Chapter 51 - Don't cry

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'Shit.. So who the hell helped the Goddess of Temptation?'


The Goddess of Temptation was originally a rather low-ranking God. Despite temptation also coursing through God's minds, they weren't swayed as easily as humans who succumbed to enticement itself. That was one of the reasons why the Goddess of Temptation was a low-ranking God, she was only able to gain more power through worships and if people gave into temptation which included Gods.

'Damn... This is bad.'

It would mean that a high-ranking God was in cahoots with the Goddess of Temptation. But just who was working with her?

It couldn't be the Goddess of the Night, she had no reason to work with Temptation and she wasn't on good terms with her either. Then, the God of Mischief? It could be him but no one has heard from him ever since the Goddess of Temptation appeared.


'Shit.. Don't tell me...'

Did the Goddess of Temptation take over the God of Mischief's authority? How did she even absorb it? Wait no, that woman was always insane, she could have worked with the Hunters in order to do this. The theory was a little lacking but it did explain how she quickly rose up in power and why the Hunters did have more power than before.

The God of Death sighed, he slumped back in his seat and looked outside of his window. If she did absorb the God of Mischief's authority than that means she has his abilities. That was bad, really bad.


"We'll head to the Margrave Amiable's territory."

"Margrave's territory.. That should be near the Second Hero's territory right?"


Deon confirmed Devilania's thoughts and retracted his hand from the map on the table. He was currently in the Corps Commander's meeting room with the other Corps Commanders. The other Corps Commanders watched Deon point to specific places in the Empire, that was where they would go to attack Eruhaben and Choi Han.

If a fight was what they wanted then he would make sure to upscale the fight to a war against them. They may be overpowered, but could they really go against the Corps Commanders and Heroes combined?

Not to mention, the Gods could also intervene in this world. Albeit it was just a bit but even if it was just a small fraction of their power, they were Gods. Gods were the strongest with Demi-Gods following behind and so on.

'I know they'll head over there first and instead of teleporting, they'll probably run there...'

They couldn't afford to teleport in this situation, Deon knew that of course, and took advantage of that fact. How did he know? Well, there was this handy thing called communicating with the Gods.

"I restricted most of their powers, they can still regenerate magic but it is slower. Of course, we can't make them fully stop since they came from another world. But since teleporting more then two people do take up a large amount of magic, this should be enough for you, right?"

'Of course, I guess I should say thank you, right?'

Deon communicated with the God of Death in his head, he opened his eyes and stared back at the map on the table. The Margrave's territory was marked red, indicating the place where they would head over first.

The plan was titled, 'Operation: Drop Out'. It was simple, Deon himself would be waiting at the Duke's house, waiting for them as the other Corps Commanders would wait near the Margrave's territory and forest to ambush the two.

'I wonder... Who can create a hallucination spell that can deceive Choi Han and Eruhaben..'

The last part of the plan required someone who was adept in hallucinations, but was there anyone here who could cast hallucinations? Was a hallucination spell even possible here? It was possible in Nameless One, but what about here?

Every world was different, there was no way it would have the same principle in every world. Earth One and Two were perfect examples; they were unlike the Nameless One, no magic existed there and monsters overruled the streets.



Creation looked outside of the window, she looked closer to the lady outside who was running. Although her hair was covered by a hood, her light teal colored hair stood out in contrast with her hood.

Teal colored hair was typically a pretty rare hair color, but what was she doing snooping around the capital? She was truly suspicious even a naive person could tell that she was up to no good.

'Should I use my powers on her? There's something odd about her.'

"Hmm, that girl. Isn't she trying to kill your father?"

"...Is she now?"

Creation's eyes sharpened the moment she heard the God of Death talking, was that lady really trying to kill her father?

She looked closely at the woman who was running off into the crowd, should she go after her? But, if she did, wouldn't she be labeled as a witch? This was the Mythological Era, magic was still deemed as demonic so she'd probably get executed on the spot.

If she got caught that is. Of course, she was still unaware of the peace treaty that was made just days ago.

"Oh dear... It seems that my authority as a God won't be able to stop you after all."

"If you know then, it's best to just... Let me go!"

Creation hopped out of the window, ignoring the priests who were shocked at her sudden appearance. She leapt through the gates and chased after the teal-head lady, something told her that if she chased after her then she would meet someone important.

Of course, she didn't recklessly use her powers, unlike Chaos.

After tailing the teal-head lady, Creation ended up nearing a mansion. it was obnoxiously fancy. Now, she didn't mind expensive and fancy things, it's just, this mansion was far too fancy to her liking. Just who was this lady serving as her master?

"Hey, who do you serve?"


The lady underneath her groaned, her sharp eyes are fixed on Creation who looked at her impassively.

"Okay, let's change that question, what's your name?"


"Shylin, who do you serve? And that's not a question, it's a command to tell me. You're facing a God right now, it's best to be cautious."

Creation pressed a dagger she created against Shylin's neck, the latter shivered at the feeling of a cold blade lined up against her neck.

A God? What bullshit was this girl blabbering about? How could a God descend down here, if there was a God, they should've helped Deon Hardt. But it was too bad, Deon Hardt would die in this current war and her liege will finally get what he desires.

"This obviously isn't working, but you've given me enough time to read your mind. I may not be able to read your memories like Observer but this enough."

"You- what're you doing?!"

"Don't worry, my dimensions are for everyone."

A bright purple light obscured Shylin's vision, the light subsided and only Creation was left in the scene.

She had just trapped Shylin in a mini dimension she created, of course it wasn't a fully developed world like what the Gods could create but just an imitation. An imaginary world that she could create and trap anyone or anything inside.

She could fully manipulate the mini dimension to her liking whether it was destroying it slowly to induce despair, or crush it completely to get rid of the opponent right away.

"I guess a clone will do."


A figure identical to Shylin appeared, of course, the homunculus Creation created was confused; she had no memories and was just a person with features identical to Shylin.

Creation quickly implemented memories into 'Shylin's' head and watched as 'Shylin' bowed towards her.

"..Go spy on the master here, collect as much information as you can."

"Yes, my lady."

'Shylin' smiled before her attitude did a one-eighty, she walked up to the guards with an emotionless face and went in. Deon's plan was now coming into play, even if he was unaware of it.


"Haah... This sucks."

Deon lied in his bed depressingly, Hana and Deceiver could only watch as their father sulk all day. They began to wonder what was making their father so upset.

They peeked over Deon's shoulder, Deon looked back at them.

'I must've worried them...'

Sitting up, Deon held the two in his arms. Something that Deceiver would've never experienced before in his past life, the reason being that Deon had no memories of his past life.



'Oh dear.'

Deceiver shot a glare at Hana who redirected the glare back at him, Deon who was watching could only do one thing.

"What do my dear children need?"

That should do it right? Giving evenly distributed attention was important.

"Uh.. That.. Why are you so sad?"

Deon stared at Deceiver who seemed to be genuinely concerned for him, how was he gonna explain that he wanted to mentally torture someone? There was no way he could just say something like—oh I just need someone with abilities capable of inducing hallucinations to torture someone—that sounded like something a criminal would say!

Well, he was technically a criminal... In a sense, he was.

"It's nothing."

"...Mother needs someone with hallucination inducing skills to deceive someone!"

'Did she just read my mind?'

Hana flinched, looks like he was right once again! Why are his children so overpowered? First, they came from the past, now they can read minds? What was next, they were actually Gods in the form of kids?

No, that was a stretch. Even if they were strong there was no way they could be Gods.

"I- I'm good at deceiving others! I have hallucination powers!"

"No, I am not gonna force you to do such things."

It was great and all, but he's not gonna force a five year old to work. Well, we don't talk about On and Hong, he's learned from his mistakes.

He refuses to turn Deceiver into someone like them! Deon won't admit it, but he might not be able to sleep comfortably if he ever finds out that Deceiver turned out into another version of the children averaging seven years old.

Unluckily for him, Deceiver was worse than that. At least he wasn't locked in a small room thought... right?

While Deon was in a dilemma, the two children of five years had noticed something with their speech.

Deceiver could actually say the truth, and it wasn't lies mixed in with the truth, it was the genuine truth with no white lies. Hana was able to voice out what she saw and read instead of standing there, watching the situation worsen.

"H-hey.. Why are you crying?!"

Deon hurriedly wiped the tears from Deceiver's eyes, of course, they were just a fee droplets of tears of joy but Deon had no way of knowing. Deceiver was finally free from that accursed ability!

Seeing that his child was still crying, Deon decided to do one thing that he had never done. Not even Raon, On, and Hong had ever experienced this.

"Why is our dear Deceiver crying?"

He gave Deceiver a peck on the forehead, Deceiver's face remained emotionless yet his eyes exposed him. The albino boy's eyes twinkled as if he was given a gift that he had dreamed of having.

Of course, Deon didn't forget to do the same with Hana.

"Alright, how about this? I'll let you use your powers, but only once. Children should stay as children."

The last part said by Deon was quieter than the rest, however, Deceiver and Hana were able to hear it. They looked at each other and exchanged a smile.

"Alright, off to bed you go."


"I'll sing you a lullaby."

"A lullaby?"

Deceiver and Hana were already tucked into bed the moment Deon mentioned that he'd sing a lullaby to them. They haven't heard Deon sing ever, not even once did he mention anything about singing either.


Deon began to hum a tune that his mother used to sing to him whenever he refused to go sleep. The beat was slow and calm, time seemed to have gone slower the more Deon sang. Eventually, Deceiver and Hana drifted off to sleep.


if any of you guys saw that it was marked complete... that was me accidentally tapping it..

happy fluff day!!

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