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     January 24, 2019

      Wow, I haven't updated in a while. I'm surprised any of you guys are still reading this. 

      So this year for Homecoming, the people organizing it decided to do this thing called club sweethearts. It's where each club votes for their top girl and the girl chooses and boy escort from the club. Well, I got voted to be the band sweetheart, and honestly, it's been a nightmare between finding a dress for a short person and a hairstyle to match. What's really dumb is they made a dress code this year where all of the sweethearts have to wear a floor-length gown that's either red, black, or white. I feel bad because my mom and aunt have been working since Tuesday to hem over like 5 inches off of my dress. They had to even cut a few inches off. 

    Anyways, that's what my life has been like lately. My escort and I are doing the handshake from Stressed Out at our school's pep rally that announces everyone on the homecoming court.

    I'll try to let you guys know how everything goes. 

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