your pov
tears form immediately when my eyes meet v's. i kneel down immediately, putting his head in my lap. i was panicking. i obviously can't carry him alone, rika is insane and MISSING, what the hell am i supposed to do? i left my phone at the cabin so i can't call luciel.. tears are still rolling down my face when i hear his voice.
"holy hell, what happened here, mc?" i hear vanderwood's voice. as he sees v's wound, his eyes widen and rushes over there to help me carry him. well, he did most of the carrying. i walked by, silently, until we got back.
once we got back to the cabin, vanderwood explained our "issue" and luciel immediately covered his car in cloth so the blood wouldn't stain. we brought him on the cloth carefully, with me right by his side. i look down at his face, it was stressed, which only made me feel worse.
(ik this is from when they were bringing him to the cabin, but it fits so whatever hehe. also pretend he doesn't have that cloak on and mc has his coat)
luciel hopped in the car with vanderwood and started driving immediately. i finally calmed down and was simply petting v's mint locks.
"mc, you do know you'll also have to be hospitalized to get the rest of that elixir out of you, right? you can't see him right away.." i hear luciel say. i haven't even thought of that until now, but i silently nod. i haven't spoken at all since the event took place.
we originally tried our best to stop the bleeding, but it was no use. the speed luciel was driving at was most definitely illegal, but i didn't care. only about v. my heart was pounding at the thought of losing him. i try getting those thoughts out of my head. all they would do it bite at me, and eventually swallow me into a pit of darkness. eventually, i drift off with my hand on his.
about thirty minutes later, we arrive. i hear vanderwood screeching for help. once we get nurses out, they take v's body immediately leaving us behind. i start searching for my phone, since literally nobody knows about this, when i realize im still in v's coat. i found my phone and went to turn it on, but then i realized that this wasn't mine. it was his. my was still at the cabin. we didn't take anytime to think or plan anything.
"his password is R.F.A. " i hear luciel speak. i nod and put in the code and immediately unlock his phone. i make my way to the messenger application and sign on. what a dumb passcode i thought as i smiled to myself.
V has entered the chatroom.
everyone was already talking about something, so when i had signed in, they all went silent. my hands were shaking as i typed out the most horrific sentences in my life.
V : this isn't v, this is mc. i left my phone at the cabin we were staying at, and luciel let me use his phone.
V : we are at a hospital, not only for me but for v. he was stabbed. i'll send the address out tomorrow morning, since it's obvious he will need surgery.
V has left the chatroom.
Jumin Han has left the chatroom.
i noticed as soon as i left, jumin left. then he called me.
"what's the address? i need to visit him, please." i hear jumin say over the phone. i could tell he was trying his best to hide his panic and fear, so i gave him the address.
about ten minutes later, jumin arrived. i was sitting in the waiting room, waiting to sign myself in for my cheek and the elixir. he sits next to me and begins.
"you must be mc, im jumin han. it's nice to finally meet you in person." a tall, brunette man in a suit says, holding his hand out for me to shake. i stood up and shook his hand and smiled.
"indeed i am. im sorry about all of this. i truly am. if i had gotten there sooner, he wouldn't have-"
"don't finish that sentence. it wasn't your fault. but, do you happen to know who did such a thing to me beloved friend?" he asks. i have a feeling he won't believe a thing i say if i say her name. but, lying wouldn't do any good now. v wouldn't want that either.
"rika.." i mumble loud enough for him to hear. jumin's eyes widened but he composed himself and nodded. i can't imagine what's going through his head right now. a friend of his that supposedly died is alive, his best friend's life is on the line, and who knows what else.
"if it doesn't upset you, what happened to your cheek? you should get it checked. it looks a bit deep for a normal accidental cut." jumin asks. i put my hand to the "cut" and when i bring it back blood in the shape of the wound is on my fingers. i had completely forgotten about that. i didn't realize it was that bad either.
"she got me a bit with the knife.. but it's alright." i finish.
"i, unfortunately cannot stay any longer. they will probably ask you about him. so all you need to know is that his father's number should be on his device and that his name is jihyun kim." jumin finishes and leaves in a hurry, probably to get back to work.
minutes after jumin left, a nurse walked up to me and had me fill out some stuff for v. right after, they signed me in for my own room so i could get my treatment. i had a bit of time, so i took his phone out again and found his father's number. it would be wrong not to inform him, even if they aren't in a good place at the moment.
i dialed the number, and nervously waited.
"jihyun, why are you calling me? especially at this time?" i heard his fathers voice, it sounded annoyed.
"hi, this isn't jihyun. my name's mc.. i'm apart of the R.F.A. charity group that your son helped start a while ago. i called to tell you that he's had an accident.." i spit out, shaking with fear.
"what kind of accident?" his voice went from annoyed to anxious, which was a great sign.
"well..." i start. i explained everything. not in detail, since the man would probably have a heart attack, but just enough for him to say he would visit early in the morning. i ended the call, and waited for the nurses to fix me up.
"you shouldn't be here. that drink is supposed to bring you happiness, mc." i hear a voice i have missed and hated.
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