Childhood Bully Part Four: Beyond the Butterflies

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"That was...something." Bellamy says from the corner of the drop ship, sighing and rubbing his face. His eyes were weary and tired, a running trend with everyone in the drop ship. Clarke remained at your side, taking note of your condition.

"What the hell was that?" She whispers, mainly to her self. You sigh and lay back down fully, relaxing on the cold metal table.

"I've uh, I've always gotten hot easily, causing me to pass out. Maybe my body reacted to the new heat of being on earth poorly; maybe it was just the sun." You reply, closing your eyes and trying to calm down. All you could see was the pain in Murphy's eyes; it bothered you how rude you'd been to him after he helped you. It worried you that you may have actually hurt him.

"Alright." You say, suddenly getting up. You gently push Clarke's hands off and stand, walking to the door. Bellamy steps in front of you, a hand outstretches to stop you.

"Where are you going? You need to sit down for a bit." Bellamy says quietly, gently placing his hands on your shoulders. A new found kindness was in his voice, everyone was being so nice to you today. It was weird.

"I have to go apologize, for the first time Murphy wasn't the asshole."

"You can apologize later, for now-"

"No, Bellamy," You say sternly, removing his hands and stepping past him. "I have to do it now. Besides, I'm fine." You add a smirk at the end, earning a chuckled from him. You push through the makeshift curtain and step into sun; squinting harshly while you try to find the wayward boy. You spot him eventually, violently tossing logs in an attempt to look busy.

"Murphy!" You shout, walking over to him. Everyone was so used to hearing his name be yelled out, no one even looked up. Except him. His harsh glance locked on you for a millisecond, before fading and looking away.

"Murphy, can we talk?" You ask, he still didn't look at you. He continued bending over and picking up logs and tossing them closer to the wall.

"Isn't that what we're doing?" He remarks, sarcasm being his only defense. You smile to yourself and look down, momentarily defeated.

"Murphy please, this is the only time in human history that I'm actually going to apologize to you." This, of course, grabs his attention. He stands up, dusting off his hands and looking at you.

"Go on then, this should be good." He says in that irritating 'Holier than thou' voice, a smirk permanently fixated on his face.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, you were just trying to help. I was wrong for being an ass after all you had done for me. I'm sorry." Your tone proved genuine and he smiled, looking away for a moment before returning his gaze to you.

"I'm serious, Murphy. Thank you for everything, it could have been a lot worse if you'd just left me there." You say quietly, your skin started to heat up and your fingers began twisting together. You'd never been this close to him for so long, let alone in a docile manor.

"I'd never leave you, Y/n." His voice was low and soft, like a sinner in confession. "I'm not a complete asshole." He retorts quickly, throwing up his famous stone cold smirk to save face. You chuckled and nodded, you slowly turned to leave getting a few steps away before stopping yourself.

"Hey Murphy?" You grab his attention again.


"Um...Octavia told me about this like, florescent butterfly field, I wanted to go but I don't have anyone to go with. Do you maybe...wanna go with me tonight?" You try your best to stay calm but your nerves were racked. Why the hell were your nerves racked? He smiles, genuinely smiles, at you and nods.

"Yeah, sounds fun."

"Perfect! I'll uh; I'll see you tonight then." With that he nods and you turn to leave

"Why do I feel like this?"

"Why am I nervous around him?"

"Do I like him?"

All these questions race through your mind as you head back to your tent. You couldn't deny that fact that he was attractive. He was also pretty funny when he wanted to be, and strong. The metal strength of that boy was mind blowing; it's a damn miracle he hasn't chosen cringe and push the morbid thought away. You push into your tent and sit down on your cot, your elbows resting on your knees as your mind contemplated today. You kept thinking about him, about what the hell could be going on between you two. You smiled at the memory of him, god the smirk...

"Ah fuck..." You groan, flinging down onto the cot. You liked Murphy.

As the sun began to fall and the moon peaked over the mountains, you grabbed your knife and headed for the gate. People had finally turned in for the night, guaranteeing Bellamy wouldn't catch you sneaking out. You jogged up to the gate and found Murphy there, leaning against the wall playing with his knife.

"You look ominous standing there like that." You comment, making him look up at you. He pushes off the wall and smiles.

"I always look ominous." He says quietly and winks at you, turning around to pull the gate open. You catch yourself smiling but you quickly force it away. You follow him into the woods, only getting a few feet before he motions for you to go in front of him.

"Lead the way, Princess."

"I thought Clarke was the Princess." You remark, leading you both deeper into the woods in the direction Octavia had pointed you to.

"She's Bellamy's princess."

"Then whose princess am I?" You ask, laughing lightly at the idea of actually being a princess.

"That's up to you." He replies. You don't have to see him to know he's got that cocky look, his hands in his pockets as he follows behind you. You smile but don't reply, leaving his remark to hang in the air like a dream catcher. His voice filling the darkness that crept in all around you both. The walk was quiet but not uncomfortable, the kind of silence shared by two people who can enjoy someone's presence as much as their company. The field wasn't far but truth be told walking in woods always felt longer when it was at night. Finally, you see the soft blue glow off in the distance. You grin and grab Murphy's hand, tugging him along as you walk faster. Now only a few feet away you slow down, gently pushing through the remaining bushes and stepping into the clearing.

"Oh my god..." You whisper, taking in the beautiful sight. The butterflies floated on the wind like fairies, hundreds of them coating the trees. You slowly walked to the middle of the clearing, stopping to truly take it all in. A feeling of tranquility washed over you, something about the bright butterflies gently coating in the air made you feel free. Your grin stretches ear to ear; you slowly raise your arms to be outstretched like a bird. One by one, the butterflies begin to land on your arms and shoulders, you let out a soft laugh. Giggling, you look at Murphy. He stands leaned against a tree with his hands in his pockets, smiling at you.

"It's so beautiful, Murphy." You whisper in awe "Come here!" He complies, walking up to you. He stands directly in front of you, smiling. You two stare at each other, your eyes saying more than words could ever attempt. Then, like a touch from the gods, a small butterfly patters up between you two and lands on his nose. You fight back a giggle trying to not scare them away. Murphy smiles and remains still, he tries to look at the butterfly and ends up crossing his eyes. You burst out laughing, all the butterfly near you go flying away as you double over.

"The hells so funny?" Murphy asks through his own laughter and you try to catch your breath.

"Your...Your oh my god." You say, trying to talk while laughing, you stand back up and look at him, causing another fit of laughter.

"Your eyes crossed, oh my god your fucking eyes crossed!"

"Oh god" He chuckles, laughing at himself but mainly at you. Finally your laughing dies down and you stand straight again, look around.

"Awe I scared them all away." You fake pout, your smile breaking through. Murphy hums quietly in response, taking a step closer. Your chest is almost touching his, you can feel him breathing as he looks down at you. You remain quiet, watching him stare and contemplate. Slowly his hands raise up to cup your face, his breathing stops for a split second before he brings your lips together. The kiss was so soft and gently, like you yourself were a butterfly and he was terrified of scaring you away. His hands slowly move down to your hips, tugging you closer to him. Your bodies press together in that single moment in time, one hand tangles itself in his hair and your other places itself on his cheek. All you can feel in that moment is his chest pushed against yours, his skin beneath your hand. The soft pressure of his hands on your hips, even the butterflies stop to ponder this curious but extraordinary moment. The feeling went beyond your bodies; it felt like your souls were tangling together. Pushing and pulling, flowing like a body of water. Your moment was a creature in itself, taking you both into a world unknown. Your bodies shifted perfectly together, your souls melding like two long lost lovers. This was a moment shared by two forces of nature, two broken beings building together as one. This was the moment you knew you'd found something special, beyond the butterflies.

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