*Sob* *Whine* *Crying*
Rainbow Dash: Sheez.. What makes you become a sober?
Me: Nothing.. It's just, a school will begin tomorrow ( T ʖ̯ T)( T ʖ̯ T)
Rainbow Dash: Ahh.. It's just, a school. Not some kind of jail.
Me: Still... I don't like it... *Ahem!* Anyways! *Sob* Enjoy.
"So" Shellstone begin as he and the others walked behind Rainbow Dash and Rarity, as they moved through the forest. "This world, Equestria is it? Is populated by sentient horses?".
"Actually, we're ponies. Horses are bigger" Rainbow Dash answered.
Wheeljack was puzzled.
"I didn't think ponies were able to talk" he said.
"Of course we can talk. We're not mindless animals" Rarity snapped.
"So, where'd you guys come from?" Rainbow asked.
"Some portal sucked us into this world" Cliffjumper told her.
"A weird accident or something" Arcee added.
"Well, I certainly have an idea" Rarity said. "Sweetie Belle got a hold of some strange blue crystal. It apparently intensifies unicorn magic".
"Magic?" Wheeljack muttered. "Please, like I'm gonna believe some mystical voodoo brought us here".
"Well, you certainly are rude" Rarity snapped at the white Autobot Wrecker.
"I'm a Wrecker. It comes with the job" Wheeljack replied as Rarity rolled her eyes.
"You'll get use to him later. Just, ignore him if you don't comfortable with him" Shellstone whispered at Rarity.
"Come on, Wheeljack" Arcee said to him. "It's not unheard of. I mean..".
"The power of the Primes consists of SOME mysticism" Cliffjumper finished for her.
"Blah, Blah, not interested. Just need to get back to Earth, so we can start crushing some more Cons" Wheeljack responded.
"Such a ruffian!" Rarity muttered.
"Rainbow Dash, right? So, where do we go from here?" Arcee asked.
"Right up this way, Arcee" Rainbow Dash answered. "I'm have a good hunch they'll be meeting back at Fluttershy's home".
"Hmm..might be better if we traveled on wheels" And with that statement, Cliffjumper transformed into his red car form with a bull horn on his hood, followed by Arcee with her motorcycle form.
"So, you guys can turn into those self propelled vehicles too, like Bumblebee. And a bike! Awesome! You guys look like a speedster. Wanna race?".
"Another time kid. Just lead the way" Arcee said.
"Need a lift?" Cliffjumper asked.
"Nah, I got my wings. I'll fly ahead. Rarity? I think she need one".
Wheeljack also transformed into his car form, followed by Shellstone, with his grey and white scheme on his car mode.
"Wheeljack, give her a ride" Shellstone commanded with a smirks.
"Yeah, yeah, climb in toots" Wheeljack said to the unicorn.
"Toots? WHY I NEVER!!" Rarity fumed. "Of all the impolite....".
"Rarity, just get inside, or we're leaving you here" Rainbow yelled.
".. Can I get a ride with the other?" Rarity asked.
But, before they knew, Shellstone couldn't be seen just then, like, he just disappeared.
Arcee sighed in disappointed.
"I don't think he wanted to, Rarity. I'm sorry, he just don't like to be get touches" Cliffjumper explained to her.
"Guess you still need to catch a ride with him" Rainbow said.
The, white unicorn sighed in defeated.
"Uhh...if you insist" she responded as she climbed into Wheeljack's open door.
"You simply MUST do something about these seats. The colors are atrocious. And the decor can certainly see some improvement" she started nitpicking at Wheeljack's interior.
"This....is gonna be a LOOOONG trip" Wheeljack said to himself.
"Is she already on Wheeljack's ride?" Shellstone suddenly whispered beside Cliffjumper.
He jumped slightly, even in his car form when the voices suddenly heard beside his audio receptors. He sighed in relief when it was only him.
"Yes" Cliffjumper simply answered.
"Good.. I'm glad I hid right on time before she wants to get in me".
"Hey, Skyfire, anything yet?" Starscream asked his adoptive sister.
"Not a single thing, brother. I don't know if we'll ever find them this way" Skyfire replied to the seeker.
"Well, we can't give up. I just, wanted to prove that I...*sigh* that I am truly change, for good" Starscream sighed.
"Scream, you'll be fine. Optimus isn't judgemental about the cons changed to the good side" Bulkhead said to him while Moonlight nodded in agreement.
"Yeah. Even HE had seen you change in a great ways. As long as you do your part, and pull your weight. You'll be okay. Like Knockout does" Smokescreen reassured him.
"I just hope they'll be alright" Starscream said, as he looked towards the blue sky.
Then, suddenly.........
"HI THERE!" a high pitched voice called out.
The five Autobots instantly froze in place, then readied their weapons on their servos.
"Who's there?!" Moonlight demanded.
"Show yourself!" Skyfire commanded.
"I'm over here!" the voice said.
Skyfire, Moonlight, Starscream, Bulkhead and Smokescreen turned towards the direction.
"I don't get it" Bulkhead stated. "I don't see anything".
"Look down!" the voice said again.
Five bots lower their helms downward and see, a little equine, with pink fur, a pink poofy mane, big blue eyes, and a grin on it's face. It was hopping in place happily.
"BAH WEEP GRANAH WEEP NINI BONG!" the pink equine said in a high pitched tone as she waved her hoof at the bots.
"Umm...what?" Starscream said in confusion as he scratched his helm.
"But, I thought everypony knew the universal greeting...." the pink little creature said in a slightly disappointed tone.
"Whoa, did that horse just talk?" Skyfire asked.
"I didn't know horses could talk!" Smokescreen said in shocked.
"They can't, guys, at least not on earth. This proves what Optimus said earlier. We're definitely NOT on Earth anymore" Bulkhead said to them.
"Of course I can talk. It would be silly if I couldn't! And I'm not a horse, I'm a pony!".
"Uhh..yeah..." Moonlight said, while scratching her helm in confusion.
"Um, so if we're not on earth anymore, where are we?" Starscream asked.
"WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA!" the pink pony beamed. "I'm gonna throw you guys the biggest welcome party, it'll make it into the history books! I can't wait!".
The little pony then, suddenly, bursts into song........
Five bots look at her with puzzled expressions.
"What, just happened?" Bulkhead asked, confused of where the music seemed to appear from nowhere, as Smokescreen, Starscream and Skyfire simply shrugged, but with a smile on their faceplate. The three bots was genuinely amused by the antics. As for Moonlight, completely loss in confusion with this situation.
"Well, now I sang my welcome song, the next step is to make friends. I'm Pinkie Pie, who are you?" Pinkie asked the visitors.
"At least, the locals are friendly" Smokescreen said to the wrecker.
"Name's Smokescreen. This is Skyfire, and that dude over here was her adoptive brother, Starscream".
"Hi Smokescreen! Skyfire! Starscream! You guys are my new friends, I LOVE making new friends! So, why are you aliens here? Are you guys here to be our friends? Or are you here to invade us? Or eat us? Or stick a probe up our......".
"PINKIE PIE, THERE YOU ARE!" another voice yelled from behind the woods.
As Pinkie and the bots look to see the source of the voice, they see another pony galloping towards them this one was orange, with a blonde mane. She was also wearing a cowboy hat, and her voice had a southern accent in it.
"Ooh ooohh, APPLEJACK! I found them, I FOUND THEM! The cool giant alien robots!".
Smokescreen and the seekers couldn't help, but begin to laugh. This, Pinkie Pie, was very amusing.
"NAILED IT!" Pinkie shouted. "I made another smile today!".
"Another?" Starscream asked. "Who are you talking about?".
"Bumblebee and Nightshadow!" Pinkie answered. "You guys must be their friends. They're our friends, and if you're their friends, then your my friend too".
"BUMBLEBEE?! NIGHTSHADOW?!" five Autobots said in unison.
"Are they alright? Where are they?" Bulkhead asked.
"They're A-OK! A little battered up from the fall they took. But, otherwise, just fine!".
Relieved, the five bots high five to each other.
"Thank the Allspark! And thank you for taking care of them" Moonlight said to the pink pony.
"Aww, think nothing of it" she smiled back to them.
"Well, I'll be a polecat on a farm range!" Applejack said as she walked up to the bots. "So ya did find 'em, Pinkie. These guys are sure big and kinda looking aggressive, especially the green and orange werewolf one".
"Aren't they cool looking?" Pinkie Pie beamed, who's already now riding on Smokescreen's shoulder plate.
Applejack walks to Bulkhead and Moonlight.
"You guys look like you can give Big Macintosh a run for is bits!" she greeted the two bots.
"Umm..thanks, I think?" Bulkhead responded. Moonlight only shrugged.
"Well, shoot. Where are my manners? I'm Applejack, what's y'all name, stranger?".
"Bulkhead, and this is Moonlight".
"Hey there!" Moonlight waved at the Applejack in greeting her.
"YAY! Bulkhead, Moonlight, Skyfire, Smokescreen and Starscream! Our newest friends!" Pinkie Pie shouted, as Smokescreen and the seekers continued to laugh at her antics.
"I like you already, Pinkie Pie!" Smokescreen said to the pony.
"Don't we three are?" Skyfire and Starscream smirked, which made Pinkie Pie smile even more.
"So, you think you can take us to Bumblebee and Nightshadow? I need to contact Optimus and Knockout about this, and let 'Cee, Cliff, Shell' and Jackie know too" Bulkhead said.
"Sure, it's right this way partner!" Applejack pointed off in a direction.
"Lead the way" Skyfire said, as Pinkie hopped on her shoulder plate, happy as ever that she made friends with a giant alien robot.
"Optimus, Knockout, come in. Optimus? Do you read? Knockout?" Bulkhead called into his communicator. "Scrap, they must be out of range. What about you guys?".
They all shook their helm with disappointed after they checked theirs.
"Not even any luck" Moonlight answered.
"Let me try the others" Smokescreen said.
He then uses his communicator to radio Arcee, Cliffjumper, Shellstone and Wheeljack.
"Arcee, Cliffjumper, Shellstone, Wheeljack, do any of you guys read?".
"Rainbow Dash, hold up! I'm getting a signal. Someone's on the comm link!" Cliffjumper said, as he comes to a stop and transforms back into robot mode.
"Huh, what's going on?" Rainbow Dash asked.
"This is Cliffjumper, come in".
"Hey, Cliff', it's Smokescreen. We just ran into some locals of this world. And after meeting them, chances are good, we're not on Earth anymore. You're probably not gonna believe me when I describe them to you".
"Try me kid".
"Well, they're talking ponies. Crazy right?".
"Not really. Arcee, Shell', Jackie and I came into contact with some ourselves".
"Really? Well, at least, Bulk, Moonlight, Skyfire, Starscream and I aren't going crazy. Anyways, they said they know about Bumblebee and Nightshadow. They found them both, and apparently they're safe" Smokescreen said over the comm link.
"The ones we met said the same thing. The ponies you met probably know the ones we ran into" Cliffjumper answered.
"So, we're all on the same page? That's good to hear" Smokescreen said.
Rainbow Dash flies up to Cliffjumper's wrist.
"So, that thing's like a radio? That's pretty cool" she said.
"It's our communicator. We use it to contact each other when we're seperated".
"We tried to radio Optimus and Knockout. But I think they're out of range. You have any luck?" Smokescreen asked.
"I'll give it a shot" Cliffjumper answered.
He then opens a new channel.
"Cliffjumper to Optimus and Knockout. Do any of you read? Optimus, Knockout, come in".
"Scrap" Cliffjumper muttered. "No luck either".
"Don't worry, we'll meet up with them eventually. The good news is, Bumblebee' and Nightshadow's okay" Smokescreen said.
"I'm glad too" Cliffjumper answered.
Then, they hear a high pitched sounding female voice on the other side.
"OOH! Are you calling your mothership? Can I see it? How big is it?".
"Huh? That sounded like....hey, Cliffjumper, can I speak into your com-thing real quick?".
Before Cliffjumper could answer, Rainbow Dash had already landed on his wrist, on where his commlink is.
"Pinkie Pie, is that you? It's me, Rainbow Dash!".
"OOOHHH! DASHIE! So you found some cool robot friends too!".
"Yeah, Rarity and I had a run in. We're taking them to see Bumblebee and Nightshadow now. I have a good bet Fluttershy probably took them back to the cottage. She's terrified of this forest after all".
"Okie Dokie Lokie!" Pinkie responded. "Then, we'll meet you there. By the way, who's with you?".
"Well, besides Cliffjumper, there's a cool bot happens to be a girl-bot names Arcee. Then, there is other bot guy name Shellstone and Wheeljack, Rarity's with me".
"And I'm with Applejack. The guy I'm riding on is Smokescreen, and there is other two fly bot name Skyfire and Starscream. Followed by other bot was a bit aggressive and she's a werewolf named Moonlight. Finally, Applejack is walking next between her and to this other guy named Bulkhead ".
"Wait, so Twilight's not with you?" Rainbow asked.
"I thought she was with you Dashie!".
"You mean, she got separated?! Oh no, this is bad. She's all alone in the Everfree Forest. WE GOTTA FIND HER!" Rainbow yelled.
"Oh no, she must be scared and all alone. Don't worry, with these guys with us, no monsters from Everfree Forest should bother us".
"Um, girls?" Rarity called out, as she hangs her head out of Wheeljack's window. "You do know Twilight can handle herself, right? I mean, she IS Princess Celestia's prized student who excels in magic, a newly coronated princess herself, AND not to mention she traveled another parallel dimension on her own".
"Still, I think we should find her first" Rainbow Dash said.
"We'll help you kid" Cliffjumper said. Arcee nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, you went through the trouble of helping Bee' and Nightshad'. We'll return the favor. We owe you".
Wheeljack simply grunted, while Rarity scoffed at him. As for Shellstone, only smirked by Whelljack's annoyance.
"Don't even laugh at me, Shell'. Or I'll making sure you buff your finish for month" Wheeljack threatening him making Shellstone stops from smirking.
"Don't you dare" Shellstone angrily said at him while Wheeljack snorted.
"Thanks a bunch. You guys are the coolest alien I know. Well, you all the only alien I know, but still!" Rainbow said.
"What does she look like?" Arcee asked.
"Don't worry, Applejack. We'll find your lost friend" Bulkhead said to the cowmare.
"Agreed. It's the least we can do after you girls helped out Bee' and Nightshad'" Moonlight added.
"I do truly appreciate that. That's very neighborly of y'all" she tipped her hat at the wrecker and at the cyber werewolf.
"So, where do we start?" Skyfire asked.
"Uuuuuuuuummmm, THAT WAY!" Pinkie randomly pointed.
Twilight Sparkle had trekked through the forest by herself for some time now, still searching for any signs of the supposed giant alien robots lost in the woods. Normally, she wouldn't have any problems making trips like these as she tends to visit Zecora fairly regularly. But, for some reason, she felt a certain uneasiness. As she moved deeper and deeper into the heart of the forest. She was absolutely certain that Nightshadow's readings were this direction.
Little did she know, as she moved through the woods, she was being watched, and followed by a sinister presence in the brush, stalking her.
Twilight couldn't shake the feeling, she knew something was wrong, but she couldn't put her hoof on it. She then heard what sounded like a rustling sound coming from behind her. Slowly she turned around, and notices, many eyes from the woods looking at her. These eyes were pale blue, and don't have any pupils.
"Umm..hello?" she nervously addressed them.
Then, from the bush, many dark figures sprung out and quickly surrounded her.
"CHANGELINGS!" Twilight shrieked as she backed away.
"Right you are, my little pony. And look at you, a princess now..." a voice said from behind the brush. A pair of menacing green eyes stared at her, then another figure came into view.
"Oh no....NO!" Twilight muttered as she walked backwards. "Queen Chrysalis!? But we trapped you within your own castle with never ending riddles".
"Yes, you did indeed" the queen answered. "But did you really think I would be imprisoned with my OWN home for long? What a joke".
"I'm warning you. I'm a lot stronger since we last faced off. I've learned quite a few new spells" Twilight threatened, stretching her wings out.
"You think you're stronger than me just because you have wings now? By all means, then, impress me princess" Chrysalis taunted.
As the changelings converge on her, Twilight's horn began to glow, then a huge wave she emitted sent multiple changelings flying off in different directions.
"Impressive, but not good enough" Chrysalis said, as she ordered another wave to attack.
Twilight fired a several beams from her horn, the changelings she hit, suddenly turned into winged oranges.
"Ha! How do you like that?" Twilight said in triumph.
The queen merely cackled.
"That's your best shot? What an utterly ridiculous and useless spell. My children, change back".
With a number of green flashes, the transformed oranges immediately turned back into changelings.
"What? But how?".
"We can already change at will. It has no effect on us" Chrysalis explained. "Now, capture her! She will make an excellent ransom to Princess Celestia".
Right at the changelings were almost on top of her, Twilight Sparkle teleported in a bright flash, and she was gone.
Twilight reappeared in another part of the forest and began to run back towards the direction of Ponyville, when suddenly, another group of green flashes appeared right before her. Queen Chrysalis and a number of her changeling swarm were right in front of her again.
"Teleportation, a simple spell, that even a hatchling would know" Chrysalis said.
Twilight Sparkle began to run, as the changeling gave a chase.
"I'm starting to wish I took those flying lessons from Rainbow Dash right
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