"Your ukulele is broken."

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   April 28, 2018

    We got Crazy Train yesterday!!!!!! It sounds so cool!!!!!!!!! I have first part!!!
   Yesterday was my ukulele buddy's last day, so I won't see him until next year :(
   So Thursday night I had a dream that my ukulele broke. Like I noticed a string was loose, then I looked up and saw that all of the tuning adjusters/keys were missing. Then, Mr. Davis popped up out of nowhere and just said,"Your ukulele is broken." After that, I went back to the store I got it from for a warranty, but instead I had to buy a whole new one for $20 more than what it was originally. Let's just say that I really hope my ukulele doesn't break...

  I slept on my trampoline last night and it got colder than I expected and I woke up at like 1:52 after having a weird dream about Fall Out Boy and Twenty One Pilots and how they were both associated with the number 4792 (it had a 4 and a 7 in it. I'm not sure about the 9 and the 2.) So yeah, I'm gonna wait until summer to sleep outside again.

  Well, see ya.

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