “You hate running.”
He smirked. “It’s a pathetic use of time. But I’ll still do it if you want me to.”
Such a Jack response. I took a few steps towards him and got to my tiptoes. My lips pressed against his stubbly cheek lightly. “That’s sweet of you. However, I prefer to just run alone.”
He frowned, setting down his mug. “Why not just run around this area? How about around the houses?”
“Going around the houses? What is that, two blocks or so?”
“Just run really fast. It’ll feel like more.”
I touched his face with my hand. “Nice try.”
He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer, his lips pressing into my forehead. I immediately relaxed. I don’t know why, but Jack kissing my forehead always brought my comfort. Jack has frustrated me throughout the few years I’ve known him, yet he always makes me feel completely safe. When he’s around, nothing can get me. “How about I not go in today? We’ll take the day off and stay in bed,” he said with a smirk.
“I’m fine. I really am.”
He frowned, not liking the idea of having to go to work. “It won’t be a problem… I’ll even make you eggs.”
“I’m seriously fine. You don’t have to worry.” I pulled away from him and began to head towards the kitchen door. “I’ll get the kids up and going… See you tonight?”
He took several gulps of his coffee—I’ve never been able to see how he can drink it black—and looked up at me. “I’ll give you a ride.”
I smiled and nodded.
Jack and I haven’t exactly had a perfect relationship. In fact, in started off pretty badly. Back when I was just eighteen, Zach, had stolen me from a movie theater parking lot. Why? Their race, the Twiads, was dying off after the females were brutally murdered just fifteen years earlier. They needed females to continue their race, which resulted in them kidnapped hundreds of women from earth and bringing them to Renton. Zach was considered my ‘protector’ and had taken me to carry his child. It sounds completely insane, but it wasn’t as horrifying as one would assume. They had given me a shot, and that’s how Cassie was created. However, Zach wasn’t supposed to take me. Jack had staked his claim on me first. Clearly none of this is considered romantic in any way, shape, or form. At the time, it all had to do with territory.
So I was pregnant with Cassie, with Zach by my side the entire time. When Renton was attacked and Zach was taken by my own race, I was saved and protected by the man I thought was a complete jerk, Jack. He swore to help find Zach, who was brought to earth. That was the turning point in our relationship, for both me and Zach and me and Jack. I realized that I had feelings for Zach. I also formed a friendship with the guy that I originally hated and who had laid a few moves on me. Jack and I definitely didn’t have a love-at-first-sight like most fairytales have. At the time, I was falling for Jack’s best friend, Zach. I was falling for his sweetness, his friendship, and how he was always there for me. Jack was just a friend that I had talked into teaching me how to defend myself.
A year after Cassie’s birth, we were still in hiding on earth, just the four of us. Jack stuck by us the entire time, ready for whatever might come our way. He was a great friend, though we argued every day. Henry, one of the Twiads who hated me for something I had done on Renton, came to our house and told us of a war on Renton. War isn’t really the right word. The Twiads were getting slaughtered. He had wanted Jack and Zach to come and fight for their planet. Obviously I couldn’t just let them leave while I stayed at home wondering if they’ve been killed. Against their wishes, I persuaded them to let me come. I left Cassie with the one person I could trust: My mother. It was around that time when Jack kept testing the friendship line. But I was devoted to Zach, even if I was feeling a tad attracted to Jack…
My feelings towards him began to change when he saved my life. I remember it so clearly that it still gives me chills. We were on the ship, flying right over Renton, when we were attacked by some stowaway soldiers. Jack had tackled one that was about to kill me, sending them both out of the ship. I remember the despair I felt when I thought he was dead. When I found him alive, it was like a magnetic pull. We kissed. Even now I know that it was wrong of me to do that when I was in love with Zach. Maybe something was pushing Jack and me together even then? I have no clue. Afterwards we fought side-by-side with Zach, and boy did I feel the guilt. It was shortly after when I got myself killed. Not a light topic. Long story short, I was brought back by an angel named Noel.
My life is complicated, right? Well, that’s just half of it. Noel had explained to me that I needed to be stronger, and therefore I came back, well, different. I became a Twiad. Half of one, to be exact, just like Jack, whose mother had been human. I was different after that experience. I saw things differently, and thus my attraction towards Jack had grown. Things grew even more complicated when I learned that, on earth, my daughter’s life was threatened by humans. Forgetting Zach and Jack, I flew back to earth with Henry as my pilot. I left Samantha Peters behind, and became someone entirely different in order to go into hiding with my daughter. I did, and will still do, anything and everything for my daughter. So I started a new life to keep her safe, no matter how much I missed my mom, Zach, and Jack. That new life turned out to be agonizing for me because I couldn’t be me. But that life only lasted a few months when Jack had hunted me down and took me away from there.
In his defense, he just wanted to protect me. I went with him unwillingly, with Cassie right at my side. We went to Jack’s newish apartment, and that’s where things got intense. Jack admitted that he loved me. I couldn’t return those feelings. We had become hot and heavy when we were caught by my own daughter. I forgot the attraction towards Jack and focused on my true love, Zach, who later came and saved me from the men who were coming to take me and Cassie. That’s where things became further complicated. After several unfortunate events, we were all together again and hiding in a new house. It definitely wasn’t luxurious. There wasn’t any furniture and we were packed and ready to run at any second. We even had to start sleeping during the day and shop at night to avoid being seen. It was intense. The tension only grew between Jack and Zach. Zach saw something happening between me and Jack, something I tried to not let happen, I swear.
Jack and I were caught kissing. It was a moment of weakness. Zach didn’t take it so likely and attacked Jack, only to accidently punch me in the process. I was an emotion wreck and ran from there, only to be visited by my guardian angel, Noel. To make matters entirely worse, she explained to me that I was to have a child, and that the child was to basically be the one to help the humans and Twiads. That child’s father? Jack. It was meant to happen, according to her. That child was meant to be born. It was destined. It would save lives. It would be the peacemaker. I hated Noel. I really hated her. But I trusted her. After all, she had brought me back to life. So I went home that night and pretty much told the love of my life that I had to have another man’s baby. He took that well.
Things were so tense around the house that it was almost painful. I was a nutcase, Zach was furious and hurt, and Jack…Well, he was just told that he was to have a baby with the woman he loved. Penelope, a friend from Renton, showed up in our lives. It was both wonderful and worrying for us all. She and Zach became best friends. With our resources limited and not much time to waste, I couldn’t have the child like I had had Cassie. We were on earth and didn’t have the technology for it. So Jack and I had to do things the old fashion way, in a manner of speaking. It hurt me to hurt Zach. But the baby had to be born. After that awkward first time for both Jack and I, it complicated our relationship. He saw it as us being in a relationship. I saw it as fulfilling what Noel had said. Zach was still mine, even though I was in love with Jack as well.
I chose Zach.
He had stuck with me throughout all of this. He was willing to do anything for me, even if I made mistakes along the way. He had proposed to me, and I said yes. And that destroyed Jack. He couldn’t handle it, and so he drank. It killed me to hurt him and watch him suffer. Zach wanted to leave Jack behind because he thought Jack was a bad influence—in reality, he was worried that something was going to seriously happen between Jack and I. So me, Zach, Jack, Cassie, Penelope and her daughter were on the run. I saw the way Penelope looked Zach, and it was torture. What was even more torturous was the way Jack looked at me, and I at him. He stuck by me when I turned him down, never treating me horribly like most would have. I was torn yet again, between those two men. I realized that Zach didn’t deserve me when I couldn’t make up my mind. He deserved someone that didn’t treat him the way I had.
I let him go.
It was the hardest decision of my life. But I didn’t deserve Zach’s love when I could fully return it. Penelope did, though. That’s when I saw Jack in a whole new light. He was no longer the man that I couldn’t have. He wasn’t the one that could ruin my relationship. He was the man that had always been there, even when I didn’t want him to be. I chose him, entirely. I wasn’t giving only half of myself, I was giving everything. Jack and I fell in love, just as the fairytales say people do. We were crazy for each other. Are crazy for each other. Everything happened so fast. Before I knew it, we married the Twiad way. The rest of our long and complicated love story has been rather boring.
After we were exiled to Renton we immediately found a home. Renton had hundreds of houses abandoned because not only had the females died a decade and a half earlier, but over half of the Twiad population died in the recent war. In fact, only three or four hundred now remain, along with about a hundred human girls—most of the females had been transported back to earth, but some remained because they wanted to. So Jack and I decided to start as a family. We live in a small area where a few houses are in a circle, close to each other. Zach, Penelope, and her daughter live in one of the houses, my mom and her husband Joe live in another, Penelope’s mother lives in one, and Henry and my best friend Zoey live in one. We’re like a tiny neighborhood. It was difficult at first because I was so used to living with Zach. It sounds silly, but it was just a routine of waking up and having a conversation with him over coffee. It was also difficult when it came to Cassie. After a long discussion between me, Zach, Jack and Penelope, it was decided that Cassie was best living with me and Jack full time. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Cassie is my world, along with my son Daniel. Cassie still stays with Zach a few hours a day or she stays with Mary, Penny’s mom, or
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