Chapter 8

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Annie dragged me along with her until we hit a alleyway that was empty she pushed me up against the brick wall Annie brought her face closer to mine only being an inch away from my lips I gulped looking into her icy blue eyes "Why were you gone for so long?"Annie asked I chuckled nervously "What do you mean? How long was I gone for?"I asked probably sounding like an idiot,"2 whole days (Y/N)"Annie said increasing her glare I gulped I was out cold for two whole days damn no wonder Annie is pissed off I thought she was on her period or something.

I gulped putting my hands on her shoulders to push her away from me but she didn't budge putting her knee between my legs almost hitting my crotch my eyes went wide on how close her knee is to my area,"Answer me now (Y/N)"Annie demand I sighed probably going to die either way "I was doing experiments with Hanji she forced me to transform four and an half times that is way I was gone for two days sorry"I apologized suddenly feeling guilty I heard Annie sigh she backed up having a small smile on her face "No it's fine it's not your fault"Annie answered then walking away leaving me confused in the alleyway.

I sat down with the rest of the group while Marlo talked about how he will make the MP regiment a better place I sigh gaining everyone's attention "Really? You think you can change this corrupted regiment by taking over? Even if you did you would still have MP soldiers selling our gear secretly just to fill up they wallet,or let's put this more realistic you would still have soldiers slacking off not doing they duties or drinking at bars flirting with women and checking them out so Marlo do you still want to change the MP regiment now?"I asked raising a brow,Marlo looked at me shocked he balled his fist gritted his teeth "Since you can shift into a titan would you change the MP regiment and would the soldiers listen to you?"Marlo asked me I closed my eyes then stood up looking at Marlo with my (E/C) orbs.

"No because I'm a monster in some people's eyes the MP soldiers enough fear me so what's the point of trying to make MP soldiers listen to a monster they despise"I said with the most serious face looking at Marlo he gulped I turned around "Let's go we have a duty to do correct?"I asked they all nodded they heads,while walking Marlo then discussed about our plans he suddenly stopped I looked to see MP soldiers selling our gear typical MP soldiers "Some MP soldiers selling our gear"I whispered to Annie earning a nodded from the short blonde Marlo walked up to the soldiers confronted them about they actions.

Not long his ass started to be hit with the butt of the gun the soldier kept hitting and kicking Marlo soldiers and even civilians were watching I walked past the group to the two soldiers hitting Marlo,the soldier brother the gun up about to hit Marlo's face before that happened I grabbed the soldier's arm stopping him "Don't you think he had enough sir?"I asked the soldier looked at me with a calm face but inside he was trembling I let go of his arm we stared at each othernfor a few more seconds then the two soldiers walked away.I looked down at Marlo hesitating to grab his gun to shoot them I grabbed my gun from my back I cocked it then aimed it at one of the soldier's head everyone gasped I had my finger on the trigger Marlo got up from the ground grabbing my arm stopping me to shoot,"Don't! T-Tell me the fools you and Annie were talking about before would they have done what your about to do?"Marlo asked I lowered my arms then putting my gun back on my back I gently push Marlo's hand off my arm "Yeah they would have done what I was about to do"I said he balled his fist mad "I-I just wanted to go against the flow but I'm just an idiot being drifted away by the current I wanted to be brave"Marlo said I sighed looking up at the sky "I guess that's what normal people do all the time,I would do anything just to be normal again"I said still looking up at the sky.

I swear can a girl have a decent dinner without men hitting on her damn is that so hard to ask for I bite down hard on my streak as a drunk dude tried to flirt with me but was really bad at it god he sounds like horseface now I bit down harder on my streak losing my cool,I stood up and socked the dude's face really hard making my knuckles start bleeding I looked around the area where I was eating my dinner every men was staring at me scared I scoffed I finished my dinner then started walking to my room.while walking to my room someone called my name I thought it was another drunk dude I turned around about to yell at the dude but to found Annie her hair was out of her bun and she was wearing a white t-shirt crop top and black sport shorts,I gulped but not too loud "What's up need anything?"I ask hoping Annie can't see my red ears Annie walked up to me she looked down at my knuckles as it slowly healed having stream came off my hand she tranced my knuckles having her fingers brush against the wound.

"Let me guess you punched someone in they face again huh?"she asked looking up at me I looked the other direction "Yeah it was a drunk guy he kept bothering me while I was eating"I said looking back to face Annie she sighed but smiled I think it was my imagination but her cheeks are red Annie has been smiling recently around me I wonder why,"Honestly you have issues with drunk people"Annie said I sigh agreeing "Yeah I do"I said Annie brought her face close to mines pushing my back against the wall she pushed her chest against my stomach 'Damn you hormones! Not now!'I mentally screamed to myself but was still keeping a straight face.

"What happens if I was drunk would you punch me in the face (Y/N)?"Annie asked I was confused about the question but she started trancing her finger up and down my stomach teasing me 'This damn girl!'I kept screaming to myself mentally to move but I stood there staring "No not exactly because your a friend not some man in is 40s"I answered,Annie got off me waving me off "Night (Y/N)"Annie said leaving my sight I waved her off too once Annie was gone I opened my door to my room I plopped myself on my bed facepalming at my stupidity "Really me! I'm so stupid I could of just pushed her off me but no me being gay for blondes just had to let Annie to that! I'm such an dumbass!"I yelled at myself for a minute or two after scolding myself I finally put myself under the covers and fell asleep.

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