Runaway Bride (Yandere! Obsessed! Christian Brutal Medic X Reader)

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This was requested by @KatDerp so hope you like it bro :)

Brutal's POV

Tonight it would finally happen! Tonight was the night when I finally made (Y/N) (L/N) my bride! I had already gotten her a beautiful black dress, it would fit perfectly!

I sighed happily as I grabbed my high powered night vision binoculars and made my way to her house. I watched her sleep, how I wanted to be there too! I grinned as I watched her sleep. "Just vait a little longer mein love, Ich vill take jou avay from everyone else soon. Jou vill be mine und mine alone." I said as I snuck into her house.

I carefully opened her bedroom door and walked up to her bed. She was sleeping soundly, I frowned. I then pulled out a syringe with a sedative in it and poised it for her neck. "Es tut mir leid my love, zis is necessary." I muttered quietly.

She woke up and screamed so I covered her mouth with my hand and grinned at her. "It's alright liebling ~ zis vill only hurt for a moment." I said as I injected the sedative into her bloodstream. She slowly blacked out until she was fully knocked out.

I picked her up bridal style and carried her back home. She was mine now! She was going to stay with me forever and ever and she'll never leave me and we'll love each other forever!

Your POV

I woke up in a black bridal gown. "How long was I out? And, where am I?" I asked out loud. A guy walked into the room wearing a black tuxedo. I gulped fearfully considering there were several blood stains on his tux.

He grinned insanely at me and walked towards me. I backed away but he snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him until I crashed into his chest. I whimpered but he only chuckled and stroked my hair.

"No need to be afraid love ~ jou vill be mein bride und ve vill be married und love each other forever!" He said happily and insanely. His bride?! Did he honestly think I was going to marry him?! That explained the bridal gown I was wearing and the tuxedo he was wearing.

"Why me?" I asked quietly. He pecked my lips before responding "Jou are beautiful liebling, I only vant jou to be mein bride forever. Ich liebe dich (Y/N), mein beautiful bride." Ich liebe dich? What did that mean? "What does 'Ich liebe dich' mean?" I asked worried about his answer.

He grinned "It mean 'I love jou' mein love." He loves me?! "Who are you?" I asked timidly. He smiled murderously and pecked my lips "Mein name is Christian Brutal Medic my dear. Jou may call me Brutal if jou wish. Jou are (Y/N) (L/N), ja?" He asked. I nodded, how did he know my name?

"How do you know my name?" I asked fearfully. He smiled again "Ich know everyzing about jou. Ich know jour mother's name is (m/n) und jour Vater's name is (f/n) und jour first pet vas a (first pet) und his/her name vas (first pet name). Isn't zat right mein liebling?" He asked with a grin.

I was even more panicked, how could he possibly know all that about me?! "H- how do you" he cut me off with a passionate kiss. He then broke the kiss and smiled insanely at me "Ich know all of zis because I haff been watching jou for a long time liebling. Ich took it upon myself to learn everyzing I could about jou to make jou as happy as Ich could vhen I finally made jou mein bride."

He - he's been stalking me?! "Y- you've been stalking me?!" I asked fearfully. He kissed my cheek before replying "Not stalking liebling, loving. Some call it stalking but Ich call it learning how to make mein wife happy." He said with a grin. He was determined that I be his bride, but I didn't want to be his bride.

I backed away from him then ran as fast as I could with the gown slowing me down. I didn't have time to find my clothes and change into those. He would catch me then do who knows what to me. I eventually found my t shirt and sweat pants folded neatly on a bed so I closed and locked the door and took the gown off.

I felt arms wrap themselves around my waist and a voice purr "So jou vant me to mark jou as mine now ~ fine vith me liebling ~" I tried to escape but it was useless. I was powerless against him, he was way stronger than me.

He then proceeded to "mark me as his" while I pleaded for him to let me go. He roughly kissed me and it was over... Eventually... He had fallen asleep with me in his arms, he was holding me in a loving embrace.

I cautiously moved his arm off me and got up. Walking was painful but I managed to get to the door. I tried to open the door but it was locked. My heart sank in my chest as I kept trying to get the door open so I could escape the sociopath.

I felt arms wrap themselves around my waist and someone leave a trail of tender kisses up my neck. He woke up! I whimpered fearfully and tried to escape his grip "Shhhhh it's alright liebling, nozing is going to hurt jou. I vould never allow anyzing to hurt jou und I vould never hurt jou. I love jou."
I tried to walk away but I winced in pain. He immediately rushed over to me and asked me about the pain, when it had started, how bad it was, etc. "So jou are saying... Ich caused zis pain?" He asked sadly. I nodded fearful of what he was going to do to me.

He kissed my forehead and spoke in a tender voice "I vould never intentionally harm jou love. Es tut mir leid." I looked at him confused "I'm sorry." He repeated in English. I timidly nodded.

Time skip to the wedding

"Do you, (Y/N) (L/N), take Brutal to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I took a deep breath "I do." Brutal smiled lovingly at me. "And do you, Brutal, take (Y/N) (L/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife?" As if he needed to be asked "I do." "Then by the power invested in me by God, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Brutal grinned and smashed his lips onto mine for a passionate kiss. I kissed him back and felt him grin happily. Eventually we needed air so we broke the kiss and went home.

Brutal was overjoyed to finally have me as his bride. It had taken him about four months before he finally convinced me that he only wanted to love me and that he meant me no harm. Over the course of the four months I had grown fond of him and even started to return his feelings.

I sometimes wondered what would have happened if I had ran away from him. Would he have stalked me again? Would he have kidnapped me again? Would he have tried to make me his bride again? Probably. He was persistent when it came to me. He was also a bit overprotective but he didn't want anything to happen to his beloved bride.

Well this happened. Anyway so next up is the vampire! Medic X shy! Reader. Until da next chapter, later my tacos

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