It's been nearly twenty four hours since Optimus Prime and the other Autobots disappeared while getting the relics from the America country, then suddenly, the strange portal just appeared from nowhere was sucking all of them in it. Ratchet has not rest, or even move from the computer monitors since the incident. He was glued to the screen, trying to find something, ANYTHING that could bring Optimus and the others back.
As for Jack, Miko, Raf and Ayla, they too hadn't stopped worrying about their lost Autobot friends as much as Stalcy for her brother.
"So tell me, doc bot" Agent Fowler said while losing his patience. "How in UNCLE SAM'S BEARD have you not find them yet? I thought you're the smart one of the group".
Ratchet was as his processor's end. "For the LAST time, Agent Fowler! We DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! I'm still tracing some of the residual energy from the vortex, but it's an energy I've never seen before!".
"Are you sure the cons don't have anything to do with this?" Fowler asked.
"That's the other weird thing, Agent Fowler" Jack answered. "There's been no sign of ANY Decepticons activity since it happened. It's like they just left".
"Yeah, they all were like just disappeared on thin air" Ayla added.
"WHO CARES ABOUT THE CONS!" Miko cried, as she was in tears. "I JUST WANT BULK, SHELL' AND THE OTHERS BACK! For all we know, they could be suffering!".
Hearing this, deeply upset the others, as Fowler, Jack, Raf, Ayla and Ratchet looked on with concern. While Stalcy just went to upstairs the base without any words.
The Autobots weren't exactly suffering, but they were indeed in a rather awkward position. For as long as they've been on earth, they had always been robots in disguise. This, however, felt out of their element. Princess Celestia has called for a grand public announcement at Canterlot. The citizens gathered from all around Equestria were too busy gawking at the Autobots and not really paying any attention to Princess Celestia's welcome speech.
"Do not think of them as other worlds beings! But as honoured guests. Treat them as you would any other po.....". Celestia corrected herself. "Citizens! This is to be considered a glorious moment, for not just Canterlot. But for all of Equestria! Please, I would like you to welcome our newest friends. It is my great honor to introduce, OPTIMUS PRIME AND HIS FAITHFUL AUTOBOTS!".
There was a round of cheering. Optimus did feel very humbled by this welcome. But he knew that coexisting with these new being was going to very difficult. However, Twilight's warm smile did sooth his worries somewhat.
"This is a bit awkward.." Knockout said with a cross servos while Skyfire and Moonlight nodded in agreement.
"Well, so much for discreet" Arcee said as Smokescreen, Bumblebee, Shellstone and Cliffjumper began waving to the crowd.
"Doesn't seem so bad" Smokescreen added as he smiled and waved. (XD).
"Of course!" Pinkie Pie said, as she sat on Starscream's shoulder plate. "Everypony's very happy to meet you! And they can't wait to be your friend!".
"I still don't know if this is a good idea" Bulkhead said to Optimus. "We've always been keeping a low profile as not to cause a panic".
- I'm - worry - Nightshadow said in recording voices with a concern tone in it.
"I understand and have noted your concern, Bulkhead and Nightshadow" Optimus replied. "But these ponies seem less superstitious and more accepting than humankind. Perhaps it is for the best".
As the bots continue to converse, Wheeljack and Shellstone then sees Sweetie Belle, the unicorn filly from before ran up to him. Behind her, two other young ponies around the same age range as her followed. One was a yellow filly with a red mane, and a bow in her hair behind her head, the other was a short maned orange pegasus. As they ran up to the wreckers, they can clearly see the huge smiles on their face.
"See?! I told you, ALIENS!" Sweetie Belle beamed. "Hi Wheeljack, Shellstone, remember me? I'm Rarity's little sister. These are my two friends, Apples Bloom and Scootaloo. WE'RE THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!".
"Umm..yeah..." Wheeljack responded, slightly annoyed. While Shellstone just smirked.
"I think you guys are the coolest looking alien out of all of them" Sweetie Belle added. "And it looks like you already know Rarity pretty well".
"We're not exactly friends" Wheeljack said to the filly.
"They sure are. But they were arguing about something like an old marriage" Shellstone joked and whispered at the last part making the three fillies giggle.
Wheeljack smacked Shellstone on the helm, hard.
"OWW! What was that for?!" Shellstone held his helm.
"Don't even think I can't hear on what you were saying" Wheeljack growled.
"Nah! I knew that" Shellstone smirked.
"Oh wait! I heard you guys even can turn into a motor vehicle!" Scootaloo said. "How fast can you guys go?".
"Yeah" Apple Bloom added. "Can you two do stunts and tricks?".
"He sure do. He can do some grenades trick".
"Grenades? What's that?".
"They were kinda as a paint, but different" Shellstone said.
Wheeljack simply rolled his optics and sighed.
As Shining Armor stood next to Optimus, he was wearing his traditional red uniform. Identical to the outfit he wore during his wedding. As he stood proudly next to the Autobot leader and his sister, Rainbow Dash began to giggle. Shortly afterwards, so did Princess Cadence.
"You noticed it too huh, princess?" Rainbow Dash asked, as she tried to hold back he laughter.
"Ooooh, yeah" Cadence smirked.
"What's so funny you two?" Shining Armor asked.
"NOTHING!" both Dash and Cadence answered in unison, still snickering.
Twilight Sparkle then noticed their chuckling, looked at Optimus, then her brother, then at the Autobot leader again, then her BBBFF again. Finally, she got what her sister in law, and one of her best friends found so amusing. The colors, the red torso, the blue helmeted head of Optimus, and Shining Armor's mane. The white colored legs. The two if them looked almost alike, though one's a giant robot, and the other's a unicorn. Soon, Twilight began joining in on the joke, as Shining Armor, still clueless as ever, looked on in confusion.
(IT IS TIME FOR THE EVILS MEETING!....Did I just spoiled it?).
The Nemesis
"Dreadwing!" Megatron called to his second in command. "Damage report".
"All of our engines are off line, and our weapon systems are non-functional, Lord Megatron" Dreadwing responded.
Megatron was furious. His ship had crash landed in parts unknown, and is currently crippled. It would make him and the other Decepticons sitting ducks should the Autobots, or human military attack at this moment.
"Get the ship airborne immediately. Use whatever means necessary!" Megatron ordered.
At the moment, Soundwave, Shockwave, Strikelust, Riseclaw and Arachnid all entered the main bridge.
"Lord Megatron" Strikelust bowed before his master. "Soundwave, Shockwave and I have discovered a rather, disturbing new piece of information regarding our current predicament".
"Yes, what is it, Strikelust?" Megatron asked in annoying tone, clearly not happy to receive more bad news.
Soundwave then plugs one of his tentacles into a computer terminal.
"It appears, that we are no longer on earth, my liege" Strikelust said, with a hint of fear in his voice.
He wasn't sure how Megatron would react.
"What do you mean?" Megatron angrily growled. "If we are no longer on earth, WE'RE IN THE PITS OF KAON AREN'T WE, STRIKELUST??!!".
"According to Soundwave's readings" Shockwave added. "The logical explanation is, it appears we've crashed into some uncharted planet, orbited the Horse Head Nebula" Shockwave answered with an emotionless in his optics.
This was news, Megatron did NOT want to hear.
"Are you two telling me, that I am denied of ultimate victory......because of some twist of fate that has us trapped on some PRIMUS FORSAKEN BACKWATER PLANET?!" Megatron was about to blow a gasket. "Find a way to get us back, NOW! Repair the engines, and plot a course back to earth!".
"That may not be simply, my lord" Strikelust responded.
"And why, pray tell, would that be?" Megatron asked.
"The engines will take several days to repair, Lord Megatron, and our shear distance from here to earth, would take us weeks to return. Even with the hyperdrive at full efficiency. But we'll most likely burn through our fuel reserves before we even reach to earth. This thing's a giant energon guzzler after all...".
"WHAT??" Megatron fumed. "I will not allow the Autobots to take advantage of our absence from earth, and reap in all the spoils. Find a way to return us home, IMMEDIATELY, Strikelust, or you will regret the day you ever came online! Take Shockwave with you".
"Y..... Yes, Lord Megatron. Of course" Strikelust responded with fear, as he hurriedly left the bridge with Shockwave.
"Soundwave, prepare to assist the repair crews" the Decepticon leader ordered, as Soundwave simply nodded.
Suddenly, Soundwave's visor picked up a blip, then several more, then even more appeared.
"My lord" Makeshift asked. "What is Soundwave detecting?".
"It appears, we have some rather.....unwanted guest, Makeshift" Megatron replied.
From the dark corridors of hall, a number of pupilless blue eyes appeared. Many of the vehicons, insections and centipedeticons drew their blasters at the intruders.
Then, a pair of green eyes appeared. The owner of the eyes then stepped into the light. The creature appeared to resemble a horse with a crooked horn, yet had insect like features. It also had a small crown in it's head. The more Megatron noticed the features, the more he realized, this creature is a female.
"Nice place you have here" she said in a mock friendly tone. "A bit too high tech for my taste but it's not without it's charm".
Megatron had no idea where this organic filth came from, but he wanted it off if his ship. He then points his fusion canon at her.
"You'd forgive me if I'd like to keep my ship pest free" Megatron said, as his canon began to charge.
"Nice toy you have. May I try it out?" the creature said, as she began to envelope herself in a green flash of light.
However, to her shock, nothing happened.
"What? Why can't I take your form?".
"My form?" Megatron asked, slightly puzzled.
"Blast! It appears I can't shape shift into machine. No matter" she said, as she again envelopes herself in a green flash.
Standing in her place, was now a giant snake. Around the same size as Megatron, yet she still retained her crooked horn on her head.
The vehicons, insections and centipedeticons took defensive stances, as the rest of the changelings began to advance towards the cons. Dreadwing, Makeshift, Skywarp, Darkstreet, Riseclaw and Arachnid themselves readied their defensive weapons and canon, with Soundwave also prepared the resonance blaster.
"Stand down" Megatron ordered. "I will deal with this organic myself".
Right as Megatron was about to open fire, the giant snake had already jumped forward with lightning speed, surprising the Decepticon leader. Before long, Megatron was already coiled up, as the rest of the Decepticons prepped their weapons, ready to fight the intruders and free their leader.
"Ha! You're too slow" the snake taunted. "You and your drones will services us".
"Megatron serves, NO ONE!" he called out, as he struggles to break free.
"Megatron? Nice name".
She then charged up her horn and fires a green bean at Megatron's chestplate. But then, something unexpected happened.
As soon as the magical beam hit Megatron, it immediately caused some sort of strange feedback, and sent the beam straight back at her. She is then struck by her own magic as it backfired, knocking her down, and in another green flash, the snake had turned back into it's original horse-like insect form.
"What happened? Why did my magic fail?".
"Magic?" Megatron scoffed. "How utterly pathetic".
As Megatron stood for a moment, he realized what had saved him.
"Ah, yes. Dark energon. The blood of Unicron the Destroyer flows through my veins. It has the ability to raise the dead, and it appears to have some rather, ill effects, on your particular abilities. Your shape shifing powers, I admit, intrigues me. An organic on par with a Decepticon pretender, or a shifter like Makeshift".
Makeshift looked at his leader, then looked back at the insect queen with a glare of disgusted.
Megatron then approaches the creature, as the other changelings converge around her in a defensive stance.
"No please, wait!" she pleaded. "I can be of service to you. I was wrong to fight you. Please, spare me and my children".
"And why should I show you mercy, when not but a short time ago, you wishes to terminate me?" Megatron said, again pointing his canon at her.
"Because I can help you. I can be of service!".
"Look around you, organic" Megatron seethed. "I command an army aboard a powerful warship. The last flesh creature who offered his services to me. Silas, I believe his name was, ended in absolute failure. That foolish human paid the ultimate price, as I do not tolerate failure! What can you possibly offer me?".
"What if I told you, I can help you return to your world?".
This caught Megatron's and the others attention.
"And how can you possibly be able to do that?" Skywarp asked.
"I can find a spell in the Canterlot Royal Libraries. I know for fact that such a spell exists. It brought you here to our world in the first place after all. Of course, once you help me defeat this Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria?".
"Equestria? Is that the name of this world?" Megatron asked.
"You are correct, oh gracious Lord Megatron".
"Enough of your groveling! I've heard enough from those Starscream, Knockout, Nightshadow and Thundercracker, four notorious traitors I formerly had in my employ!" Megatron yelled while the speedster and Riseclaw growled.
"Of course" she responded.
"You will find me this so called, spell, and return us to planet earth immediately!" Megatron yelled again.
"It will not be such an easy task. Canterlot is the capital of Equestria. The royal guard resides there as well as the two royal sisters themselves. Their magic is great and the capital heavily guarded. However, with this substance in your possession, dark energon was it? It can be used against her abilities as you did with mine. And I also see this ship of yours is quite powerful once fully repaired to it's great potential. You can easily defeat Celestia and her forces, and then I can take the throne for myself. My changelings and I will thrive, and this world will become my domain as I rule it".
"I do not need YOU to patronize me, organic!" Megatron yelled as he was clearly losing his patience with this creature.
"And don't even try to fooling us around when we clearly know you were about to using us with that plan, fleshy" Arachnid muttered at the changelings queen.
"Please, call me Queen Chrysalis. I am the ruler of the changelings" she introduced herself.
"Well then, Queen Chrysalis" Megatron said, still disgusted at these organic changelings. "Why should I help you to conquer this world? When I can easily vaporize you here and now raid the capital myself, and use this so called spell to return my Decepticons to earth?".
"For starters" Chrysalis answered. "You need someone to cast the spell, and since you Decepticons have no magical abilities. You'll need me to do it for you. Second, Celestia has new ally. An off worldly much like yourself. Very powerful and made of metal, very much like you and your kind. He's probably one of yours".
"And who, in Primus' name would that be?" Megatron asked, now grown curious.
"He call himself, Optimus Prime".
Megatron's and the Decepticons' optics widen at the mention of the name. The other cons began to whisper and converse among themselves.
"I see you're familiar with him" Chrysalis responded to the Decepticons' reactions.
"He is my sworn enemy! It is my destiny to terminate him by my two own servos!" Megatron yelled. "Optimus? Here? No matter perhaps fate has been kind to me after all, as I will crush him and bring glory to the Decepticon cause".
"I too had an encounter with him. He thwarted my plans to kidnap Princess Celestia's prized pupil as a ransom. The ponies have themselves a strong bodyguard now".
"Ponies?" Riseclaw asked.
"The dominant species on this world, are sentient ponies" Chrysalis explained.
"Ugh, disgusting" Skywarp muttered.
"All the more reason to leave this place. This world seems to be even more primitive than earth. It serves no purpose to the Decepticon cause" Megatron said, completely annoyed and disgusted.
"Then help me take Canterlot. Once your forces cripple the royal guard, Optimus Prime will surely fall soon after if we combine our two armies. Then I, will hold up my end of the bargain and return you to this, earth you so desperately wish to see again".
Megatron merely growled, and so the others Decepticon, pondered on what Chrysalis just said.
"So, do we have a deal?" Chrysalis asked.
"........ So be it. Better to have native on my side than against me. Though, working with an organics is still beneath me" Megatron replied. "But, be warn. If I find out that you are simply using us and abusing our resources, or if I detect any trace of treachery and deceit, I will not hesitate to make you suffer!" Megatron warned. "Now, begone!".
"As you wish, mighty Lord Megatron. Come my children, let us return to our home. We'll be in touch".
With that, Chrysalis and her changeling swarm, teleported themselves off the bridge of the Nemesis in numerous green flashes.
"Lord Megatron" Darkstreet asked. "Are you certain this is a good plan of action?".
"I agree. We do not trust this Queen Chrysalis" Riseclaw said in agreement.
"Rest assured, Darkstreet and Riseclaw" Megatron responded. "I would sooner reduce Chrysalis to ashes than fully trust that insect. But until then, we have need of her arcane powers. I will have Soundwave monitor her activities".
Soundwave nodded in agreement.
"Now then, Soundwave, send Lazerbeak on reconnaissance. I wish to learn more about this planet before we make our move".
With that, Soundwave's chestplate transforms into a bird like drone and flies out of the bridge.
About two hours later, Lazerbeak returns and re-attaches itself back to Soundwave, who then inserts several of his tendrils into the main computer, as Megatron looked on.
He sees a village full of colourful ponies, as they go on about their lives. Seeing this disgusted Megatron, as he saw no value in these creatures, and seeing their level of technology wasn't even on a par with the humans. But something else caught his attention.
"Soundwave, zoom in on that mountain range".
Soundwave did what he was told and enhanced on
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