Chapter 14

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Your P.O.V

I yawned as I did my morning stroll through town. I normally just walk though town to get my mind off things you know? I stuffed my hands in my pockets hearing rocks and dirt crush below my boots, I was going to stop by a donut stand and grab a couple donuts and some bread and water.

I usually do these walks alone since I'm up so early. I heard footsteps behind me and I got suspicious of this person, I kept walking pretending that I don't know their behind me.

Then I suddenly stopped and this person ran into my back face first. But something strange happened, once this person made contact with me I got a scene from the person's past.

I'm guessing this person is a girl from the scene I saw this person was training. Outside with her father is my guess, she was small a kid probably. Her hair was blonde tied up in a bun wearing a white hoodie, wait is this Annie's past?

The small Annie got frustrated at her dad and kicked him hard. Then she did it again and again, her dad came back home I'm guessing from the nurse or something his leg bandaged up.

Annie's father said that the doctor said his leg won't recover. Annie broke her dad's leg using his own moves he taught her, then the scene ends there and I'm back at staring at the big boring walls that blocks humanity from titans.

After I snapped out of my daze. I turned around to found Annie behind me rubbing her forehead and nose, I stared at Annie that was impossible? Only the Founding titan can do that with titan shifters with future memories.

Or people with royal what the hell was that? Like when Annie made contact with my back I felt a spark of lighting and I was seeing into Annie's memories. What the hell? I'm not from the Fritz family or I don't have royal blood what the hell is happening, I kept staring until Annie waved her hand in front of my face.

"Hey, you good?" Annie asked. I snapped out of my thoughts, "Yeah, lost in my head." I said turning around to continue walking to that donut stand.


While walking back to the HQ. Me and Annie started small conversations munching on our donuts, I found out Annie has a thing for sweets and donuts which is kinda cute.

Lately I have been getting scenes from past shifters. Who had the Shadow titan before me, it mostly happens in my dreams or when I'm around another titan shifter like Eren it triggers the memories of past holders.

But then when I talk to Reiner, Bertholdt, Ymir, or Annie it also triggers too which I don't know why. Honestly my head just has been all fucked up lately, there so many questions that I have like how I got my powers? Or is there any other shifters like me and Eren.

"(Y/N), are you okay? Why are you so quiet and spacing out a lot?" Annie asked standing in front of me. I stopped eating my donut staring at her, "It's nothing..just some stuff on my mind that's all," I said walking past her.

I felt Annie's eyes burn into the back of my body but I shrugged it off, not wanting to tell her what's on my mind so she doesn't worry about me.


I gripped my gun strap as I asked civilians where this little girl went missing. Most of them didn't see this girl anywhere or just don't know where she is, I sighed leaning against a wall then sliding down it sitting down on the ground.

I wanted to bang my head against a wall so fucking bad. I sensed footsteps and looked up to see Annie staring down at me,"Did you get anything?" I asked hoping my partner in crime got some info.

She shook her head to the side saying nothing. I sighed more slumping my head more, "This girl might as well be died as we speak!" I yelled out in frustration.

Annie took a seat next to me getting serious for some reason. "What's been on your mind? You seem to be spacing off lately and you just haven't been you?" Annie asked rubbing my back, I moved back from her touch which was warm before I get that spark of lighting and boom I'm looking into the past of Annie Leonhart.

I kept my distance as Annie slightly moved closer looking like a creep. "Stop! You look like a weirdo! I don't want to tell you what's on my mind! Okay?!" I yelled as I fell back trying not to get touched by Annie, I tried to get up but failed and just laid there as Annie face came into view.

I groaned as she poked my cheek bugging me about what's on my mind. "Stop, who the fuck are you? Christa? Sasha? God damnit Mikasa?!" I yelled pushing her away but not in a rude way, I sighed more as she laid down next to me staring up at the sky people probably think we're drunk MP soldiers.

"You wouldn't understand what I'm going through right now." I said breaking the silence. Annie turned her head to look at me, "If you told me what's on your mind, you think I wouldn't understand?" Annie asked me raising a brow at me.

I nodded my head at her answer. I mean that was sum of it all, Annie got up hovering over me her body blocked the sun from my view.

"You won't leave me alone until I tell you, huh?" I asked getting a nod from the blonde. I sighed getting up leaning against a wall telling Annie what's been on my mind.


"How are the scout soldiers?" Marlo asked me as I yawned shoving food in my mouth."I don't know, they're my friends but I haven't seen them fight before." I totally lied to Marlo I mean come on can he not bug me for like a hour, I shrugged off his question and focused on my beloved food that was in my face.

"That is bullshit! You went on a scout mission to save them from the Female titan!" Marlo yelled slamming his hands on the table. I sighed heavily putting my fork down glaring at his bowl cut dead ass, "Listen here. Your hair looks like the bowl to my soap so shut up, second of all: do you ever shut the fuck up about justice and can you not bug me for two fucking weeks or months no even better two fucking years!" I yelled now slamming my hands on the table breaking the wooden object in half.

Everyone in the mess hall starting whispering about what's going all on. "Did he just piss off a titan shifter?" "I kinda feel bad for that guy? "Damn, he's gonna get his ass crushed" "Man. He's asking for a death wish to be dead by that monster." I heard everyone whisper and mumble shit specially about me, I got up completely losing my appetite to eat anymore and made my way to my dorm alone like it always is at night.

I mumbled to myself pissing myself off more. I groaned out loud then punched the wall beside me, scaring girls that were taking baths or showers.

I pulled out looking at the busted wall. I shrugged it off and walked to my dorm, I opened my door to see Annie snooping though my stuff looking a perv.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled out slamming the door. Annie stopped and turned around to look at me, I glared at her as she got off the floor and sat on my bed pulling a book out.

"A found a book while snooping around, it's about titans and the titan powers you are Eren have." Annie said waving the book around. I sighed taking a seat next her grabbing the book from her hands, weird? Never seen this book in my stuff before. Welp this is going to be a long night with this blonde.

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