Bangers/Thunder Sticks

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    February 6, 2018

       We have both a pep rally and a game later today. I am in second period math right now (when am I not?). Fluffeh and I walked down to band hall before school to wait for Mr. Davis when K2SO showed up, then Mom and Jaws. Well apparently, Mom and Jaws found these things called Thunder Sticks that make loud noises when you inflate them and hit them together.  

   Basically these things:

  Anyways, they renamed them Bangers. Apparently they had found them in the dungeon. I grabbed one of them and started playing the quads, XD. Mom said they're going to sell them two for a dollar at the pep rally during sixth period today, lol. They have our school name on them, all except for one, which is the "special edition" as Mom put it, which has our team name on one side and another school name on the other. That one is going to be a dollar by itself. 

    Well, I guess I'll let ya'll know how stuff goes. Bye.

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