Chapter 2

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"thats would be Bumblebee, he's the half-brother, I've always told you about, remember? he's the one that went missing before you were sparked." Wheeljack explains. Burns stares a moment, before grinning.

"brother...? I have a brother!? my brothers alive!" she asks, barely containing her excitement. she immediately sticks her servo out towards Bumblebee. "holy shit, hi I'm Burns. I've literally heard about nothing but you for years!" she murmurs. Bumblebee smiles hesitantly and shakes her servo. he's clearly overwhelmed with the current situation. he hadn't realized this would make him so anxious and nervous. Prowl steps up behind him carefully.

hey, its alright Bee.

Bumblebee nods, smiling hesitantly at his sister once more. Prowl was right. he can handle all this, everything would be alright. and if everything was not alright, Prowl would take him away from the situation as fast as he could and help him to calm down.

"Bumblebee... wow this has been a weird and kinda... nervewracking day." Bumblebee murmurs, looking around the room. Bumblebee feels as though he's about to be sick, but he's attempting to remain calm. Burns snorts a little.

"yeah, though I can imagine its weirder to you than me. I mean... I knew all you exsisted, but thought you were dead... did you even know about us?" Burns asks. Bumblebee shakes his head.

"I'd never even heard of you guys until this morning... I didn't know about any of this... kinda... y'know, overwhelming..." Bumblebee trails. Burns nods slightly.

"wow.... thats gotta be alot for one day. a whole ass family coming out of no where, thats awesome!" Burns grins. she turns around and looks at Wheeljack expectantly. "okay, so what was that other surprise you told me you had for me?" Burns asks. Ratchet frowns slightly, looking over at Wheeljack.

"Primus Jack, what the hell happened to her? she wasn't that young when I left to be a field medic." Ratchet frowns. Wheeljack gives him a small smile.

"she just doesn't remember, she was still barely a youngling at that time." Wheeljack murmurs. he turns to Burns and grins at her. "Burns, this is Ratchet." Wheeljack says, smiling at her as he motions to the medic. Burns immediately squeals excitedly, launching herself at Ratchet and latching onto him.

"creator! you're alive! you're really alive!" Burns squeals, hugging him tightly. Ratchet yelps, stumbling backwards and struggling to catch himself.

"hey! easy kid! I'm too old for this slag!" Ratchet huffs. Wheeljack chuckles softly and easily props his bondmate up. Ratchet struggles for a second, before giving in and letting Wheeljack hold him up.

"she knows exactly who you are, she's been missing you for years. ever since I found her. she just doesn't remember what you look like." Wheeljack chuckles, softly. he watches his bondmate and daughter again for a few moments longer, before turning his head towards Bumblebee. he doesn't step away from holding Ratchet up, but he does smile at Bumblebee. "hi, I have never met you, but I'm Wheeljack, I'm bonded to your creator." Wheeljack says, watching him. Bumblebee nods slightly.

"oh yeah, I know exactly who you are. you're the reason I managed to escape the Decepticons... so, thanks." Bumblebee says. Wheeljack looks confused.

"huh? how did I help you escape?" Wheeljack asks. Bumblebee shrugs.

"long story short, one of your bombs exploded near the cell I was trapped in. took down the exterior wall and I managed to escape." Bumblebee says. Wheeljack looks more confused.

"how do you know it was one of mine?" Wheeljack asks. Bumblebee snorts. while the attention is drawn to Bumblebee, and the little family doesn't notice them doing so, Optimus escorts Bulkhead, Jazz, and Sari out of the main room. he wants to give them some privacy.

"I didn't back then but I sure as hell learned in the academy. yours have a tendency to attempt to avoid Autobots and flash different colors, even after they explode so, yeah. I always wanted to thank you, but well..." Bumblebee trails. he gives the inventor an awkward shrug. "figured it be weird to walk up to you and introduce myself then thank you for saving my life when you had no idea who I was." Bumblebee shrugs again. Wheeljack is quiet a moment as he steadys Ratchet carefully, before stepping away.

"awkward? no, but it probably would've scared the hell out of me!" Wheeljack laughs, hugging Bumblebee tightly. Bumblebee yelps, grunting.

"h-hey! let go of me!" Bumblebee glares, attempting to wiggle free from the inventors arms. "let go!' Bumblebee huffs. Wheeljack laughs, still squeezing him to his chest.

"you really are his sparkling aren't you?" Wheeljack grins. Bumblebee grunts, struggling with him. he glares over at his bondmate when the mech starts snickering.

"lemme go!" Bumblebee glares. Wheeljack snorts and lets him go, making his fall flat on his aft. Ratchet lets out a bark of laughter, still struggling to get Burns off him. it was clear the little femme had gotten Wheeljacks strength and need for cuddles. Bumblebee glares at him with a huff.

"don't be so grumpy." Prowl chuckles, walking over and offering his bondmate a servo up. Bumblebee takes it gratefully and lets Prowl pull him back to his peds. Wheeljack looks Prowl over a moment.

"and who are you?" Wheeljack asks, watching him carefully.

"I'm Prowl." Prowl says, watching him carefully.
"Prowl is Bumblebee's bondmate." Ratchet explains. he grunts, attempting to pry his daughters servos off him. "c'mon now kid. let go of me." Ratchet mutters. Wheeljack grins at Prowl, reaching a servo out to shake his. Prowl shoots his servo a distasteful look.

"nice to meet you, but I think not." Prowl frowns. Bumblebee cuddles up to Prowls side, chuckling.

"Prowl isn't much for physical contact." Bumblebee explains.

"forgive me if I refuse to shake the servo of the mech who has a record for blowing up half of Iacon." Prowl frowns. "repeatedly." Prowl adds. Wheeljack shrugs dropping his servo.

"hey! I don't do that anymore." Wheeljack huffs. "well... at least no where near as often as I used to." Wheeljack corrects himself. Prowl frowns at him, shaking his head.

"damn it let me go." Ratchet huffs, finally managing to shove the femme from his frame. it leaves streaks of her black and green paint off over Ratchets red and white frame. the medic heaves a sigh, brishing himself off. Burns immediately turns to Bumblebee, who straightens up quickly. she squeals and launches herself at the scout. Bumblebee stumbles, but manages to keep his footing, though Prowl stands behind him carefully, making sure the smaller doesn't end up on the floor.

"Wheeljack always said I had a brother somewhere! but the way he talked about you getting kidnapped, I assumed you were dead!" Burns shouts. Bumblebee holds her smiling slightly.

"well, until today we assumed he was dead." Ratchet frowns as Wheeljack wraps him in a hug tightly. he sighs quietly, but lets his bondmate hold him.

"Ratchets right, I didn't know any of you guys existed until today. hell, I didn't even know I had a sister until this morning." Bumblebee says, hugging her back carefully. Burns hugs him tightly before stepping back and settling her gaze on Prowl. "don't even think about it. Prowl doesn't like physical contact." Bumblebee says quickly.

"unless its from Bumblebee and even then sometimes I refuse." Prowl frowns, stepping away from the femme. Bumblebee laughs, latching himself onto Prowl, grinning up at him.

"aww but thats soooo unfair." Burns huffs.

"lifies not fair." Prowl shrugs, wrapping an arm around his bondmate carefully.

"Prowl had a bad sparkling hood. he doesn't like bots touching him, especially bots newer to him. it took him months to warm up to the Earth team and years to warm up to Bumblebee touching him. don't push your luck kid."

Burns looks over at Ratchet, confused, but the medic isn't looking at her. he's chatting with Wheeljack, who is animatedly waving his arms around with a big grin on under his battle mask.

"uh, okay, thanks."

Burns looks at them a moment longer, before turning back to Prowl and Bumblebee.

"I kinda feel like I'm intruding... um, do we get to meet your family Prowl?" Burns asks. Prowls visor twitches, but he appears to ignore it. Bumblebee and Ratchet, having known the mech longer, notice immediately. Bumblebee holds tighter, cuddling him.

"s'okay." Bumblebee murmurs softly.

"no." Prowl says. "you'll never get to meet him. they switched from Autobots to Decepticons and after committing mass murder, Ultra Magnus put an end to them himself. good fucking riddance." Prowl huffs. Bumblebee watches him worriedly. Wheeljack and Burns stare at him, utterly shocked, but Bumblebee is quick to make an escape for his bondmate.

"Prowl c'mon. you promised you'd play my new game with me. Sari even left the console for us to play." Bumblebee says, grabbing hold of his bondmates servo and dragging him off quickly. Prowl follows silently, not even sparing a glance back at the other three. he doesn't seem to care. he needs to get out of their before he blows up on Burns.

"what the hell was that about? he just shut down." Burns frowns, turning to her creators. Ratchet glares at her.

"I com you and privately tell you he's had a bad sparkling hood and to avoid asking questions and you immediately ask about his creators?" Ratchet frowns. Burns shrugs.

"you just said he had a bad sparkling hood, you didn't say it had anything to do with his creators becoming Decepticons and mass murderers." Burns frowns. Ratchet huffs.

"so... Ratch, what did happen?" Wheeljack asks, curiously. Ratchet frowns, shaking his head.

"I keep my patients privacy, as a medic, its my job." Ratchet replies, curtly. "all I know, which isn't much, I got because I had to defrag his hard drive after a bad battle. he took a pretty hard hit to the head and I didn't have a choice. when I did, it came spilling out of his memory banks." Ratchet explains, frowning. "that was a few months ago and he still hasn't come back to the medbay for anything, unless Bumblebee is in there." Ratchet adds. Wheeljack nods slightly, looking in the direction the two had retreated too.

"is he that angry?" Wheeljack asks.

"I think he is, at least a little, though I haven't asked and I'm not going to bring it up to him. if he wants to talk he knows where to find me." Ratchet frowns. "come on you two, lets get you guys set up." Ratchet smiles a little.

Bumblebee watches Prowl carefully. he's curled up in the mechs lap, under Prowls tree, while Prowl attempts to meditate. though with Bumblebee squirming in his lap and Burns' words filtering through his CPU, he's not having an easy time. Bumblebee turns his gaze away from Prowl, watching some of the butterflies flutter around the mechs room, making concentrating on his meditation even harder. its nothing Prowls not used to, though. if it were just Bumblebee squirming, he could easily meditate right though it, and had done so several times, but with the words from his sister, he wasn't sure the relaxing meditation would take place any time soon. any other time Prowl could meditate for a few hours while BUmblebee would wait in his lap, eventually the scout would fall asleep, and once Prowl was done with his meditation, he'd scoop the smaller up and lay on their shared berth until he woke up.

its a routine they'd both gotten into, long before bonding while they were still in courtship. it was an easy routine the two had almost immediately slipped into as it was comforting for both.

"hey Prowl...?" Bumblebee asks.

"hmm?" Prowl asks. Bumblebee shifts in his lap.

"thanks... thanks for convincing me to open that letter this morning." Bumblebee murmurs. Prowl nods, giving him a small smile.

"of course Bee." Prowl murmurs. Bumblebee shifts and sits up in his lap enough to kiss Prowls cheek. Prowl smiles, chuckling softly, but doesn't online his optics. Bumblebee grins and settles back down into his lap, ready to attempt at a nap while the mech recharges, until there's a knock on Prowls door. Prowl onlines his optics and looks down at Bumblebee. he meets the scouts confused gaze, before both turn to the door.

"what do you think they want?" Bumblebee asks softly.

"its probably Prime." Prowl mutters. he sighs and shakes his head. "if you have to, you can come in." Prowl calls. the door immediately slides open.

"Wheeljack?" Bumblebee asks, curious. Wheeljack waves hesitantly.

"hey guys, sorry to bother you..." Wheeljack frowns. "um, Ratchet said you had organic life in here and I was curious if I could see it." Wheeljack says. Prowl nods slightly, shifting under his bondmate.

"oh boy another nature bot. alright, thats where I leave. love you Prowl, I'll see you later." Bumblebee says. Prowl nods, watching him head for the door.

"go and at least try to be nice to your sister, alright?" Prowl asks. Bumblebee nods, slipping past Wheeljack and heading out into the hall. "what are you doing here Wheeljack? hasn't it been years since you've seen Ratchet? shouldn't you, I don't know, go be with your bondmate? you don't have a lot of time here with him. you should go spend time with him." Prowl says, getting up out of the floor, so he can look Wheeljack in the optics. Wheeljack chuckles at him, looking amused, before he moves to look around the tree.

"kid, you know just as well as I do that Ratchet would rather slag my aft with a wrench. he doesn't do the 'hanging with your bondmate' thing that you and Bumblebee do, you can tell that just by his attitude. you've known him long enough to know he wouldn't do that." Wheeljack snorts. Prowl shrugs a little.

"I know he hasn't seen you in a long time and that he hugged you, which he doesn't usually do to anyone. I've never seen that bot hug anyone, except, maybe Bumblebee this morning. so to see him hug you, I just assumed he would like to spend a little time with you." Prowl shrugs. Wheeljack snorts a little, putting his servo's up in surrender.

"okay kid, I get it. I know when I'm not wanted. if you didn't want me in here or you want to go hunt down Bumblebee, all you had to do was say so. I don't want to intrude, I was just curious about your tree." Wheeljack assures.

"I'm not kicking you out Wheeljack. I just know its only a matter of time before Sentinel throws a fit and makes you lot leave. if I were you, I'd be spending as much time with my bondmate as I could. who knows how long it'll be before you can come back." Prowl frowns.

"know that I know why I'm here and that Ratchets here, along with Bumblebee. I can come back whenever I want. if Sentinel makes us leave, we'll go back to Cybertron and grab the Jackrabbit. its my ship. we can come back whenever we please." Wheeljack assures, heading out of the room. Prowl follows after him, rolling his optics.

"I don't see that going over well with Sentinel but whatever Wheeljack." Prowl snorts.

"oh! oh! can I hug you now?" Burns asks, running over towards them. she slams into Wheeljack hugging him tightly, but is staring Prowl down. "please? just one hug.?" Burns pouts.

"no." Prowl says, turning to head down the hallway.

"I will hug you." Burns warns. Prowl pauses, turning to look at her once more, a dangerous look on his visor.

"I don't want to hurt you Burns, you're my bondmates little sister. I don't want to hurt you, but that does not mean I won't. if oyu touch me, even after I've told you not to, I will hurt you." Prowl warns. Bumblebee laughs, lauching himself at Prowls back. the ninja grunts, stumbling forward slightly, but manages to keep himself and his bondmate up.

"awwwww Prowl, you used to threaten me with vilence." Bumblebee grins. Prowl snorts, turning his head to his bondmate. "the worst I ever got was you either tackling me to the floor or a shuriken in my aft." Bumblebee laughs. Prowl snorts again, reaching back to hold the bot on his back up carefully.

"I seriously thought several times about offlining you." Prowl chuckles softly, carrying the mech towards the main room.

"oh yeah? what stopped you?" Bumblebee teases. Prowl huffs softly.

"I got so used to living with you, I wasn't sure I could live without you." Prowl murmurs, heafting the scout on his back up gently. Bumblebee laughs, holding onto his neck happily.

"you can put me down Prowl." Bumblebee snorts. Prowl shrugs a little at him, letting his bondmate down. Bumblebee immediately latches himself onto Prowls side, engine purring happily. "I can hold onto you without being on you." Bumblebee murmurs.

"I'm not going to fight you Bee. if you want me to carry you, I will. if not, I'll put you down." Prowl assures as they walk into the main room. they're pause, almost immediately confronted by Jazz. the ninja is leaned against the wall and has clearly been waiting for them.

"well hey you two." Jazz waves. "so, lil Bee, how come y' didn't tell me that you needed Wheeljack because he was bodned t' Ratchet?" Jazz ask.

"you know Ratchet. he's a private bot. I wasn't sure he wanted anyone to know... then he came in and just announced I was his kid. so I dunno anymore." Bumblebee says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I think he's glad to have you back Bumblebee. joy can take preference over privacy sometimes." Prowl assures. Bumblebee nods, smiling slightly. they all three look up when Optimus walks over with a datapad in servo.

"alright Prowl, if you and Bumblebee's day for patrol. I need you guys to head on out." Optimus says.

"what? no way." Bumblebee huffs.

"thats not particularly fair Optimus. Bumblebee has limited time with his family." Prowl frowns.

"yeah OP, lil Bee jus' got his family back." Jazz frowns. "tell ya what Bee, I'll go for ya." Jazz offers.

"really? thanks Jazz. I'd seriously appreciate that." Bumblebee murmurs.

"yeah no problem." Jazz grins. "c'mon Prowl. I've been itching to get my sweet wheels back on this slick Earth pavement for a while now." Jazz says, heading for the door. Prowl watches him go then turns to Bumblebee.

"be good. spend at least a little time with your sister and be nice." Prowl says.

"you're my bondmate, not my carrier." Bumblebee huffs. Prowl rolls his optics and heads out with Jazz. he scoffs at Sentinel, as he passes the Prime while heading outside.

be careful Bee, stay away from Sentinel. I don't want you getting into trouble while I'm not here.

I'll do my best Prowl, but you know this idiot.

"and just where are those two slaggers off to?" Sentinel huffs. Optimus looks over.

"Prowl and Jazz are off on patrol." Optimus says. Bumblebee turns quickly, attempting to sneak away without being noticed. Optimus frowns at Sentinel. "I didn't know you were here." Optimus says.

"its my ship, Optimus, of course I'm fragging here. I wasn't going to let them take my ship without me." Sentinel huffs, glaring at Optimus. he turns immediately to Bumblebee. the scout hadn't made it too far down the hallway, despite his attempts to get away as fast and quietly as possible. "and just where are you off to, Bumbler?" Sentinel glares. Bumblebee doesn't stop.

"away." Bumblebee mutters as he walks.

"I'm talking to you Bumbler!" Sentinel snaps.

"I answered you. I told you I was going away." Bumblebee huffs, turning to look at Sentinel. he glares, before turning back around and continuing down the hallway. he's unprepared for a rough servo to grab his shoulder and yank

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