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August 13, 2017
Hello! It's Rey again! I have returned! Return of the Jedi, right? Ok, I'll stop with the puns for now.
So, this is the sequel to The Life of a Band Nerd, so if you're reading this book by itself, that's fine. My previous book was about my beginner band year, and this book will be about my first (sort of) year in Advanced Band.

I said sort of because my director let me start Advanced Band early, so I already have a feel of what it's like. However, now we got a new director named Mr. Davis, so things will be different. At least he's a trumpet player!
In case you don't know, I play trumpet. I have two beautiful trumpets: (now it sounds like I'm talking about children, which they basically are) my silver school rent trumpet, John, and my gold, dented practice trumpet that I keep at home named Stewart.
So, for the people that are reading this who read my first book, congratulations! I'm surprised you didn't die from my nerdiness! (Wait, maybe you did...that's why it's called The Afterlife of a Band Nerd, right?).
Anyways, thank you for reading this! Enjoy!

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