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Advice Request
This person is constantly harassed and bullied by someone else.

Answered Submission
Do you know what?

This guy has issues. He obviously doesn't like the person he, himself is, which is why he is harassing you.

If someone doesn't treat you the way you should be treated, always make sure to do something about it. The fact that you haven't done anything about it is not good. How and why in the world are you letting him and his words affect you? You are beautiful, your body is beautiful, and everything about you is beautiful. Someone else's opinion on it is not going to change that, nor does it matter for the most part.

Listen, love, I know it is hard to ignore him when you are constantly being told negative things about yourself. But know that NO ONE has the right to talk to you that way. Not even yourself. Look at you: You drag your own body up from the bed, clean it, dress yourself up, and take care of it. Now that's something to be proud of because it shows that you care about yourself! But sweety, cutting is not going to help in anyway. Like mentioned before, do not depend on your physical pain to escape from your emotional pain.

He's saying stuff about you? That's his mouth, and let him be. You're not hurting anyone—he is. Don't stop feeding yourself just because an idiot told you you're overweight. He doesn't know what you went through. He doesn't know why your parents left. He doesn't know anything at all, and him judging you is only making him even more pathetic. Also keep in mind that you're growing, and you will be promoted, so be patient. Patience bears the sweetest of fruits.

Take a look at the list you provided: You have a brother, boyfriend, and best friend. All of them care about you, so do you think they would like it if you hurt yourself the way you do? I'm sure not! Also, there's no shame in telling them about what is happening to you. I actually encourage you to do so! They should be able to help whenever you need help.

If he continues to do it, please tell an older person who you know will help you out because you don't deserve to be treated this way.

With Love,

The Advice Column Team.

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