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Becky and Nop were looking forward to their anniversary dinner, and Becky had taken extra effort to dress up and look her best. She wanted to impress Nop and make the evening memorable. As they arrived at the restaurant, they were greeted warmly and led to their table.

Becky: (smiling) This place looks lovely, Nop. I'm so happy to be spending our anniversary together.

Nop: (grinning) Me too, Becky. You look stunning tonight. I'm lucky to have you.

As they began their dinner, the atmosphere was filled with joy and laughter. They reminisced about the good times they had shared and made plans for their future together. However, Becky couldn't help but notice that Nop's phone was constantly buzzing with notifications.

Becky: (curious) Nop, is everything okay with your phone? It seems like you're getting a lot of notifications.

Nop: (nervously) Oh, it's probably just work stuff. I'm sorry, I should have put it on silent.

Becky: (doubtful) Work stuff on our anniversary? Are you sure it's just work?

Nop: (defensively) Yes, Becky, I promise. It's just some urgent emails and calls that I need to attend to.

Becky felt a pang of annoyance and suspicion. It seemed odd to her that Nop's work would be so urgent and demanding on their special night. She decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and not push the issue further.

Becky: (trying to be understanding) Okay, if it's really important, you can take care of it. I don't want to interfere with your work.

Nop: (grateful) Thanks, Becky. I really appreciate your understanding.

As the night went on, Nop's phone continued to distract him, and Becky couldn't help but feel disappointed. She had been looking forward to this special evening, but it seemed like Nop's attention was divided.

Becky: (trying to hide her frustration) Nop, is everything okay? You seem so preoccupied with your phone.

Nop: (apologetic) I'm sorry, Becky. It's just that work has been really hectic lately, and I can't afford to miss anything important.

Becky: (concerned) I understand that work is important, but it's our anniversary, and I was hoping we could have this time to ourselves.

Nop: (remorseful) You're right, Becky. I should be more present in the moment with you. I'll try to put my phone away.

Becky appreciated Nop's admission and hoped that he would be more present for the rest of the evening. However, as they continued with their dinner, Nop's phone continued to buzz, and he kept glancing at it.

Becky: (frustrated) Nop, I can't help but feel like something is off. Are you sure it's just work that's keeping you so preoccupied?

Becky tried to hide her disappointment as Nop excused himself from the table to answer yet another call. She watched as he spoke hurriedly and nervously into the phone, his facial expressions giving away his unease.

As Nop picked up his phone, he noticed the name "Maya" flashing on the screen. His heart sank, and his mind raced with conflicting emotions. He knew he shouldn't be talking to Maya, but he also felt a sense of responsibility towards her. He excused himself from the table and took the call away from Becky's earshot.

Nop: (whispering) Maya, I told you I can't talk right now. It's our anniversary, and I'm with Becky.

Maya: (feigning distress) Nop, I'm really not feeling well. I need you here with me.

Nop: (hesitating) Maya, I can't just leave Becky like this. She's my girlfriend, and we're celebrating our anniversary tonight.

Maya: (insisting) But Nop, I need you. I can't handle this alone. Please come over.

The guilt and fear of upsetting Maya made Nop's decision clear. He lied to Becky, telling her he had an urgent meeting, and quickly left the restaurant without even looking at her.

Becky felt a sinking feeling in her chest as Nop hurriedly ended the call and returned to the table. His demeanor had changed, and he seemed distant and anxious.

Becky: (worried) Nop, is everything alright? You seem really tense.

Nop: (avoiding eye contact) Yeah, everything's fine. I just remembered I have an emergency meeting I need to attend. I'm so sorry, Becky. I'll make it up to you, I promise.

Becky: (confused) An emergency meeting? But it's our anniversary. Nop, you're acting strange. Are you sure everything's okay?

Nop: (nervously) I swear, Becky, it's work-related. I really have to go. I'll call you later, okay?

Before Becky could say anything else, Nop hastily left the restaurant, leaving her feeling hurt and bewildered. She watched him walk away without a second glance, and tears welled up in her eyes.

Becky: (whispering) What just happened?

As the reality of the situation sank in, Becky couldn't shake off the feeling that something was terribly wrong. She couldn't understand why Nop would leave their special dinner to attend a work emergency, especially on their anniversary.

Feeling heartbroken and confused, Becky wiped away her tears and slowly made her way back home. The once joyful evening had turned into a painful memory, and she couldn't help but question the sincerity of Nop's actions.

Her heart heavy with sadness and confusion. Nop had left her, and she couldn't understand why. Thoughts of their time together, the laughter, the love, and the promises they made, all seemed to haunt her in that moment.

Becky: (whispering) Why did he leave? What did I do wrong?

The tears began to flow as Becky tried to make sense of the sudden turn of events. She felt lost and broken, unable to comprehend why the person she loved had walked away from her.

In her desperation to numb the pain, Becky reached for a bottle of wine, thinking that maybe it would provide some comfort. She knew she had a low tolerance for alcohol, but right now, she didn't care. She just wanted to forget the heartache even if it was just for a moment.

Pouring herself a glass, Becky took a sip, the bitter taste of the wine only adding to her sorrow. But instead of stopping, she kept drinking, hoping that the alcohol would wash away the pain.

As the minutes turned into hours, Becky found herself becoming more intoxicated with each passing glass. Her thoughts became blurred, and the tears continued to flow, mixing with the taste of the wine on her lips.

Becky: (slurring) Why did he leave me? I thought we had something special.

Finally, the alcohol overwhelmed her, and Becky ended up slumped over the table, fast asleep. The waiter grew increasingly worried and decided to take action. He noticed Becky's phone on the table and quickly scrolled through her contacts, looking for someone who could help.

Freen's number caught his eye, and he dialed it without hesitation. He hoped that this person could assist Becky, not knowing the depth of the connection between the two.

As soon as Freen received the call from the waiter, panic washed over her. She excused herself from dinner with Nam and Heng, leaving them bewildered by her sudden urgency. Freen didn't waste any time and quickly made her way to the restaurant where Becky was.

Upon arrival, she found Becky in a vulnerable state, sitting slumped over at the table. Freen's heart sank at the sight of her friend in such distress. She approached Becky with concern written all over her face.

Freen: (gentlely touching Becky's shoulder) Becky, it's me, Freen. I'm here now.

Becky looked up, her eyes red and tear-stained. In her drunken state, she struggled to focus on Freen's face.

Becky: (slurring) Freen? Why... why did he leave me?

Freen: (softly) Shh, it's okay, Becky. Let's get you home first, and then we can talk about it, alright?

With care and tenderness, Freen helped Becky to her feet, supporting her as they walked out of the restaurant. Becky leaned on Freen for stability, still overcome by the effects of the alcohol and her emotional turmoil.

As they walked towards Freen's car, Becky continued to cry, her emotions pouring out in a jumble of words and tears.

Becky: (sobbing) I don't understand, Freen. I thought we had something special... I thought he loved me.

Freen helped Becky into the car and buckled her seatbelt. As they drove, Freen tried to soothe and keep her calm.

Freen: (comforting) It's okay to feel sad and confused right now. Take your time to process everything, and remember that I'm here for you, no matter what.

Becky nodded, her tears still falling, but she felt a sense of comfort in knowing that Freen was by her side. They arrived at Becky's place, and Freen helped her inside.

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