~Chapter 4~

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I walk into class the next day and sit next to Yamaguchi. "Hey Yamaguchi," I say waving with a smile. He looks at me and smiles back and saying, "Hey, F/n!" "Isn't Tsukishima in this class too," I ask. "Yeah, Tsukki is over there. " Yamaguchi points to a seat in the front row, and I see the tall Tsukishima sitting in the desk looking out the window of the classroom. "I see," I respond.

"Hey, your the new girl, right?" I hear a voice next to me ask me that question. A tall girl in a white hoodie sits there smiling at me. I nodded my head in response. "Well my name is Rei Kageyama," she introduced. "Kageyama," I asked. " Yeah. Oh! Are you thinking of my brother, Tobio," she asked. I nod. 'I didn't know that Kageyama had a sister, ' I thought. She looks at my face and bursts out in laughter. "What's with that confused look on your face?" I blush a bit and say, "I'm sorry! I was just thinking about something." "I like you. We should be friends. Text me later, okay," she says, handing me a piece of paper with her number on it. I nod in response.

Yamaguchi's POV

"What was that," I ask F/n, seeing her talk to this girl who apparently is Kageyama's sister. "I don't know. But I guess I made a new friend," she says, smiling. I give her a kind smile back. 'She's so cute,' I think to myself as a slight smirk spreads across my face.


As I was walking to the gym, I get a text from the girl who talked to me in class.

Hey girl! What are you doing?

About to go to the gym for the volleyball club. You should come watch! I think they're doing a 4 on 4.

Sure! I'll be there soon!

I put my phone in my pocket and open the door of the gym. "Hello everyone," I say, greeting the team and Kiyoko-san. "Hello," they say back. I walk up to Daichi-san and ask, "Hey, Daichi-san? Do you mind if a friend of mine is with me to watch the 4 on 4?" " No, not at all," Daichi-san said with a smile. I nodded in response as I got a text.

Hey I'm outside the gym. Where do I go now?

Ok! I'll come and get you!

"She's here," I yelled out in excitement as I ran to the gym doors. "Who! I wanna know," Hinata said excitedly, jumping up and down. I opened the doors and immediately got tackled to the floor. "Hey girl! I'm here," Rei said hugging me tightly. I giggled as I got up. " REI," we heard a voice yell. I looked up to see Kageyama looking confused and somewhat annoyed.

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