Roan: I Want Her Part Two

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The rest of the 'ride' back was quiet. You could tell Roan wanted to say something but he knew better. You tried your best to keep a bitter rapport even though you were scared out of your mind. You tried to seem strong, like you didn't care he was the Prince of The Ice Nation. In other words you tried your hardest to be an utter bitch. To your surprise it worked, Roan still had his cocky "I'm the King" attitude but he chose to stay on your no existent good side for now. Every once in a while you would feel his arms tighten around you for a second, then release. As if he wanted to touch you but decided against it. The horse ride up to through the forest and up a relatively small mountain was mind numbing, but you quickly missed it when you come to a stop.

"Why are we stopping?" You ask, looking around at all the trees then to Roan.

"She speaks." He says, smirking at you. He continues to look at you as he hooks the horse to a fence.

"Fuck you." You grumble, sliding off the horse and standing with your back to him.

"We must stay here for the night, we will finish the ride home tomorrow." He grabs his things off of the horse, then touches your arm. You instinctively pull away, glaring at him. He chuckles and raises his hands up in defense, then gestures to the cabin.

"Our room, my lady." You glare at him one last time before trudging up to the cabin and pushing your way inside. The inside was bare, only housing a small kitchen, a table with two chairs, and one large bed.

"Are we-" You question, finish the sentence by pointing to the bed. He like always, smirks and nods.

"We will have to share." He moves to put the bags down, you begin walking softly around the cabin. Your fingers gently dance across the dusty wood and picture frames, leaving two small trails in the dust. Your gentle touch finds its way to a family photo, you pick it up and remove the dust. There in the photo stands a young boy with an older man, most likely his father, the two of them hold fishing gear and giant fish. A small smile fades onto your face, lost in your own mind you don't notice Roan coming up behind you. His hands ghosts onto your shoulder, his soft voice in your ear.

"Would you like a fire for tonight?" In this moment, in this place, you don't hate him. In this moment, you don't fear him. Your eyes flutter closed as you nod, transfixed by his voice. Just as softly and suddenly he had come, he was gone. You skin goes cold where he touched you, your eyes open and you turn. He was gone. Quickly becoming aware of what had just happened, what you had just felt, you quickly put the picture back on the mantle and rushed to the small bathroom in the back of the cabin. You hurriedly closed the door, pushing you back against it. You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to focus on breathing normally. You slide down the door until you hit the floor, you try everything you can to not freak out, but the fear overtakes you.

"Y/n?" Roan calls out, his voice pushing you to keep your crying quiet.

"I uh-" You push yourself up, wiping you face. "I'm in the bathroom."

"Are you alright?" You hear him near the door and you panick, answering quickly.

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. I'll uh, I'll be out in a minute."

"Alright." He says quietly, walking away from the door. Sighing in relif you lean your hands on the sink. Your eyes meet your own, staring into the mirror. You were dirty, blood and mud staining your skin and your hair. You got lost in your own eyes, thinking of your old life back on the Ark. You thought about the camp here, with Bellamy and Jasper. You thought about this man, Roan, and what might be waiting for you in The Ice Nation. Tears begin to fall again, your hand covers your mouth to quiet your crying. Your body feels weak, your mind screaming out all the things that a wrong with being here. Time becomes irrelevant to you, you don't know wether is was minutes or hours before you were able to breathe again. You look into the mirror and dry your eyes, you straighten your clothes and reach for the door. Slowly creaking it open, you peak out into the room. You look around and notice Roan laying on the bed, sleeping peacefully. You tip toe out, praying you don't wake him with the creaking floor boards. You creep to the bed, gently laying down and pulling the blanket over yourself. Your eyes squeeze shut once more, pushing your face into the pillows.

"I just want to go home." You whisper, a single tear falling down your cheek and onto the pillow.

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