t w e n t y - f o u r

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hey guys, extra long chapter for you guys. plz read the a/n at the end of the chapter. :)

Me and Jc got back into the house and everyone giggled at Jc. He looked disappointed, and I had a huge grin on my face.

"She shut the door in my face." Jc rolled his eyes and sat next to Alexia. Still half naked..

"Well, you are kind of naked." Alexia half smiled and looked at Jc.

"Well, that's all O2L, see you guys next week!" Kian took the camera from me and pointed it to everyone.

"Bye!" We all waved to the camera, and he turned it off.

"So, what do you guys wanna do now?" Ricky asked.

"Someone needs to go change." Everyone looked at Jc.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going, sheesh.." Jc went to go get his clothes from where he threw them.

"It's so dark out." I walked over to the sliding door.

I walked outside, and the pool was still, the lights were on also. I sat on the ground and lied flat on the concrete.

"Hey." Alexia said squatting next to me.

"Hello." I smiled and looked up at the black sky.

"What are you looking at?" She asked me.

"They sky." I simply said.

"Cool." She chuckled.

We stayed silent for a minute. Looking at the pitch black sky, with speckles of stars. In my mind, I was think about how many stars there were in the entire galaxy.

"I wonder how many stars there are." I said out loud.

"Billions?" Alexia replied. It was more like question.

"Trillions?" I said to her.

"Who knows." She said turning her head to look at me.

"Can I ask you something Alex?" I said looking at her.

"Sure." She looks back up at the sky.

"I want to run away." I said blankly.

"What?" She gasped. More like a concerned one, not a surprised one.

"I don't know... I just want to." I shrugged.

"Well there has to be a reason. You can't just say you want to run away with out a reason, it's out of the question." She stated. Alexia is considered my guardian. My mom died a few years back, and my dad is m.i.a. I am very happy that she filled in for them, but I'm an adult now.

"I just need to get my head straight." I said.

"Look, we're going to college pretty soon and I want to figure what I'm going to do with my life. Even though I am a YouTuber, I need a career." I sat up and I was telling her the truth. I did want to run away, but not for a long time. Just for a couple of months.

"Ariel, you're twenty years old! Life isn't going to pass you by just because you don't have a career." Alexia said.

"Yes it is. I need time to think and I need time life straightened out.." I trailed off.

"No. I'm not letting you leave." She scolded me.

"I have to! It's for my life." We were both sitting up by then. This isn't a fight, it's an argument. But she's acting like I'm going away forever.

"Well you can just stay here and think. Why do you have to go away?" She raised her voice. Her eyes were shiny and the boys were watching us through the sliding door. But, they left a couple of seconds after.

"I just need to get out of this city, I feel trapped and I want to just get out." I put my face in my hands.

"I just need to get out." I whispered.

"Don't leave." Alexia pulled me in for a hug.

"I have too. I lived here for too long, I want to get out." I held her tightly. She was doing the same.

"Fine..." She quietly said.

"Fine. You can leave but, can't leave for too long, call me everyday, and text, and promise to be safe." She squeezed me.

"I will."

"But, what about Kian?" She looked at me.

"I'll tell him, but he can't know right now. I need to plan and get some money." I tied my hair up in a pony tail. I was sweating a lot and my hair was sticking to my neck.

"Let's go inside its getting late and we need to go back home." She wiped her eyes and stood up.

"Okay. Thanks Alex, I won't be gone for long. Only a few months." I said. She held out her hand and I took it.

We walked inside and Kian looked at me with a blank look. Jc was starring at Alexia and Ricky was just watching tv.. Typical Ricky.

"It's 10:30, and I'm getting sleepy. Can we go home?" I told Kian.

"Yeah, let's go." Kian said.

"Bye Ricky." I hugged him.

"Nice to see you." He waved.

{in the car}

Jc was driving and Alexia was asleep she was snoring, but they were soft snores. Kian was asleep on my lap, his arms were wrapped around my legs. I was brushing his blonde and blue hair, and he held my hand and put it next to his cheek.

Kian POV

Her hand was warm, I liked that she was here with me. But, why did I hear her say that she wanted to run away? Or was it Alexia who said that?

"So Ariel, what's going on?" Jc said.

"Nothing much, how about you Cloud?" She chuckled.

"So running away, is nothing?" Jc said seriously.

"Eavesdropper." She said annoyed.

So she is running away... But why? Was she even going to tell me that she was leaving? Why?

"Well, why?" Jc asked.

"Because, I need to get out of here and I need to think for awhile." She sighed.

Did she not like it here anymore? She's probably going to break up with me before she leaves...


"Is there something wrong with this place?" Jc said to her.

"No, I just need to think about my life.. Get my priorities straight." She said trailed off. I squeezed her hand, but not too much. I needed her to think that I was sleeping so she wouldn't say anything to me now.

Ariel POV

"Well it's your choice not mine." Jc sighed.

"That's why I'm making this choice, I have to leave." I said sternly.

Kian squeezed my hand, and I knew he was awake. I felt bad for not telling him first, but I wouldn't know what to say.. He would be heartbroken.

We arrived at the house and I got out, I put Alexia on my back and walked to the porch of our house. Jc walked me.

"Be careful when you're gone." He put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair. He kissed my head and I gave him a hug.

"I will." I said.

I walked in the house. The quiet, dark, somewhat messy, modern house. I threw Alexia on the couch, she didn't even wake up. I sat next to her and I just feel, nothing.

no sadness, happiness, anger.. nothing. My emotions are gone.

Sense I'm leaving in a few weeks, I'm going to write a note to Kian ahead of time. I wouldn't be able to say this to him in person so I'd rather say this in a note.


{one week before I leave}

"I'm going to miss you so much." Alexia squeezed me half to death with that hug.

I'm currently at the airport and I have my two suit cases, my phone and my favorite pair of high top converse on. My jean shorts had a paint stain on them and my hair was messy. But, I was on my way to Miami.

"Flight 15 is now boarding. Flight 15 is now boarding." The speakers echoed.

"That's me." I half smiled, but I was about to cry my eyes out.

"I'm really going to miss you. I'll call you everyday." I hugged her and ran to board my plane.

I got to my seat, and I dialed one of friends numbers. She's probably the only person I know who lives in Miami.

"Hello?" I heard her say.

"Guess who?" I giggled.

"Ariel? Hey!" She screamed.

"Hey Daniela. Yeah it's me, you remember I'm going to Miami right?" I asked her.

"Yeah, of course. I'm was waiting for your call. What time are you getting over here?" She said.

"Around six a.m.? Probably seven." I said.

"Well call me when you get here." She giggled.

"Okay, I'll see you in a bit." I giggled.

"Okay llama. Bye!" She yelled. The person I was sitting next to looked at me weirdly and I shrugged. It sounded like I had her on speaker, but it's just she was yelling through the phone.

"Bye." I hung up, and looked out the window of the plane.

Looks like I'm on my way to Miami.


Yes, that was the last chapter of my book. Because THERES GONNA BE A SEQUEL

IM SO EXCITED TO BE WRITING ANOTHER BOOK FOR YOU GUYS! I'm literally crapping a building just thinking of new chapter ideas. Thank you guys so much for reading my book and getting me to 2k reads! That means a lot to me. I love you guys so damn much.

Btw, what do you think the note to Kian said? Cliff hanger huh? Well, it might take me a while to write a few chapters for my next book. I want to make it a very good book. Who knows I may even write a third book ;))

(What should my title be for next book?? Give me some suggestions.)


-Ariel :)

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