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Advice Request
This person would like to know whether or not  should keep a friendship with a friend.

Answered Submission
Hi there! After reading your request, I felt that maybe you already knew the answer to the question you were asking us to answer by the wording you used.

Friendships are hard to stick to, especially when that friend isn't always what you want them to be. Your friend seems like she has a tough life because of the mood swings and things she blames you for. I don't think she means to hurt you through this but she does it as in outlet. Perhaps she isn't able to yell or get her frustrations out towards anyone at home, she might lay it all on you. That doesn't mean she hates or thinks you're the cause. It just means that she's hurting inside and wants to let it out.

With rumors and listening to others, don't. Don't be that friend who leaves another friend because of what others tell you. Last I checked, there's only one her and that is the only person you should be asking questions if you want to know what's going on with her. Don't pity her, rather sympathize with her and be the shoulder she can cry on. Let her confide in you and maybe your friendship won't be so bad anymore.

The answer to your question is really all up to you. This friend of yours is damaged on the inside and doesn't open up herself to many people, hence not many friends. It's your decision if you want to be the friend she really needs or be honest with her and tell her you don't want to be friends with her. The point of my advice is talk to her. Understand her before you make anymore judgements. Friendships are almost like relationships, you have to work at it to make it work. But that's only if you are willing to try.

All the best to you and make the decision you feel is best in your heart. We're here to advice you and guide you to the direction we find will best help you, but we don't give you the answers. That's all you, lovely.

Have an awesome day!

The Advice Column Team

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