Author's Note:

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Author's Note:

This is book 4 of 4 in the Horrifying New Start series. (The series, in order: Horrifying New Start, Rise Against, It Ends Here, and The Aftermath). I'm currenly editing HNS :) If you haven't read the other books, that's fine. I tried my best to summarize the important parts of the other ones in this book because I plan to go back and edit the other ones, including the ending of It Ends Here because I wasn't satisfied with it.

When I first wrote the "final" book of the Horrifying New Start series, I thought it was the end. But the past two years I've been thinking more and more about the series. It can't just end like that. Not after everything they still have to deal with on Renton. So I had written several different openings over the past several months, but gave up.

And then NaNoWriMo started O__O I decided to write book 4 as my entry because I had so much planned. There's so much to explain about Renton, the Twiads, and Samantha. I've been writing my best and really hope to complete this competition. It's really fun and thrilling. Although there may be some parts here that are messy and strange because I was up late typing several of these chapters. I get a bit loopy at night when I write.

Thank you for reading! Please don't forget to vote, comment, fan, etc. :D

-Currie, thevelvetrose

p.s. Goodluck to everyone else doing NaNoWriMo :)

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